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厨师的英文自我评价 篇1

  Time, such as water generally hurried away, looking back, in this colorful season, I have made some achievements in the coming days, I hope I can do better.

  First, political and ideological. I earnestly study the party's line and principles, policies, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the party and the country's education policies, principles, educational laws and regulations to continuously improve their ideological quality and political theory.Always adhere to the overall situation, subject to organizational arrangements, dry line love line never speak of price, although he is a chef, I never consider themselves inferior, always with their own practical action to grasp the kitchen management. To ensure that the food and beverage department produced the normal work of the transfer.

  Second, the work, I served as the base of the Reclining Buddha catering department and kitchen cost control work.

  First of all to ensure that meals never fail mistakes and technical skills to continuously improve their cooking techniques. In practice, I continue to explore, according to the Guilin area of food and drink, and constantly improve their cooking techniques, the preparation of multiple sets of features of the recipes, so that trainees and guests can eat sweet and delicious meals. So that the central staff to eat the satisfaction of life at ease. Second, I pay close attention to several aspects in the canteen management. First, the good canteen of raw materials purchase, I am not afraid of the road, into the market, shop around, buy a variety of nutritious food ingredients to ensure affordable, so that the central staff to eat well, eat healthy. The second is to ensure that food and raw materials do not rot, do not degenerate, not waste, saving canteen expenses, to ensure cost control. Third, to ensure that meals on time, make the kitchen logistical preparations for the new staff in July 20xx during the successful completion of the Center and the Ministry of catering tasks, the center leadership and recognition of the various departments.

  Third, in life, I advocate a simple life, to develop good habits / and decent style. In addition, the concept of time attaches great importance. As approachable and friendly people, it has been with people is very harmonious. Dare to work hard will be with me to meet new challenges in the future. Pay attention to learning, develop a good habit of reading newspapers. Concerned about current affairs, concerned about national affairs, so clear-headed, not behind the situation.

  Cooking is a very practical process, can not grasp overnight, but as long as I read the volume, carefully, and according to figure, serious imitation, it will certainly be able to get the true meaning of cooking techniques I have learned to continue. With the basic skills of different materials, different cooking methods, different shapes and tastes, we can create excellent, fragrant and tasteful products by changing the productions of water tables, chopping boards, playing loads, miscellaneous pots, waiting pots and stalls. , Shape, quality, all the best dishes to point. I will be more strict demands on themselves, to correct shortcomings, carry forward the advantages.

厨师的英文自我评价 篇2

  Shanxi Xinfei Energy Investment Group Co., Ltd. security technology training center time flies, as the post since the post, in the busy unknowingly six months time has passed. Looking back on the past six months, I would like to thank all the leaders for their guidance and help in their work. I would like to thank all my colleagues for their consistent support of my work. I will work in the future adhere to set an example, strict demands on themselves, do their jobs, improve the management of service levels. In order to better complete the future work, I work on the trial period were summarized.

  First, consciously study the spirit of the party, armed with advanced political ideas.

  For more than half a year, I have always insisted on studying Marxism-Leninism and participated in the training courses for party activists organized by the County Party Committee in July. Through training, I have benefited greatly. I have learned how to use dialectical materialism and historical materialism to analyze and observe things. , Adhere to the truth. Adhere to the correct outlook on the world, life, values, with the correct world outlook, outlook on life, values, guide their own learning, work and life practice, and actively build a solid ideological defense. I love the motherland, support the party line, loyal to the development of enterprises. Although he is only an ordinary long, but the work proactive, hard work, defying hardship, due diligence, and strive to do anything in the ordinary work of the contribution.

  Second, strengthen the guidance of education, improve staff quality.

  In strict accordance with the company's rules and regulations, in addition to the daily morning meeting in the deployment of the day's work, the formation of a learning company to understand the principles and policies of the atmosphere, so that we imperceptibly develop a good habit of abiding by the system ; Combined with the actual situation of the staff to strengthen their targeted culinary training, and often inspire them to work as their own careers. After my efforts and active cooperation, the overall quality of the kitchen staff to improve, to comply with the company and the kitchen rules and regulations, to maintain good personal hygiene and instrumentation, cooking techniques into the kitchen staff a conscious behavior, a "unity , Efficient, harmonious and innovative "team of basic shape.

  Third, a positive response to the company's internal control system, strengthen the daily management, eliminate no waste. Training Center in addition to the respective mine-related training students to eat, but also bear the text printed Branch, Internet companies, machinery department, the center accommodation, the relevant leadership and chairman of the external reception work. With the increase of personnel, the daily consumption is gradually increasing, how to ensure the health and delicious dishes to control the cost of the case, we have always been an important goal. As the chef, I am through long-term practice to explore, sum up some ways to reduce costs.Strict implementation of the fine management, the rational allocation of tasks, the cost control implemented to each employee who, in order to achieve the purpose of the implementation of the principle of "first-in-first-out" So that all kitchen staff are concerned about costs, control costs, completely eliminate no waste.

