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关于军训鉴定自我评价 篇1












关于军训鉴定自我评价 篇2

  军训的日子虽苦,却像咖啡一样可以品尝出浓浓的滋味。我原先认为不行的,它却考 验了我并告诉我要坚持到底,胜利终将属于有信念的人。每天的军姿站立,我知觉的时间 已不在是时间,纵然两腿发酸却换得一身挺直。每次的坚持到底都会让我超越自己的感受。

  有过斜风细雨的洗淋却没有潮湿我火红的心,有过炎炎夏日的直射,却没有像晒黑皮肤一 样,晒着我的执著。

  军姿展现的是军人的风采,也展现出的义愤从容之美,坚定之心,硬骨傲苍穹,笑傲 风霜雪,你会觉得有股浩然正气贯长虹。如果青春是精品,那么军姿就是美丽。 也是军训让我体会到了军人的感受,他们放弃了家的温暖,亲人的怀抱。日日夜夜如 熠熠闪耀在我们上空的云层之上。我已经没有理由抱怨生活的枯燥与乏味。因为有这样一 个群体肩负着比我重十万倍的责任。因为有种生活比我艰苦十万倍。

  军训只是逝去了我青春年华的一点点,但逐渐长达成熟的我更加渴望保有持久身的军 训体验。军训磨练了我的意志,把我们的部分生活推到了极限,是我的精神随之焕然一新。

  它将会延伸到我人生的每个春夏与秋冬。军装最美丽,军歌最嘹亮,做军人最自豪,而军 训的日子就像风雨过后的泥土,先辈洗刷,然后拙见沉淀直至溶入我生命的最底层。

  随着军训的推进,渐渐喜欢上了这个团结而又亲切的团体。渐渐喜欢上了严肃而又不 失幽默的教官,渐渐喜欢上了认真而又负责的老师...... 多想这种生活可以一直持续下去呀,可毕竟军训时只是我们生活中一个小片段,可这 个小片段让我学会如何去面对挫折,如何再以后的路上走的更坚定,如何让我打造属于自 己的一片天空...... 这个小片段,我将永远的珍藏。

关于军训鉴定自我评价 篇3

  I still remember the high military training day of the scorching sun and instructors severe reprimand, and a blink of an eye, I have to participate in the military training of the freshman. Fast time, such as sand between the fingers, the passage of time ... ...

  Military training, seeping tears and sweat, reveals a deep breath, a high degree of tension and agile vigorous action all constitute a beautiful scenery of the road. We wear uniforms, from the original lazy pace to a few days after the uniform, the original spoiled to a few days after the strong independence.Military training these days, brought us in addition to muscle aches, more of a life understanding, it allows us to learn too much in the study usually can not learn something. Military training hone our will, to push some of our lives to the limit, our mental outlook is also a new look.

  Gradually, I found that when I walk will naturally rise to the chest, and I stand will be habitually straight spine, and I will be a person's time to hum the song "Sunset Xishan Hongxia Fei, the soldiers Bus to the camp ... ... "the. These are due to military training and change.

  In the military training, we suffer, tired, laugh. We stand under the hot sun, the skin dark day by day, in the storm running, the whole body soaked; we practice to practice neatly, and repeatedly to practice; know the body aches and pain; We learn to sing military songs, and instructors talk, laughter One after another. This is a kind of pain and happy with the good memories, but also our group of young people in this new era of valuable wealth. I think we these children, eat too little suffering, and need military training to hone.

  In military training, my favorite is the military posture. Junzi is the most beautiful posture, feet apart about 60 °, heel together, his hands close to the pants sewn, before and after close without leaving gaps, shoulders after Zhang, abdomen, under the amount of micro-income, the rise of chest, visualAhead. Junzi show is the demeanor of the military, but also reflects a calm indignation of the United States, firm, strong, determined. Hard bone proud sky, the wind proud of wind and frost. Station Junzi, the sense of equity shares awe-inspiring integrity of the rainbow. If youth is the first song, that is one of the most sonorous melody.

  Said the soldier is the most lovely, in this military training, I finally realized the meaning of this sentence. Instructors were loud passwords, neat steps, I am deeply impressed. "One, two, three, four" slogan sound, at some point, I actually felt the world's most beautiful voice. When the instructor with a hoarse throat singing the song "the first day of a soldier," I can not help but shed tears, a kind of feelings in the heart eruption, it is the military's deep respect.

  People only after experiencing setbacks will become more mature, in the face of difficulties will be more strong. We put down a sad, carefully picked up the intermittent dream, with devout faith and unwavering determination, active in the university, in life, move forward.

  Military training as the days after the soil after the storm, after numerous scrubbing, eventually settling down, until into the bottom of my life ... ...

  Military training, really let me learn a lot, the unity between the students love, teachers and students love, military sentiments, a lot of common feelings fermentation, cemented my mind the most beautiful memories!

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