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个人素质英文自我评价 篇1

  Read, swim, basketball, speech, debate, cheerful, warm, work carefully, efficient, able to work hard, have a strong organizational skills work conscientiously, strong sense of responsibility, studious, good at summing up, Conscientiously serious, ambitious. Proficient in common use office software word, excel, ppt, etc., have a certain understanding of network management. Have a good writing skills, strong oral expression. Cheerful, humble, self-discipline, self-confidence, studious, down-to-earth, serious and responsible, perseverance, adaptability, hard-working, quick thinking, to be creative and dare to meet new challenges.

  Ideological aspects: in terms of thinking, I always ask ourselves to advance with the times, and actively understand current affairs at home and abroad, and earnestly study advanced theoretical knowledge. In the after school, I will extensively read all kinds of magazine articles, and gradually learned from the surface of things to analyze its internal causes. At the same time, I often with friends and elders to exchange views on current affairs, brainstorming, learn from them and experience, and constantly improve their ideological quality. Preparation period, I thought the biggest change and harvest is learned to no longer entangled in the "want to do", and directly to think about "how to do", do not waste time in hesitation and wandering.

  Learning: In learning, I usually listen carefully, timely review, after-school and students will discuss the issue, but the academic performance is still my weaknesses. But I want to learn but should not have been my weaknesses, may be I have not found the most suitable for my learning methods, can not be better to learn the knowledge into results. My grades were stable, and I always wandered between seven and eighty, with a grade point of 2.68 in the last semester, which was slightly lower than the second year. But I will always strive to continuously enhance their comprehensive competitiveness.

  Work: In the work, I served as a class publicity member, Deng read the group leader and vice squad, is also the bedroom of their bedroom long. In all positions, I can work at ease, and earnestly fulfill their obligations and responsibilities, and actively communicate with the other class committee to jointly build our class collective. In this regard, my biggest achievement is that, regardless of ongoing activities have any views or dissatisfaction with the activities of the collective should be finished, all in the collective interest first. I now serve as the branch of the Discipline Inspection Commission, will do their work, in good faith for all services, with the support of the Committee and the Secretary to build our family together.

  Life: in life, I self-reliance, care for students, help students, and students get along, but also help solve the contradictions between the students.Often and bedroom students with activities.

  During this year's inspection period, I have strict demands on myself, to learn from the outstanding members of the surrounding, their ability to improve a lot. But he still has some shortcomings in the future to continue to work, subject to supervision, continuous improvement, to be a good party member.

个人素质英文自我评价 篇2

  Adolf Hitler's dictatorial rule of Germany, which led to the deaths of millions in World War II, has placed him among history's most hated villains. A decorated veteran of World War I, Adolf Hitler joined the German Workers' Party in 1919, later renaming it the National

  Socialist German Workers Party (which was shortened to the Nazi Party). By 1921 he was the leader of the group, and in 1923 led an unsuccessful attempt to overthrow the ruling German Weimar Republic. Sentenced to prison for his role, Hitler wrote his manifesto, Mein Kampf, and emerged less than a year later as a populist spokesman for

  economically depressed and nationalistic Germans. Made chancellor in 1933, he

  suspended the constitution, forcibly suppressed all political opposition and brought the Nazis to power. He enforced policies with a brutal secret police (the Gestapo) and formed concentration camps for the organized murder of Jews, Gypsies and political opponents. Hitler's aggressive foreign policy precipitated World War II in 1939. Although he had remarkable early success in the war, by 1942 the tide had turned. Hitler apparently committed suicide in an air-raid shelter in Berlin in 1945, after the Allied forces had invaded Germany.

  Hitler survived a 1944 assassination attempt led by Claus von Stauffenberg... One of Hitler's concentration camp victims was Anne Frank... Other WWII leaders include: Britain's Winston Churchill, America's Franklin Roosevelt, Italy's Benito Mussolini, the Soviet Union's Joseph Stalin, Japan's Hideki Tojo and France's Charles de Gaulle... One day before his death, Hitler finally married his longtime girlfriend Eva Braun; she

  committed suicide with him by swallowing cyanide on 30 April 1945. Hitler apparently swallowed cyanide and then shot himself.

