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做自我介绍英语 篇1

  I come from Hunan city of Hengyang Province, this year 22 years old, had the privilege of studying in Tianjin University majored in international trade, after four years of college training, now graduating!

  The family economy is not rich. I grew up in the habit of thrift, because the experience of poverty caused by the inconvenience, so I have been longing for a rich life. But I know if you want to get out of poverty by day by all just in vain, only rely on their own efforts to create their own piece of the sky, so I believe God helps those who help themselves.

  I remember when the teacher asked us what we want to do in the future, someone answered when the teacher, some people say that when scientists, also said to be the big boss, and I said: I want the university entrance exam! That's when I set a primary goal, it is the dream of a straight University inspire me to walk. With the end of childhood childish of me with a better result into the school hall, where I met many and I like students with lofty ideals, we learn together, grow together, and together overcome the difficulties encountered, I understand how to imperceptibly go right into the team. How to communicate with people. Middle school I learned a lot, for their own lives, their careers, their ideals have been further defined. Perhaps the time is not as you expected, fleeting, with the ignorant we came to the university middle school.

  Into the University, I found the reality of the University and their imagination is so different. When you are in a new environment, you can not change it, only to adapt to it, you can learn and live better. The challenges and opportunities in the University everywhere, the competition in the class, the competition between the community will exercise a person, which can inspire you to brave challenge yourself. Only armed themselves, in order to keep up with the rapid development of society.

  The university that I learned how to face it, when no longer like school so blind and impulsive, I learned to look at the problem of how to One divides into two., everything happens only to insight into the advantages and disadvantages, will correctly solve. My college education, I also exercise, it makes me become mature and become rational, taught me how to play. Upon graduation, I began to find a suitable job, in my opinion is not for others, but for myself, only diligent steadfast stem can fully show their value, to return to the society. From the countryside, I am not afraid of hardship, because I believe that the pay will eventually return.

  On the road of life in the future, I will continue to strengthen their faith, will not give up, to be a true. Believe in yourself is the beginning of success, I think I will become a brand new me, but also continue to be serious and practical to go my own way of life.



  记得小时候老师问我们将来想做什么,有人回答说当老师,有人说当科学家,也有人说要当大老板,而我却说:我要考大学!也就是在那个时候我为自己确定了一个初级目标,正是这个大学梦一直激励我一步一步的向前走。伴随着童年幼稚的结束我以一个较好的成绩步入中学的殿堂,在那里我认识了很多和我一样有着远大理想的同学,我们一起学习,一起成长,一起克服遇到的种种困难,不知不觉中我体会到了如何去正确的融入到团队中,如何与人交往。中学时代让我学到了很多,对于自己的人生,自己的事业,自己的理想有了进一步的明确。也许 时间并不像你所期待的那样,转眼即逝,带着中学的懵懂我们来到了大学。


  大学让我学会了如何去面对,遇事的时候再也不会像中学那样盲目和冲动,我学会了如何去一分为二的看问题,每件事情的发生都会有利和弊,只有洞察才能会正确的解决。大学教育了我,也锻炼了我,它让我变得成熟,变的理智,教会了我如何去运筹帷幄。毕业在即,我也开始寻找适合自己的工作,在我看来工作不是为别人,而是为了自己,只有兢兢业业 踏踏实实的干才能充分显示出自己的价值,才能回报社会。出自农村的我不怕吃苦不怕累,因为我相信付出终会有回报。


做自我介绍英语 篇2

  Hello!Everybody,my name is.I'm *years old.(I'm a 14-year-old girl).I'm active,and I like doing some shopping, I think it can make me favorite sudject is 's one maybe think it's different,but I don't think you like it? I'm outgoing ,if you like me,you can make friends with me.

做自我介绍英语 篇3

  I am a fresh graduates, the school is a good student, I am an optimistic have dreams of young, lively and cheerful, sedate and mature appearance, full of heart careful practical, based on the University for four years to mature and exercise, I am more independent; lively and optimistic disposition it prompted me to actively participate in various meaningful activities, absorbing the advantages of personal growth and each is worth to compensate for the lack of reading; and leisure, but develop good habits, to improve the quality of their own everywhere.

