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英文演讲稿范文 篇1



  So it's 1995, I'm in college, and a friend and I go on a road trip from Providence, Rhode Island to Portland, Oregon.

  当时是95年 我在上大学 我和一个朋友开车去玩 从罗得岛的普罗旺斯区出发 到奥勒冈州的波特兰市

  And you know, we're young and unemployed, so we do the whole thing on back roads through state parks and national forests -- basically the longest route we can possibly take.

  我们年轻、无业 ,于是整个旅程都在乡间小道 经过州立公园 和国家保护森林 我们尽可能绕着最长的路径

  And somewhere in the middle of South Dakota, I turn to my friend and I ask her a question that's been bothering me for 2,000 miles.

  在南达科塔州之中某处 我转向我的朋友 问她一个 两千英里路途上 一直烦恼我的问题

  "What's up with the Chinese character I keep seeing by the side of the road?"


  My friend looks at me totally blankly.


  There's actually a gentleman in the front row who's doing a perfect imitation of her look.

  正如现在坐在第一排的这三位男士 所露出的神情一样

  (Laughter) And I'm like, "You know, all the signs we keep seeing with the Chinese character on them."

  (笑声) 我说"你知道的 我们一直看到的那个路牌 写着中文的那个啊"

  She just stares at me for a few moments, and then she cracks up, because she figures out what I'm talking about.

  她瞪着我的脸一阵子 突然笑开了 因为她总算知道我所指为何

  And what I'm talking about is this.


  (Laughter) Right, the famous Chinese character for picnic area.

  (笑声) 没错,这就是代表野餐区的那个中文字

  (Laughter) I've spent the last five years of my life thinking about situations exactly like this -- why we sometimes misunderstand the signs around us,

  (笑声) 过去的五年 我一直在思考 刚刚我所描述的状况 为什么我们会对身边的征兆 产生误解

  and how we behave when that happens, and what all of this can tell us about human nature.

  当误解发生时我们作何反应 以及这一切所告诉我们的人性

  In other words, as you heard Chris say, I've spent the last five years thinking about being wrong.

  换句话说,就像 Chris 刚才说的 过去五年的时间 我都在思考错误的价值

  This might strike you as a strange career move, but it actually has one great advantage: no job competition.

  你可能觉得这是个奇异的专业 但有一项好处是不容置疑的: 没有竞争者。

  (Laughter) In fact, most of us do everything we can to avoid thinking about being wrong, or at least to avoid thinking about the possibility that we ourselves are wrong.

  (笑声) 事实上,我们大部分的人 都尽力不思考错误的价值 或至少避免想到我们有可能犯错。

  We get it in the abstract.


  We all know everybody in this room makes mistakes.


  The human species, in general, is fallible -- okay fine.

  人类本来就会犯错 - 没问题

  But when it comes down to me right now, to all the beliefs I hold, here in the present tense, suddenly all of this abstract appreciation of fallibility  goes out the window -- and I can't actually think of anything I'm wrong about.

  一旦这个想法临到我们自身 我们现在所有的 所有的信念 对人类可能犯错的抽象概念随即被我们抛弃 我无法想到我有哪里出错

  And the thing is, the present tense is where we live.


  We go to meetings in the present tense; we go on family vacations in the present tense; we go to the polls and vote in the present tense.

  我们开会,去家庭旅游 去投票 全都是现在式

  So effectively, we all kind of wind up traveling through life, trapped in this little bubble of feeling very right about everything.

  我们就像现在一个小泡泡里 经历人生 感觉自己总是对的

  I think this is a problem.


  I think it's a problem for each of us as individuals, in our personal and professional lives, and I think it's a problem for all of us collectively as a culture.

  我认为这是每个人私人生活 和职业生活中的问题 我认为我们身为群体,这也造成了文化问题

  So what I want to do today is, first of all, talk about why we get stuck inside this feeling of being right.

  于是,我今天想做的是 先谈谈为甚么我们会 陷在这种自以为是的心态中

  And second, why it's such a problem.


  And finally, I want to convince you that it is possible to step outside of that feeling, and that, if you can do so, it is the single greatest

  最后我想说服大家 克服这种感觉 是可能的 而且一旦你做到了 这将成为你道德上

  moral, intellectual and creative leap you can make.


  So why do we get stuck in this feeling of being right?

  为甚么我们会陷在 这种自以为是的心态中?

  One reason actually has to do with a feeling of being wrong.


  So let me ask you guys something -- or actually, let me ask you guys something, because you're right here: How does it feel -- emotionally --

  我想问问你们 让我问问台上的你们 当你意识到自己犯错了

  how does it feel to be wrong?


  Dreadful. Thumbs down.


  Embarrassing. Okay, wonderful, good.


  Dreadful, thumbs down, embarrassing -- thank you, these are great answers, but they're answers to a different question.

  很糟糕,很差劲,很难堪。 谢谢你们提供这些答案 但这些答案没有回答我的问题

  You guys are answering the question: How does it feel to realize you're wrong?

  你们回答的问题是: 当你意识到你犯错的时候,你的感觉如何?

