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英文导游词范文 篇2














  就的道路,经过百年时间的打磨已变得十分光滑,呈现出中间高两边低的状态,像鱼的脊背。两边是青砖小瓦的民居和整齐划一的油漆门板。不知道大家有没有注意,这每户每家门口上方挂有一个灯笼,这灯笼的正方写的是这家男主人的姓氏,如卢,就代表这家人性卢。而灯笼的后面则是这家人的祠堂名或群名。大家感兴趣的可以找下自己的姓氏。大家看那些飞檐高翘的墙叫做风火墙,也叫马头墙。因其形似马头,也就是相当于我们今天的防火墙。这种墙体具有浓厚的皖中徽派建筑特色。古代的建筑一般都为木建筑,怕天火,而风火墙呢,就可以起到隔绝火势蔓延的作用。这种设计既美观又实用,体现了我们古代三河人民的智慧。其实,我们古镇三河有着悠悠2500多年的历史,关于三河最早的文字记载始见于左传,其中记载的公元前537年,吴楚之间的鹊岸之战即发生于此。三河地理位置独特,水运发达,古代就靠水运发家。曾有小南京、小上海的美誉。一度成为皖中商品走廊和稻米集散地。 那么现在我们前往第一个景点,刘同兴隆庄。刘代表姓刘的人开的庄子,中间的同兴隆是这个庄子的'商号,庄主叫刘锦堂,他家有五个兄弟,他与二哥刘锦臣就住在刘同兴隆庄。整座刘同兴隆庄分为五进八厢三十二间房屋。临街是一幢二层木楼,二进为走马转心楼,后三进都是平房,建筑面积约有700平方米。







英文导游词范文 篇3

  Another tourist attraction in Kaiping City is the Li Garden. It was a private residential garden built in 1926 – 1936 by an American Chinese, Xie Wei Li by name. The garden’s name “Li” was derived from the name of its owner and it gives expression to the meaning of a Chinese idiom Xiu Shen Li Ben, which is written on an archway in the garden, meaning that cultivating one’s moral and character is the key to success in one’s life and work. This idea of the owner’s is also embodied in many other inscriptions and couplets written in the garden.

  The Li Garden is laid out in the way of traditional Chinese gardening but many of its structures are built in Western styles, such as the two Roman-styled structures popularly known as the Bird’s Nest and the Flower & Rattan Pavilion. The garden covers an area of 19, 600 square meters, with a man-made stream running through and cutting it into two parts, which are connected by arch-bridges. Along the stream are pavilions, a hundred-meter-long corridor, archways, residential houses and other structures.

  The residential buildings in the villa area are also combinations of Chinese and Western architectural elements. While their main structures are foreign-styled, some are roofed like a Chinese palace, and inside they are decorated and furnished with both Chinese and foreign artifacts: Western fireplace and pendent lamps, Italian ceramic tiles, Chinese wooden furniture, wall paintings depicting Chinese folk stories, Chinese gilded wood-carvings etc.

  The Li Garden is indeed a paragon of harmonious combination of the Chinese and foreign cultures.as a watchtower for it was located in an open land and was provided with electric generator,searchlights and guns.

英文导游词范文 篇4

  Changsha city, referred to as "long, nickname" star city ", "chu city", is also the provincial capital of hunan province, my hometown. By mountain city is the most valuable gift of nature to changsha. The beautiful land of write too much better on historical spanning, dufu.longhai left "jiangnan landscape, the fallen petal season and every gentleman" song of eternal; Zhang Shi song dynasty, zhu xi in yuelu academy teaching twice; More generation great man MAO zedong crowd j head, high-spirited, encouraging words...

  When it comes to changsha, people naturally think of j head, the xiangjiang river sight. Orange continent, some people say that it is a painting, plum for spring, zhu qing Elizabeth Barbara ohm, orange, yellow, orange, green, silver. Orange continent, someone says it is a poem, between heaven and earth day flow, the ancient and modern in character. The emotion recalling ancientry, master the ups and downs. Orange continent, is the green pearl inlaid in the xiangjiang river, changsha is the pride of the people. Xiangjiang river sight all sight fully reflects the natural scenery in hunan province, a beautiful environment, is a good place for tourists sightseeing trip, and citizen exercise night tour of the state. Xiangjiang river is the mother river of the changsha, it surging south, bubbling to the north, zhao mountain in changsha city, the three han alum turned to the northwest, to Joe for wangcheng, in yueyang dongting, through the changsha city about 25 kilometers. The xiangjiang river on both sides of the red cliff, such as chardonnay, white as snow, sand willows, such as silk, Qiang sails as a cloud, make a beautiful sight along the river in changsha.

