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Ladies and gentlemen:

  I am a volunteer of the China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation. Last winter vacation , we had an investigation for mothers in poor mountainous areas, and we went to a mountainous village in Guizhou province.

  what I had saw there make me so sad and impressive. Some children are in clothes made of woven bags , herd goats in the frozen red faces in the cold wind touch me deeply. In addition ,the women ,who are mothers of the children ,know little about outside world because of lack knowledge do not have ways to earn money, and do not have a appropriate method to bring up their descendant either. Most of their husband have went out to work to alleviate their economic burden,leaving them take care of children and old parents. Obviously,the women's situation in poor mountainous areas is not look good.

  Compared with them, we are all very lucky people in the world. You usually drinking coffee in a bar, paying to play games in a park,and buying expansive coat in a big ything looks so bright. Therefore, I hope the lucky people will lend a helping hand to help the mothers! Perhaps this contribution for you is only a small expenditure, but they add up to love, and love can bring them happier life! The money donated will be used for helping mothers learn to read, training them to get working skill and providing women medical treatment.

  Let's share our gook luck with these unfortunates and our benevolent love will continue for ever! Thank you!

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