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资料员求职自我评价 篇1
















资料员求职自我评价 篇2

  I came to your company in August 20__ to work in accordance with the company's work requirements to work on different types of construction documents. I am in strict accordance with the company management system, found their work in the rigorous, efficiency has improved. The supervision and management of the receiving and archiving of information, ability to identify information has improved. As a supervisor of information I am the main job of the work with the professional supervision of the construction engineers of the project information to make strict checks.Because the project data is a true reflection of the results of the construction of the project, the information is in the process of building the formation of various forms of information records, and only the supervision of engineers, construction unit information staff to complete and do a good job with this work. In accordance with the contract, the completion of the construction process in the formation of documents, accumulation, test papers and archives. Preparation of monthly supervision, monthly supervision is the supervision department within a month of progress and supervision of the project summary, but also the relevant departments to check, assess the work of the Ministry of Supervision important basis for doing this work is very important to supervise the data Of the governance work, and supervision of data collection, collation and archiving.

  I think a supervisor is not just a simple data collection, collection, collation of engineering information. Timely synchronization of data can reflect the quality of the construction site, progress, construction units, such as the level of work more than the actual situation. But also found that the work required by my company a great harvest, I am glad that they can grow up in such an environment. Work in the process, with an open mind to my colleagues to learn, to strengthen the professional skills of learning breakthrough. I would like to thank the company to provide such a platform, I will be more efforts to improve their level of their greatest potential to tap out.

资料员求职自我评价 篇3

  本人通过了大学的学习和工作经验的积累能熟练使用广联达图形算量、装修工程E算量并利用宏业软件进行组价,熟练使用office办公软件及PS软件对投标文件的'编制,熟悉使用天正 CAD软件对施工图竣工图的绘制。熟悉建筑相关国家标准图集、规范及预算定额的使用,熟悉施工现场及施工工艺、熟悉竣工验收流程、熟悉施工现场操作流程、熟悉标书编制流程等。已有五年的相关专业工作经验,五年中,一直秉承着对工作积极向上、主动、吃苦耐劳、虚心学习、努力进取的态度,对待工作具有很强的责任心和团队合作精神。在工作锻炼中,各方面的专业知识能力的积累均有提高。

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