  Early Life

  The son of Alois Hitler (1837–1903), an Austrian customs official, Adolf Hitler dropped out of high school, and after his mother's death in 1907 moved to Vienna. He twice failed the admission examination for the academy of arts. His vicious anti-Semitism (perhaps influenced by that of Karl Lueger) and political harangues drove many acquaintances away. In 1913 he settled in Munich, and on the outbreak of World War I he joined the Bavarian army. During the war he was gassed and wounded; a corporal, he received the Iron Cross for bravery. The war hardened his extreme nationalism, and he blamed the German defeat on betrayal by Jews and Marxists. Upon his return to Munich he joined a handful of other nationalistic veterans in the German Workers' party.

  The Nazi Party

  In 1920 the German Workers' party was renamed the National Socialist German Workers, or Nazi, party; in 1921 it was reorganized with Hitler as chairman. He made it a

  paramilitary organization and won the support of such prominent nationalists as Field Marshal Ludendorff. On Nov. 8, 1923, Hitler attempted the “beer-hall putsch,” intended to overthrow the republican government. Leading Bavarian officials (themselves

  discontented nationalists) were surrounded at a meeting in a Munich beer hall by the Nazi militia, or storm troopers, and made to swear loyalty to this “revolution.” On regaining their freedom they used the Reichswehr [army] to defeat the coup. Hitler fled, but was soon arrested and sentenced to five years in the Landsberg fortress. He served nine months.

  The putsch made Hitler known throughout Germany. In prison he dictated to Rudolf Hess the turgid Mein Kampf [my struggle], filled with anti-Semitic outpourings, worship of power, disdain for civil morality, and strategy for world domination. It became the bible of National Socialism. Under the tutelage of Hitler and Gregor Strasser, aided by Josef Goebbels and from 1928 by Hermann Goering, the party grew slowly until the economic depression, beginning in 1929, brought it mass support.

  Hitler's Rise to Power

  To Germans burdened by reparations payments to the victors of World War I, and

  threatened by hyperinflation, political chaos, and a possible Communist takeover, Hitler, frenzied yet magnetic, offered scapegoats and solutions. To the economically depressed he promised to despoil “Jew financiers,” to workers he promised security. He gained the financial support of bankers and industrialists with his virulent anti-Communism and promises to control trade unionism.

  Hitler had a keen and sinister insight into mass psychology, and he was a master of

  intrigue and maneuver. After acquiring German citizenship through the state of Brunswick, he ran in the presidential elections of 1932, losing to the popular war hero Paul von Hindenburg but strengthening his position by falsely promising to support Chancellor Franz von Papen, who lifted the ban on the storm troops (June, 1932).

  When the Nazis were elected the largest party in the Reichstag (July, 1932), Hindenburg offered Hitler a subordinate position in the cabinet. Hitler held out for the chief post and for sweeping powers. The chancellorship went instead to Kurt von Schleicher, who resigned on Jan. 28, 1933. Amid collapsing parliamentary government and pitched battles between Nazis and Communists, Hindenburg, on the urging of von Papen, called Hitler to be

  chancellor of a coalition cabinet, refusing him extraordinary powers. Supported by Alfred Hugenberg, Hitler took office on Jan. 30.

  Hitler in Power

  Germany's new ruler was a master of Machiavellian politics. Hitler feared plots, and firmly believed in his mission to achieve the supremacy of the so-called Aryan race, which he termed the “master race.” Having legally come to power, he used brutality and subversion to carry out a “creeping coup” to transform the state into his dictatorship. He blamed the Communists for a fire in the Reichstag on Feb. 27, and by fanning anti-Communist

  hysteria the Nazis and Nationalists won a bare majority of Reichstag seats in the elections of Mar. 5. After the Communists had been barred, and amid a display of storm trooper strength, the Reichstag voted to give Hitler dictatorial powers.

  From the first days of Hitler's “Third Reich” (for its history, see Germany; National

  Socialism; World War II) political opponents such as von Schleicher and Gregor Strasser (who had resigned from the Nazis) were murdered or incarcerated, and some Nazis, among them Ernst Roehm, were themselves purged. Jews, Socialists, Communists, and others were hounded, arrested, or assassinated. Government, law, and education became appendages of National Socialism. After Hindenburg's death in 1934 the

  chancellorship and presidency were united in the person of the Führer [leader]. Heil Hitler! became the obligatory form of greeting, and a cult of Führer worship was propagated.