  When it comes to changsha, nature is little not food. Hunan cuisine is one of the eight great cuisines of China. Today changsha delicacies already known: squid spicy small lobster, iron plate, stinky tofu, hot and sour powder... Eating in changsha, oneself of breath, "food" is interesting, such as "eat" such as drunk. In star city streets, how many traditional snacks waiting for, and how many trendy snack make people hope.

  With the expansion of the city, the changes of flickering skyscrapers. At the same time, the street is lined with trees on both sides, we like to live in the garden. Straight, clean, clean, spacious avenue of traffic of the city changes with each passing day, make the camp of the new road tunnel urbanization construction on a new stage; Wuhan-guangzhou high-speed accelerated economic exchanges and coastal cities in central China, greatly improved the living standards of people; The city subway and light rail would be built and also greatly facilitates people's travel.

  Changsha, zhuzhou and xiangtan urban agglomeration in 20xx formally approved by the national construction of a resource-conserving and environment-friendly comprehensive reform pilot area, become the rise of central China "engine", drive the economic development of China. Was to press evaluation, "changzhutan economic integration both experience and lessons, whether success or setbacks, will be to the Yangtze river delta, the pearl river delta, bohai sea region these newcomers profound enlightenment." Believe in changsha will be more beautiful tomorrow.

  I love my hometown, my beautiful star city - changsha.

英文导游词范文 篇5

  Today we’ll visit the famous sacred place of Taoism-----Wudang Mountain.Now I would like to outline the general situation of this mountain. It is notonly one of the first batch([b?t?]) national level scenic spots (首批国家级旅游景点)ofChina but also the heritage of the world. Wudang Mountain, also known as TaiheMountain, is located in Shiyan City, northwest of Hubei Province. In the lateperiod of the Easten Han Dynasty, Taoism道教 was born and Wudang Mountain wasrespected as the immortal 不朽的([i'm?:t?l]) mountain of Taoism.

  Besides the refined(微妙的) and elegant natural sceneries , the ancientarchitectures are grand

  [ɡr?nd] and magnificent . The ancient complex of Mt. Wudang, inherited继承down since the Ming dynasty, is revered令人尊敬的 for its typical royal style, asproved by the saying of “ constructing the Forbidden City in the north andredecorating Wudang in the south”. In 1994, the ancient architectural complex ofMt. Wudang was listed in the Catalogue目录 ['k?t?l?ɡ] of the World CulturalHeritage. The whole complex adopted采用 royal architecture style, utilizing利用['ju:tilaizi ?] fully the natures, showing exotic layout.异国情调的布局

  Now we’ve reached our destination---Wudang Mountain. A few minutes later,we will reach our first station----the needle-rubbing well.

  The buildings of the Needle-rubbing Well were located at a high point.According to Wudang Taoism, it was this exact point that receives the first beamof pure positive sunshine when the sun rises every day, so it is also calledPure Sunshine Palace.

  Now we are in the Taizipo zone. The building in front of us is theNeedle-rubbing Well. Let’s get off the bus. The Needle-rubbing Well is atypically exquisite精美的 [ek'skwizit]building in Wudang Mountain, whose overallarrangement is supremely ordered and beautiful她的整体布局极度的美丽而有序, and tells aboutthe story of Zhenwu's training

  It is said that Zhenwu, crown prince of Jing le Country, went to WudangMountain to train himself at the age of 15.After self- training in the deepforest for several decades but achieved nothing, he was totally depressed anddecided to go back to the secular world; however when he came here and met anold woman, rubbing a ferrous ['fer?s] pestle to get a needle, which made

  him realize that "Perseverance [,p?:si:'vi?r?ns] will prevail [pri'veil "so he came back to the deep forest to continue his self-training and finally hebecame a god.

  Entering the gate, you will see a group of smart and exquisite buildings,without symmetrical独特的 [si'metrik?l] arrangement, but with a unique style andlayout, which allow you to easily distinguish the primary and secondaryones.

  Let’s get on the bus and go to our next station----Purple Cloud Palce.Before my description of this scenic spot, you can draw a picture of the palacein your mind with imagination.