  Fourth, strengthen health management, implementation of fire protection requirements. Strict implementation of the "Food Sanitation Law", to comply with the restaurant health system to prevent "disease from the mouth," to prevent food contamination and harmful substances on the dangers of dining, to protect everyone's health.Food and sundries drug isolation, food and natural ice isolation; cooking utensils implement the "four cross the border": a wash, two brush, three red, four disinfection; the same time, Environmental sanitation to take "four fixed" approach: people, set things, set time, set the quality; dicing lump sum, responsibility to the people. Personal hygiene to wash hands, cut nails; ground bath, barber; frequently changing overalls. Place the food cabinets, shelf time to keep clean, no mildew spot, the mouse track. Daily operation of the stove and wash the ground regularly, carefully wipe the restaurant floor and tables and chairs, to ensure strict operation between the ground, doors and windows, and the surrounding environmental health. Through our perseverance and efforts, in September the county food hygiene supervision and inspection, our work has been affirmed by the inspection staff, food service food safety rating was rated as "excellent." Fire work, kitchen work has always been one of the priorities. In order to implement the fire protection requirements, all employees must be required to "fire away from the fire, electricity off, gas off"; also from time to time to check the kitchen gas pipeline to prevent leakage caused by fire accidents, often check all kinds of electrical power Line, to prevent running power leakage caused by various types of fire or electric shock safety incidents. We strictly in accordance with the requirements to ensure food safety and fire safety, safety and economic operation of the company to provide due protection.

  Recalling the past six months, in our joint efforts, we in the kitchen integrated management, staff quality, food quality, health and safety, cost control, and achieved certain results. But there are also some shortcomings: for example, some staff attitude is not enthusiastic, the kitchen management system has not yet formed. So in the future work, the need for further education and training, quality health and safety control and cost control. Obey the leadership, unity of staff, make up for deficiencies, so that the Group Training Center catering service level to a new level.

厨师的英文自我评价 篇3

  The name "Westminster" is somehow familiar to me. I seem to have heard of it before. Indeed, it was at Westminster that I received a very large part of my education in politics, dialectic, rhetoric, and one or two other things. In fact we have both been educated at the same, or similar, or, at any rate, kindred establishments. It is also an honour, perhaps almost unique, for a private visitor to be introduced to an academic audience by the President of the United States. Amid his heavy burdens, duties, and responsibilities - unsought but not recoiled from - the President has travelled a thousand miles to dignify and magnify our meeting here to-day and to give me an opportunity of addressing this kindred nation, as well as my own countrymen across the ocean, and perhaps some other countries too. The President has told you that it is his wish, as I am sure it is yours, that I should have full liberty to give my true and faithful counsel in these anxious and baffling times. I shall certainly avail myself of this freedom, and feel the more right to do so because any private ambitions I may have cherished in my younger days have been satisfied beyond my wildest dreams. Let me, however, make it clear that I have no official mission or status of any kind, and that I speak only for myself. There is nothing here but what you see.

  I can therefore allow my mind, with the experience of a lifetime, to play over the problems which beset us on the morrow of our absolute victory in arms, and to try to make sure with what strength I have that what has been gained with so much sacrifice and suffering shall be preserved for the future glory and safety of mankind.

  The United States stands at this time at the pinnacle of world power. It is a solemn moment for the American Democracy. For with primacy in power is also joined an awe-inspiring accountability to the future. If you look around you, you must feel not only the sense of duty done but also you must feel anxiety lest you fall below the level of achievement. Opportunity is here now, clear and shining for both our countries. To reject it or ignore it or fritter it away will bring upon us all the long reproaches of the after-time. It is necessary that constancy of mind, persistency of purpose, and the grand simplicity of decision shall guide and rule the conduct of the English-speaking peoples in peace as they did in war. We must, and I believe we shall, prove ourselves equal to this severe requirement. When American military men approach some serious situation they are wont to write at the head of their directive the words "over-all strategic concept." There is wisdom in this, as it leads to clarity of thought. What then is the over-all strategic concept which we should inscribe today? It is nothing less than the safety and welfare, the freedom and progress, of all the homes and families of all the men and women in all the lands. And here I speak particularly of the myriad cottage or apartment homes where the wage-earner strives amid the accidents and difficulties of life to guard his wife and children from privation and bring the family up in the fear of the Lord, or upon ethical conceptions which often play their potent part.

  To give security to these countless homes, they must be shielded from the two giant marauders, war and tyranny. We all know the frightful disturbances in which the ordinary family is plunged when the curse of war swoops down upon the bread-winner and those for whom he works and contrives. The awful ruin of Europe, with all its vanished glories, and of large parts of Asia glares us in the eyes. When the designs of wicked men or the aggressive urge of mighty States dissolve over large areas the frame of civilised society, humble folk are confronted with difficulties with which they cannot cope. For them all is distorted, all is broken, even ground to pulp. When I stand here this quiet afternoon I shudder to visualise what is actually happening to millions now and what is going to happen in this period when famine stalks the earth. None can compute what has been called "the unestimated sum of human pain." Our supreme task and duty is to guard the homes of the common people from the horrors and miseries of another war. We are all agreed on that.

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