  In 1938, amid carefully nurtured scandal, Hitler dismissed top army commanders and divided their power between himself and faithful subordinates such as Wilhelm Keitel. As Hitler prepared for war he replaced professional diplomats with Nazis such as Joachim von Ribbentrop. Many former doubters had been converted by Hitler's bold diplomatic coups, beginning with German rearmament. Hitler bullied smaller nations into making territorial concessions and played on the desire for peace and the fear of Communism among the larger European states to achieve his expansionist goals. To forestall retaliation he claimed to be merely rectifying the onerous Treaty of Versailles.

  Benito Mussolini became his ally and Italy gradually became Germany's satellite. Hitler helped Franco to establish a dictatorship in Spain. On Hitler's order the Austrian

  chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss was assassinated, and the Anschluss amalgamated Austria with the Reich. Hitler used the issue of “persecuted” Germans in Czechoslovakia to push through the Munich Pact, in which England, France, and Italy agreed to German

  annexation of the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia (1938).

  World War II

  Hitler's nonaggression pact (Aug., 1939) with Stalin allowed him to invade Poland (Sept.

  1), beginning World War II, while Stalin annexed Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia to the USSR and attacked eastern Poland; but Hitler honored the pact only until he found it

  convenient to attack the USSR (June, 1941). In Dec., 1941, he assumed personal

  command of war strategy, leading to disaster. In early 1943 he refused to admit defeat at the battle of Stalingrad (now Volgograd), bringing death to vast numbers of German troops. As the tide of war turned against Hitler, his mass extermination of the Jews,

  overseen by Adolf Eichmann, was accelerated, and he gave increasing power to Heinrich Himmler and the dread secret police, the Gestapo and SS (Schutzstaffel).

  Fall of Hitler and the Third Reich

  By July, 1944, the German military situation was desperate, and a group of high military and civil officials (including Field Marshal Erwin von Witzleben and Karl Goerdeler)

  attempted an assassination. Hitler escaped a bomb explosion with slight injuries; most of the plotters were executed. Although the war was hopelessly lost by early 1945, Hitler insisted that Germans fight on to the death. During the final German collapse in Apr., 1945, Hitler denounced Nazi leaders who wished to negotiate, and remained in Berlin when it was stormed by the Russians.

  On Apr. 29 Hitler married his long-time mistress, Eva Braun, and on Apr. 30 they

  committed suicide together in an underground bunker of the chancellery building, having ordered that their bodies be burned. Hitler left Germany devastated; his legacy is the memory of one of the most dreadful tyrannies of modern times.


  See his Mein Kampf (complete tr. 1940), Hitler's Secret Conversations, 1941–1944 (tr. 1953), and Hitler's Secret Book (tr. 1962). See also biographies by A. Bullock (rev. ed. 1964), B. F. Smith (1968), J. C. Fest (tr. 1974), and I. Kershaw (2 vol., 1999–20xx); H. R. Trevor-Roper, The Last Days of Hitler (1947); W. A. Jenks, Vienna and the Young Hitler (1960); W. Maser, Hitler (tr. 1973); R. E. Hertzstein, Adolf Hitler and the German Trauma, 1913–1945 (1974); R. and C. Winston, Hitler (1974); R. Hamilton, Who Voted for Hitler? (1982); J. Lukacs, The Hitler of History (1997); R. Rosenbaum, Explaining Hitler (1998); F. Redlich, Hitler: Diagnosis of a Destructive Prophet (1998); R. J. Overy, The Dictators: Hitler's Germany, Stalin's Russia (20xx).

个人素质英文自我评价 篇3

  "Harry Potter" this book, we can not think of the author, can not become a fact of the matter. "Harry Potter" for the main character, a shaman, the wizard, ghosts, monsters, dragons and evil, justice. From a few books, friends can reflect on the friendship, respect for teachers, in the face of difficulties and evil never flinched in the face of the spirit of courage. With these, they have time and again to escape the difficulties. "Harry Potter" these books with him on his two best friends in school Huogewoci magic in the story. Where records of their fighting together, sharing happiness together, with little Didi Fenyou disturbed things. Everything is so magical! In that magical world of the shaman lived, there are fewer old. When the messenger owl. Cups, hats, are believed to be his opening remarks. Flying broom is their means of transport, and more can be compared to the birds and the sky, and Qizhao Ta can quickly fly in less than a few minutes you can reach the place you want to visit. Chess masters will follow the case, the owner let it go it will go. Order - G, their will to move. Portraits, the people are living, they can talk, you can jump out of their Xiangkuang to other Xiangkuang Lane. There are many castles in the ghost, they can walk, you can talk to the moving castle in anything, you can penetrate any object, and sometimes engage in mischief (Pippi ghosts). There are so many wonderful! No wonder our small magician Harry Potter magic will be popular throughout the world. I admire the most is Harry Potter and his partners, and the difficulties they face the evil spirit never flinched I always memorable. They always had a conviction: "We must overcome all, defeat evil, and we learn, understand and know the magic and common sense to defeat our enemies, as long

  as we work together, we can overcome evil, justice will never defeat evil." With this conviction, they will win, because evil always Doubu Guo justice.

