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通信行业公司自我评价 篇1

  我叫,学习的是通讯技术专业。大四的学业已经接近尾声,为了在走出社会之前打好基础,能更好地扬帆前行,我到了网通营业厅进行实习,一下是我实习的自我鉴定。 在公司领导的正确领导下,在上级的指导、在同事的共同努力下,我按照领导确定的工作思路,以微笑服务为己任,以顾客满意为宗旨,立足本职、爱岗敬业、扎扎实实地做好基层营业工作。现对自己全年的工作总结如下:一、勤奋学习,与时俱进理论是行动的先导。作为网通基层服务人员,我深刻体会到理论学习不仅是任务,而且是一种责任,更是一种境界。一年来我坚持勤奋学习,努力提高理论水平,强化思维能力,注重用理论联系实际,用实践来锻炼自己。

  1、注重克服思想上的“惰”性。坚持按制度, 实习报告前言,按计划进行理论学习。首先不把理论学习视为“软指标”和额外负担,其次是按自己的学习计划,坚持个人自学,发扬“钉子”精神,挤时间学,正确处理工作与学习的矛盾,不因工作忙而忽视学习,不因任务重而放松学习。

  2、注重理论联系实际。在工作中用理论来指导解决实践,学习目的再于应用,以理论的指导,不断提高了分析问题和解决问题的能力,增强了工作中的原则性、系统性、预见性和创造性。 简而言之,大家都要立志成为一个道德高尚、才智杰出的人,可从来都没有用一个明确而清晰的标准来要求过、衡量过自己,这让大家时感困惑。现在中国移动给了我们一把很好的钥匙——正德厚生臻于至善。这八字虽少,但意义非凡。正德厚生,即正身之德、厚民之生;臻于至善,即不断追求完美,是从优秀到卓越的有力体现。

  它至少回答了:“我们是谁?我们要做什么?我们的目标是什么?”,更明确了我们的工作责任、社会责任和自我责任。因此,我们网通人只有坚持以强烈的社会责任感为使命,在工作中勇担责任,对自己严格要求,并不断超越,才能打造中国网通卓越的运营体系,建设卓越的组织,培养卓越的人才。只要这样,中国网通必将成为卓越品质的创造者。 经过实习的磨练,我懂得了理论与实践相结合的重要性,今后我将更加努力,在自己的人生道路上,拼搏出一番成就。

通信行业公司自我评价 篇2

  To develop and strengthen the company, the need for strategic decision-makers have a vision of development and a good cooperation management team, back to our company 12 years of experience, I saw really sad, very sorry. Today I have 19 years of work experience combined with our company to talk about two aspects of the growth of the feelings and suggestions.

  First of all, talk about your decision-making, the company in 20xx by the chemical business transformation to pharmaceutical companies, which is definitely a good opportunity for development. Over the years, to see you in this regard also paid a lot of effort, but also achieved some success.However, I would like to suggest that you are in the pursuit of the market value of the product, but also have to scruple the product life cycle and advanced technology products (products are designed, advanced technology determines the product quality, cost and Management of the superiority). We are a production-oriented enterprises, to develop to be stronger, the hand must have 1-2 high-quality products, whether it is the product life cycle, or the advanced nature of the process, the only way we can develop in order to compete with others. I remember you mentioned to me, development or introduction of a good product is really difficult, especially to do drugs. Yes, the "hard" can only show that we do not have this ability, but you are in the decision-making development or the introduction of products, must have this awareness and tendencies, I believe the future support our business is so strong fist product.

  Second, I mention the management team. Any one of the management of the people we work for the company, I believe you are aware of all aspects of its ability, but also believe that he himself is to want to make some success, but later some people still let you Disappointed, and his own dawdle, and finally quietly left. Here, I want to say is that no one can put our great problems to solve all, the problem is solved with your strong support and support, in an experienced, capable, have to play under the leadership of leadership , With a group of dedicated, professional and unity of the work team, there are plans to do one by one item by item. We should stand within the scope of their respective responsibilities to analyze and review whether they are in place, the difficulties encountered in the work need to have a good communication platform and resolute implementation of efforts, otherwise everything is empty. For the work of the people found problems, frank communication needs to give pressure, there must be means, and be implemented, rather than "sorry" , That business is bad.

  I have mentioned above some suggestions, and again I summarize the following:

  1, the company has new development or trends, I suggest you organize a thematic meeting for the participation of managers, one to listen to our ideas, and secondly to the management that we are a big family, is a large team, three Can also take advantage of this work on the relevant division of labor arrangements. Of course, the final decision or you decide.

  2, the formation of a regular organization of departments held a working conference system. The various departments talked about their work situation, the existence of the work difficult to analyze, one by one to propose solutions, the implementation of the responsible person and deal with the views. We must let everyone aware of their own positions, is to get salaries, not dry, is responsible for the boss.

  3, the current, it is recommended that all departments to work self-examination, one by one listed summary, combined with the company to carry out a planned implementation of the status quo solution. In this way, at least the status quo can be aware of their own, we are not afraid of difficulties, the fear is not aware of what the difficulties are not afraid to implement the excuse to shirk the implementation is not afraid of is muddleheaded.

通信行业公司自我评价 篇3

  多年的行政工作,使我深深体会到秘书工作的重要性,更喜爱上了这个工作。这是一个需要更多责任心和细心去完成的工作。我使用五笔字型的中文录入速度每分钟100 字以上;英语的听、说、读、写能力达到四级水平(目前正在进修行政管理本科学历);较擅于进行社交活动,更有组织各种文艺活动的经验;能 够熟练的运用 microsoft office(如:word、excel、exchange、 photoediter、 powerpoint、frontpage、ulead iphoto express 等)的各种功能进行高效的办 公室日常工作。本人工作认真、负责一丝不苟、且具有很强的责任心和进取心。

上一篇:2024语文教学自我评价(精选35篇) 下一篇:2024年关于企业管理培训评价(优秀14篇)