  The nucleus construction of Purple Cloud Palace, The Grand Hall is the onlyleft double-eaved, lean-to-hill重檐歇山顶, wooden building. As one of the quite rare稀有的[rε?] building of uplift wooden crossbeam construction抬梁式大木结构 in the historyof the Taoist architecture, the Grand Hall is scientific and rational instructure and overall arrangement, harmonious和谐的 and coherent一致的 [k?u'hi?r?nt]in artistic style, united with surroundings as a whole, and unique in taste andfeatures among the buildings in Wudang Mountain. Meanwhile(at the meantime), theGrand Hall, having absorbed the techniques of various times' artisans,demonstrated展示,证明 ['dem?nstreit] great achievements of architectures in Ming andQing Dynasties, therefore, worthy of visiting and researching

  The palace is in front of us. Compared with your imagination, what do youthink of the palace? Dazing是晕眩 and full of praise [preiz] from travelers theinner part of the Grand Hall is. Let’s enter the hall. Carefully painted andwell carved [kɑ:v], the Hall is magnificent in vigour 气势, crafty on idea, smoothand natural with sculpting雕刻法, unsophisticated[?ns?'fistikeitid]and gracious bydecoration, solemn庄严肃穆的 ['s?l?m] and exquisite over displaying. In the hall,five shrines神龛 [?rain] are set there. Around the shrines hundreds of rareantiques古玩dedicated. Most of the precious antiques, dynamic动态的`[dai'n?mik],vivid, and wonderful to see, were the images of Gods by clay sculpture泥塑 andgoods for worshipping during the Yuan, Ming, Qing Dynasties.

  In the middle of the Shrine dedicated the image of Zhenwu. With a height of4.8meters, the image is the biggest clay sculpture. Another divine神圣的 image madeby paper and covered with golden leaves is the best preserved 保存[pri'z?:vd] andmost ancient paper image ,which comprehensively displays广泛地,最大程度地展示了 themarrow精华on craftwork of paper pasting裱糊['peisti?], sculpting, gilding镀金, coloreddrawing, and has great value in researching

  ancient paper pasting.

  The fastigium屋脊 of the Grand Hall consists of six flying colored glaze彩釉[gleiz] dragons. An Aquarius is surrounded by the dragons that are painted inthree different colors. Due to the heaviness and highness, the Aquarius has tobe drawn by four iron ['ar?n] chains [t?ein]铁链. Each end of the chain isattached to the hand of a divine kid, it is said that the four kids ofdeity神明

  ['dirti] has stuck to their positions in order to keep the Aquarius steadyno matter it is chilly寒冷, scorching灼热, rainy, windy or thundering. Because theirspacial positions are even higher than the superior 上级的[sju:'piri?] God, thefour kids are also called Super Gods.

  After the rebuilding in 1412 A.D., the Grand Hall had been repaired aboutten times in different times. Therefore, it can maintain its basic features. In1994, the experts on world’s relics from UN inspected Wudang Mountain and said,"Here, we witness the sample of traditional remedial治疗[ri'mi:di?l,means to theancient buildings".

  Now we are leaving for the Golden Summit, which is regarded as the symbolof the Wudang mountain .We will go there by tram rail索道. Now we have got to thestation. Let’s get of the bus and get on the tram rail. On the way to GoldenPeak by tram rail, we are now traveling among the peaks, and then we arefloating in the clouds, just like gods. We have reached the main peak .It is1612 meters high. The Golden Palace is located here. Standing in front of theGolden Palace, you can have overall view of the beautiful scene of WudangMountain,。

  Golden Summit (金顶)is located in Wudang Mountain-day peak of the main peak,1612 meters high. And the Golden Palace, with a height of5.45 meters and flyingeaves飞檐 decorated by dragon, phoenix凤凰['fi:niks], sea horse, and otherimmortals神仙、神兽, is the highest one in the ancient Chinese construction grade.Bronze青铜制[br?nz] constructed, the Golden Palace was gilded by gold outside. Allthe parts were so perfect matched that there is without anycrevice缝隙['krevis]nails. Enduring [in'djuri?]保持、持久 about 600 years’ wind andrain, thunder and lightening, cold winter and hot summer, the Golden Palace isstill shining as if it was newly built up. Hence, the Golden Palace, nationaltreasure, not only presents the wonderful Chinese ancient architecture skills,but also reveals揭示 the wisdom of Chinese people and ancient scientific level.The Golden Palace is the integration of intelligence and creativity智慧与创造力的结晶,and also the display of art and beauty. The inside walls of the Golden Palacewere lightly carved with soft floating clouds lines. Purple mantel壁炉架, clean andsmooth, reflects a gentle and

  harmonious color. The statues of Emperor Zhenwu, Gold Boy and JadeGirl金童玉女, and the Generals of Water and Fire水火二将 are being worshipped inside ofthe Gold Palace, with delicate portray and distinct personality精美的描画和鲜明的特点.