  After ten years, J.K.R did not let us down. The darkest, fastest-paced, most desperate and dynamic magical adventure of the 7-part series carries the reader along faster than a speeding broomstick chased by Dementors. Throughout, doubts must be battled, fears faced, loyalties tested, and grief postponed whilst well-loved characters fall, chapter by chapter, yet there is no time to mourn. Rowling as a narrator has grown up and so has Harry; this no longer feels like a children's story but an epic myth, the echo and inheritor of a centuries-ancient tale told and sung around firesides, full of sound and fury, signifying more than we like to let on - the tug of old archetypes we already know, old tales which still resonate heart-deep, with anyone who has ever wondered who wins, when you pit love against hate, and hope against nihilism. I am sure there will be sneerers and jeerers at the power of the commercial spell cast worldwide and the ringing tills at midnight, the over-familiarity of the children's-story syntax; they are missing the point. The story of all humankind is the story of a story-telling animal and it is only this which distinguishes us from the other mammals, when it comes to the end. We will always be enchanted and enslaved by the telling and re-telling of the same

  story we all, always want to hear, again and again. The ancient magic of light vs. darkness, heroism and struggle, the bloody clash of battles, wrench of secrets painfully revealed; the warrior tested, the torturous night of the soul, the slow learning of the terrible, yet wonderful fact that no-one is alone, and that in the end, help comes, from friends, from strangers, from unexpected sources; from within and without, because of faith, because of courage, because of love. Of how our own humanity saves us, how our weakness is our strength. So this latest incarnation of the old, old tale of the resurrected lost one, the lonely one who is loved, the hero who doubts, the child who is adult, the griever restored, the victim who triumphs, the Boy Who Lived - is deeply satisfying in the way everyone recognises. Anyone who has fallen asleep at the end of a story, with the author's pact satisfied - I will let you frighten, anger, worry and scare me, if you make it all right at the end. If I learn something, and if they live, if not happy ever after, but if they live - will be replete at the ending of this long saga. I prefer to think its enormous sucess is not just because of cyncial hyper-successful marketing. I prefer to think that it is because we all love a story, told well, before we lay down to sleep at the end of a long day.

  Sherlock Holmes, does not need to say you knew.He is one world famous, the widely known famous spy.Who then portrays him is? Is F. Conan doyle, (1859 ~ 1930), English outstanding spying writer of fiction, playwright.By "Four Signs", "Return Records", "Terrorist Valley" and so on is world famous. "Sherlock Holmes Detective case Collection" mainly says is - - Sherlock Holmes is a village gentleman's descendant, both understands the village the custom, how and understands in the city life.Sherlock Holmes through studied, unceasingly the study unceasingly and practices unceasingly only then enable oneself to have the astonishing spying ability.Therefore, he carries on each kind of spy both logical, and gathers the reason; He to each kind of case explanation and the judgment only then can rationally, only then cause the question which one all hangs also hangs to be easily solved, only then causes an ancestor to confuse the document to restore justice. Not only this book is fascinating by the inside vivid story, the structure falls extends the fluctuation intense, the plot winding, exciting, soul-stirring, causes me to be unable to put down, but also manifested a meaning famous saying - - “every is the diligent person, all had the spirit which never said die.” Sherlock Holmes is a such person. Although he had become famous at that time in England the spying, but he in unceasingly assiduous study.He has specially rented between a small house nearby English Fine arts Museum, the use material and the opportunity research related spying aspect science and the experience, can cause him to melt all sorts to confuse the group case, finally lets the evil become known in the wor

  ld. I thought that,Sherlock Holmes life all is studying, studies the spying aspect continuously the science and the experience, his this indomitable spirit, is worth our general young people studying. I like reading this this cause me to profit significantly "Sherlock Holmes Detective case Collection".

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