  Since it is a school, must have the appearance of the students, to my specialty is always taken seriously, master professional knowledge, so prepare to write lesson plans never careless, presentations, conference speech frequently organized, this has become a habit. But there will be a number of places are not good, difficult, but also developed a lot of questions about the habit of looking more, but also to develop a broader affinity, patience and cooperation, etc.. The teacher assigned task, mostly take the team, so the needs of individuals and other team members need to reach consensus, and earnestly fulfill everyone should finish the homework, the individual and the group evaluation results will be good, this is a chance to exercise, seize the opportunity to lay the foundation for the work and personal development the star is very necessary.

  I am an open-minded to accept the guidance of predecessors, accept the criticism of the superior, there will be more difficult to change the quality of the wrong. The use of spare time during the part-time, let me know how to be motivated, diligent, patient, know from the start, do every work, to enrich their knowledge and expand their knowledge, such things will be handy.

  I am a young man with a wide range of interests. I like dancing, listening to music, reading, sports, hand making, drawing and so on. Although I for each one of the skills are not superb, but from the multi-faceted itself, more optimistic, however, is to do things, but is to not forget the beginning, not the end, smile to accept the world! Every year worked at the University of art course, selection of artistic gymnastics children dance, fitness dance, just, and good results; physical health in the first row, the annual fitness test will end with excellent, and just two or three days a week out of time to exercise, such as jogging, badminton and so on, it is not useless, the world is very small, I also met a number of like-minded friends, on certain occasions also gradually talkative, also once heard not know things, so it is still know how to do things, I believe we can start from a new naive, do things gradually. Will become handy.

  I hope you will be able to read the self evaluation, and have a better understanding of me, but also to make up for the practice of doing a lot of things in the column is not complete, thank you!








做自我介绍英语 篇4

  my name is Kobe.I'd like to introduce myslf to all of you.I'm league member.I am united with my classmates. And,I respect my teachers a student,I try my best to study the other hand,I have many itsu,is my I do well in is me,a outgoing 1-year-old boy(or girl).

做自我介绍英语 篇5

  I am a fresh graduates, the school is a good student, I am an optimistic have dreams of young, lively and cheerful, sedate and mature appearance, full of heart careful practical, based on the University for four years to mature and exercise, I am more independent; lively and optimistic disposition it prompted me to actively participate in various meaningful activities, absorbing the advantages of personal growth and each is worth to compensate for the lack of reading; and leisure, but develop good habits, to improve the quality of their own everywhere.

  Since it is a school, must have the appearance of the students, to my specialty is always taken seriously, master professional knowledge, so prepare to write lesson plans never careless, presentations, conference speech frequently organized, this has become a habit. But there will be a number of places are not good, difficult, but also developed a lot of questions about the habit of looking more, but also to develop a broader affinity, patience and cooperation, etc.. The teacher assigned task, mostly take the team, so the needs of individuals and other team members need to reach consensus, and earnestly fulfill everyone should finish the homework, the individual and the group evaluation results will be good, this is a chance to exercise, seize the opportunity to lay the foundation for the work and personal development the star is very necessary.

  I am an open-minded to accept the guidance of predecessors, accept the criticism of the superior, there will be more difficult to change the quality of the wrong. The use of spare time during the part-time, let me know how to be motivated, diligent, patient, know from the start, do every work, to enrich their knowledge and expand their knowledge, such things will be handy.

  I am a young man with a wide range of interests. I like dancing, listening to music, reading, sports, hand making, drawing and so on. Although I for each one of the skills are not superb, but from the multi-faceted itself, more optimistic, however, is to do things, but is to not forget the beginning, not the end, smile to accept the world! Every year worked at the University of art course, selection of artistic gymnastics children dance, fitness dance, just, and good results; physical health in the first row, the annual fitness test will end with excellent, and just two or three days a week out of time to exercise, such as jogging, badminton and so on, it is not useless, the world is very small, I also met a number of like-minded friends, on certain occasions also gradually talkative, also once heard not know things, so it is still know how to do things, I believe we can start from a new naive, do things gradually. Will become handy.

  I hope you will be able to read the self evaluation, and have a better understanding of me, but also to make up for the practice of doing a lot of things in the column is not complete, thank you!






做自我介绍英语 篇6

  Hello!Everybody,my name is.I'm *years old.(I'm a 14-year-old girl).I'm active,and I like doing some shopping, I think it can make me happy.My favorite sudject is English.It's interesting.Someone maybe think it's different,but I don't think that.Do you like it? I'm outgoing ,if you like me,you can make friends with me.

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