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建筑师的自我评价 篇1




  20xx年的半年,通过大量的施工图绘制,我对建筑设计的流程,方法等有了较深的认识,对建筑规范也有了一定的了解。今年年初,我给自己制定的目标是大致具备能独立操作一个一般项目的能力,包括它的总平规划,方案设计,效果图表现,以及后期施工图的设计。 能力来源于实践,实践检验能力;一年来,我按照自己既定的目标一步一步地脚踏实地走过来,有些可能达到了,而有些可能离目标还有一定地差距,具体表现在以下几个方面。

  一. 总平规划能力:



  二. 效果图的表现:


  三. 方案能力:

  方案能力是一名建筑设计师应必备的重要能力。好的平面方案直接与建筑的适用, 经济,美观三大基本要素挂钩。一年来,我参与了公司大部分项目平面方案的设计,在桂湖花园,怡然居,竹韵苑等平面方案的设计中,我跟随设计组的领导一起查阅资料,实地考察,埋头苦干,虚心请教,圆满完成了既定任务。与此期间,受领导重托,我还独立完成了警备区招待所,某双拼别墅和百货大楼,竹韵苑1,2#楼的平立面方案设计。 在平面柱网的布置中,我先按自己的想法大致布置结构柱网,再请结构组同事帮忙检查是否合理,无形之中,我增强了结构概念,丰富了专业知识。在独立设计的过程中,我发现了自己的很多不足之处,特别是对立面方案的把握还缺乏基础理论性的认识,这都是在以后的工作中必须首要加强的。

  四. 施工图设计


  建筑,从民用建筑到工业建筑, 从多层到高层,从刚开始的的描图组图,到后来的跟图学图,接下来的独立操作,到竹韵苑的游刃有余,我亲眼目睹了自己从无到有,从迷惘到清晰的成长过程,我基本具备了独立操作的能力,可以解决施工中常见的一些问题。一年来,我几乎熟读了公司所有的建筑规范和相关资料,并做了较为详细的学习笔记,虽然很多知识一时间都用不上,但我了解了,到用的时候就不会有“书到用时方恨少”的感叹 。建筑施工图设计的难点在屋面排水和节点大样,在这些方面,设计院的老师傅给了我们许多帮助,屋面排水在于组织引导,屋面做法要优先考虑屋面的排水问题;节点大样不仅要做到轻巧美观,更要方便施工。古语有云:学无止境,在施工图设计方面我还存在许多误区,还有许多自己需要学习和加强的地方。诸如对地下车库,人防工程的设计;对«高层建筑防火规范»的深刻理解,对楼梯梯段净高的认识,厨房卫生间的布置必须满足人性化的需要等等。











建筑师的自我评价 篇2

  During the four years of the university, I have worked hard and pragmatized and innovated. I have constantly strengthened my comprehensive ability while perfecting my professional knowledge structure, so as to continuously enrich myself, mold myself and improve myself. This has laid a solid foundation for me to enter society.

  In the mind, I am strict self-discipline, and actively requested progress, outstanding performance in all aspects, in November 20xx to join the Communist Party of China - and the party, and participate in preparatory party training courses, won the CPC University Committee Twenty-two preparatory party training course "outstanding students" honorary title.

  At work, I always maintain a passionate heart and a high sense of responsibility, work conscientiously, and can do the best, after careful summary. During the university, I have served as a member of the class organization, monitor, the Organization Department of the Ministry of Communist Youth League, the third phase of the preparatory party training class and other duties. During his tenure, I seriously carry out the work of the College, the party layout and successfully completed. During the holidays, I also actively participate in social practice. These exercises make my social adaptability, management, organization and coordination ability to be greatly improved, team spirit and competitive consciousness has been further strengthened, also let me in dealing with matters of the ways and means more flexible, and was named 20xx " outstanding league cadres. "

  In learning, I study the correct attitude, learning objectives clear, good academic performance. Especially familiar with the use of computerized accounting software, UF software, and proficiency in the operation of the Windows family of operating systems and Office series of office software, can use Visual

  FoxPro basic skills to operate, for the future onto the work to lay a solid foundation, in addition, I also seriously study the professional knowledge.

  In life, I am strict with oneself, wider than others, adhere to principles, dare to criticize and self-criticism. In life, I care about students, helpful, as I can enthusiastic to help students, usually actively participate in party life and college classes and collective activities, spare time attention to strengthening the body.

建筑师的自我评价 篇3

  Review of my work in the 20xx years, although some results, but there are some shortcomings, is my work in the 20xx years from the following aspects to do a brief summary:

  1, to strengthen the safety of the new approach to staff education: the workers did not enter the labor service security personnel before the request, the staff in time after the entry into the staff of the roster and ID card copy of the project department, I and labor team safety After the staff members have agreed on the time for safety education, they will be responsible for the preservation of the education materials and image materials of the staff members after the safety and fire safety examinations of the staff and workers are conducted in the conference room of the project department.

  2, do a good job in sub-sub-item security technology to disclose the information: in the sub-sub-construction of the project before the combination of the relevant regulatory requirements and the construction site environment and operational safety precautions for targeted security to the end, after review by the Chief Engineer Issued to the labor team. Safety at the end of the main against the labor team security officer, in the security at the end of the labor team must be marked again to each team, and then in the construction work supervision team operators can work in accordance with the Ministry of the Ministry of security.

  3, safety information: in accordance with the construction site in Hebei Province safety data management procedures and relevant regulatory requirements for safety data collection and collation, a total of 12 safety information, in accordance with safety information requirements of the regular sub-items for security checks, and labor units In accordance with the safety inspection problems rectification period, and within the specified time for the rectification of labor service units review.

  4, construction site safety and on-site civilized construction situation: in the field of safety inspections to strengthen the monitoring of major hazard sources, and to develop a list of major construction site safety hazard, such as foundation support, scaffolding, crane, etc. Monitoring, on-site Linbian protection, reserved hole, elevator shaft protection, stairs protection, on-site temporary electricity to check every day before work.

  5, staff quarters and living areas of health: the dormitory management difficult, the labor units in the dormitory management is relatively weak, dormitory and living area health environment is poor, the phenomenon of private wire pull chaos is serious, workers use rice cookers, rice cookersCooking and winter use of electric heating and electric mattress phenomenon is more serious.

  In order to staff quarters and living area health management, in the project department under the leadership of the strong support and decision-making, increased the staff quarters and living area management. Requiring the labor unit on a monthly basis to arrange for the daily life of public areas to clean the staff quarters to take unscheduled safety and health checks. After a number of inspections and rectification, staff quarters and living area health has been greatly improved, but there are still problems.

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