  Golden Clock Pavilion阁[p?'vilj?n] and Jade Drum [dr?m] 鼓Pavilion are infront of the Golden Palace. On the two sides of the palace, there are lot houseand stamp house for pilgrims

  ['pilgrim]朝圣者to draw lots and stamp the holy mark.

  We will get back to the station by tram rail. You have enjoyed the view ofthe peaks again. Now let’s get on the bus.

英文导游词范文 篇6

  Good morning, everyone.Welcome to this beautiful coastal city-Tianjin. Myname is Li Shimin. You can call me Xiao Li. It’s a great honor to be your tourguide today. On behalf of the Tianjin China International Travel Service and mycolleagues, I am very glad to extend my warm welcome to all of you here. This isour driver, Mr. Wang. He has more than 10 years of driving experience, so youcan be assured that your time on the bus will be safe and comfortable. Duringthe whole days’ travel, Mr. Wang and I will be with you to tour the beautifulsights of Tianjin Ancient Cultural Street.

  Now I'd like to introduce this famous street to you. This street is locatedin the Nankai District of Tianjin and was formally opened in 1986. Althoughoriginally started a business street, it has become one of the main touristattractions in Tianjin and attracts a great number of tourists every year.

  Walk along the street, and you will be particularly impressed by thesplendid classical architecture in the folk style of the Qing Dynasty as well asthe hundreds of stores selling a wide variety of Chinese traditional folkhandicrafts, among which Yang Liuqing New Year Paintings and Niren Zhang PaintedSculptures are the most famous. You can buy whatever you want and taste thedelicious local Tianjin snacks.

  Now you have one hour free time to enjoy yourself. I hope you will have agood time here.

  Time goes by so quickly and your trip in Tianjin Ancient Cultural Stree isdrawing to a close. It’s really my pleasure to spend a pleasant andunforgettable day with all of you. On behalf of my Chinese colleagues presenthere, I wish to take this opportunity to express our heartfelt thanks to all ofyou. We thank you for your patience and friendliness, which has made our workeasier and has also enabled us to learn many things about your country andpeople. We also appreciate your cooperation and understanding, which has madethe trip a pleasure and success. Here I also express my heartfelt thanks to ourdriver, Mr. Wang for his skilled driving.

  If we were unable to meet some of your expectations, we do apologize forthat. Please know that we did our best to keep all of you happy all thetime.

  There goes a Chinese saying, “A friend from afar brings one boundless joy.”I hope you’ll take back happy memories of your travel in Tianjin. If you want totravel in Tianjin someday in the future I hope to be your guide again. I’ll takeyou around more tourist sites in Tianjin.

  I wish you a pleasant trip to your next destination and smooth journey backto your country.

  thank you.

英文导游词范文 篇7

  Kunming lake is located in the Summer Palace in Beijing, its area is aboutthree-quarters of the total area. Former northwest Beijing many springs convergeinto natural lakes, has seven names such as yet, large parking in the lake.

  Kunming lake, a former northwest Beijing many springs converge into naturallakes, has seven names such as yet, large parking in the lake. Due to thelongevity hill after the predecessor has the name of urn hill, also known as urnhill parking. Kunming lake is a natural, artificial lake. Here is the originalxishan hill arch fans, former reason springs to assemble a lowland swamp.

  In 1153 AD, after gold yanjing (as) in its capital, gold master yan honglight out the chicken water land, built in the jinshan palace. More from thewest to the aim of yuquan hill spring note at the foot of the jinshan, make itbecome a plain, storage called the golden stream. This is the precursor of thekunming lake today. To the yuan dynasty, to increase the golden stream of waterwill be needed to supply the Kyoto grain transportation, water conservancy, guoshoujin guided ChangPing County white water from springs and yuquan hill intothe mooring floating village. Jinshan was renamed urn hill, lake was renamed urnhill berth, the surface than had previously been expanded. In the Ming dynasty,white village water channel (white floating weir) disrepair, the water dried up,urn hill parking area is narrow. Emperor qianlong in the qing dynasty carveddeep to expand mooring and urn hill, become larger than when Ming dynasty triplegiant leaching, the beginning of the kunming lake.

  This name, is the emperor that is applied in the qianlong emperor inchangan capital kunming pool practicing wenhuan allusions. The name used today.After the yuan dynasty Beijing its capital for grain transportation, presidedover by the water conservancy experts guo shoujin, upstream water development,changping along the mountain spring water and running water into the lake,became mostly in the city of grain transportation by using the reservoir. Manyplanting lotus in the lake in the Ming dynasty, around the paddy planting rice,lake have temples, pavilions, wins again, like the jiangnan scenery, hence thereare "west lake", "west lake scenery" of reputation.

  MingWu of land god, Ming has been on a boat to go fishing for fun here.Qing qianlong built qingyi garden, the lake will develop, become the size of thenow, and take the emperor in changan kunming digging pool exercises war story,named kunming lake, on the lake every summer training exercise. Kunming lake onthe main subject is west dike and six bridge, east dike, the west embankment inthe south lake island, the marble seventeen-arch bridge which and so on. Flowaround the longevity hill river at the foot of the mountain, known as thelake.

英文导游词范文 篇8

  Hello, ladies and gentlemen!

  Today we are going to visit the former emperor worship place - Tiantan. Now let me introduce the echo wall, it refers to the surrounding the imperial vault and circular wall tall things Peidian for. The perimeter of the fence is 193.2 meters, the diameter is 61.5 meters, the wall height is 3.72 meters, and the thickness is 0.9 meters. If two people were standing in the courtyard things Peidian after the wall, all of the north wall face whisper, like to call each other like dialogue, very interesting, this is the origin of the name of the echo wall.

  Here is a charming center stone echo upper center has a Circular Mound Altar Stone Center, visitors are most interested in a wonderful place. When you speak softly on the center of the circle, you sound great and sympathetic. But people outside the second, Third Ring Road do not feel that way. Why? The original, this is a kind of acoustic phenomena due to its top is very smooth, the sound wave to the distance around the fence panel, can quickly be reflected. According to the acoustic expert test, the time from the sound to the sound wave and back to the stone was only zero point zero seven seconds. The speaker can not distinguish between the original and its echo, so standing in the center of the stone sound, the sound is loud echo. The feudal rulers put this phenomenon as "God acoustic vertical image", is the world peoples court in accordance with the infinite heart response, and gives the "King billion trillion from the stone" reputation.

  Today's tour is coming to an end. I hope it will be a permanent memory of your trip to Beijing during my stay in Tiantan. At the same time, please also bring the blessing of Tiantan to your family and friends.

英文导游词范文 篇9

  Dear tourists, we are going to Jiuhua Mountain right now. Let's listen toXiao Ke first. I'll give you a brief introduction, so that when we arrive, wecan visit more quickly.

  Jiuhua Mountain, located in Qingyang County, South Anhui Province, is oneof the four famous Buddhist mountains in China. Liu Yuxi, a writer of the TangDynasty, praised Jiuhua Mountain after climbing it. He thought that the famousmountains in the world could not compete with Jiuhua Mountain. Li Bai went toMount Jiuhua three times. Jiuhua Mountain is characterized by beautifulmountains and numerous Buddhist temples.

  To visit Jiuhua Mountain, you should first go to Jiuhua street, which isthe center of Jiuhua Mountain. Temples are mainly concentrated there, so it iscalled "Lotus Buddha kingdom". It is actually a village on the mountain. Besidestemples, there are shops, schools, hotels and farmhouses. Visitors can staythere and take it as a starting point to visit the scenic spots on themountain.

  Huacheng temple on Jiuhua street is the oldest ancient temple of JinDynasty in Jiuhua Mountain. It is also the main temple of Jiuhua Mountain. Thearchitecture of the temple is arranged according to the mountain situation,reflecting the superb art of architectural design. In the temple, there is anancient clock which is more than ten feet high and weighs about 20__ Jin. It isexquisitely cast and has a loud voice. It is struck with a mallet. The solemnand clear sound of the bell reverberates in the valley, which often makes peoplefeel extraordinarily refined. "Huacheng evening clock" has become one of the"Jiuhua ten sceneries".

  Jiuhua scenery is on the roof. Tiantai peak is the main peak of JiuhuaMountain, with an altitude of more than 1300 meters. There is a saying that "ifyou don't get on the roof, you don't come.". From the rooftop of Jiuhua street,about 15 Huali mountain road, along the road through many scenic spots. When youare out of breath and reach the top of the roof, the scenery in front of youwill make you open-minded and tired. All around the mountains crawling, lookingat Jiuhua street, only palm so big.

  Well, here we are. We all get off the bus and follow Xiao Ke into thescenic spot. We must pay attention to our team flag. Don't fall behind or go tothe wrong team.

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