  (Laughter) Realizing you're wrong can feel like all of that and a lot of other things, right?

  (笑声) 意识到你犯错了就会有刚刚所说的这些感觉,不是吗?

  I mean it can be devastating, it can be revelatory, it can actually be quite funny, like my stupid Chinese character mistake.

  令人沮丧,暴露了一些真实 有时候甚至有些好笑 像我误以为路牌是中文字

  But just being wrong doesn't feel like anything.

  但犯错本身 事实上毫无感觉

  I'll give you an analogy.


  Do you remember that Loony Tunes cartoon where there's this pathetic coyote who's always chasing and never catching a roadrunner?

  你记得卡通里 那个总是在追逐 却从未抓到猎物的土狼吗?

  In pretty much every episode of this cartoon, there's a moment where the coyote is chasing the roadrunner and the roadrunner runs off a cliff,

  几乎在每一集里 牠的猎物 - 一只走鹃鸟 都会跳下悬崖

  which is fine, he's a bird, he can fly.


  But the thing is, the coyote runs off the cliff right after him.


  And what's funny -- at least if you're six years old -- is that the coyote's totally fine too.

  那很好笑 如果你是个六岁儿童 土狼也很好

  He just keeps running -- right up until the moment that he looks down and realizes that he's in mid-air.

  牠就这么继续跑 直到牠往下看 发现自己漫步在空中

  That's when he falls.


  When we're wrong about something -- not when we realize it, but before that -- we're like that coyote after he's gone off the cliff and before he looks down.

  在我们犯错时 在我们意识到我们犯错时 我们就像那只土狼 还没意识到自己奔出悬崖

  You know, we're already wrong, we're already in trouble, but we feel like we're on solid ground.

  我们已经错了 已经惹上麻烦了 但仍然感觉像走在地上

  So I should actually correct something I said a moment ago.


  It does feel like something to be wrong; it feels like being right.

  犯错的感觉就和 正确的感觉一样

  (Laughter) So this is one reason, a structural reason, why we get stuck inside this feeling of rightness.

  (笑声) 事实上我们这种自以为对的感受 是有构造性的原因的

  I call this error blindness.


  Most of the time, we don't have any kind of internal cue to let us know that we're wrong about something, until it's too late.

  大部份的时间里 我们身体里没有任何机制 提醒我们错了 直到木已成舟

  But there's a second reason that we get stuck inside this feeling as well -- and this one is cultural.

  但还有第二个理由 文化性的理由

  Think back for a moment to elementary school.


  You're sitting there in class, and your teacher is handing back quiz papers, and one of them looks like this.

  你坐在课堂里 你的老师发回小考考卷 像这样的小考考卷

  This is not mine, by the way.


  (Laughter) So there you are in grade school, and you know exactly what to think about the kid who got this paper.

  (笑声) 你从小学时代 就知道该对拿这张考卷的同学 下甚么评语

  It's the dumb kid, the troublemaker, the one who never does his homework.

  笨蛋,捣蛋鬼 从不做功课的坏学生

  So by the time you are nine years old, you've already learned, first of all, that people who get stuff wrong are lazy, irresponsible dimwits --

  你不过才九岁 你已经懂得,首先 那些犯错的人 都是懒惰、不负责任的傻瓜

  and second of all, that the way to succeed in life is to never make any mistakes.

  第二 想要在人生中成功 就不要犯错

  We learn these really bad lessons really well.


  And a lot of us -- and I suspect, especially a lot of us in this room -- deal with them by just becoming perfect little A students,

  而我们 尤其是这个大厅里的许多人 都因此成为好学生 拿全A

  perfectionists, over-achievers.


  Right, Mr. CFO, astrophysicist, ultra-marathoner?

  不是吗? 财务长、天体物理学家、超级马拉松先生们?

  (Laughter) You're all CFO, astrophysicists, ultra-marathoners, it turns out.

  (笑声) 结果是你们全成了财务长、天体物理学家、跑超级马拉松

  Okay, so fine.


  Except that then we freak out at the possibility that we've gotten something wrong.

  但一旦我们发现有可能犯错 就开始手足无措

  Because according to this, getting something wrong means there's something wrong with us.

  因为依照规定 犯错 代表我们一定也有甚么不对劲

  So we just insist that we're right, because it makes us feel smart and responsible and virtuous and safe.

  于是我们坚持己见 因为那让我们感觉聪明、得体 安全和可靠

  So let me tell you a story.


  A couple of years ago, a woman comes into Beth Israel Deaconess medical center for a surgery.

  几年前 一个女人到 Beth Israel Deaconess 诊所做手术

  Beth Israel's in Boston.

  Beth Israel 在波士顿

  It's the teaching hospital for Harvard -- one of the best hospitals in the country.

  是哈佛大学的教学附属医院 全国数一数二的医疗中心

  So this woman comes in and she's taken into the operating room.


  She's anesthetized, the surgeon does his thing -- stitches her back up, sends her out to the recovery room.

  麻醉,外科医生做完手术 缝合,将她送进恢复室

  Everything seems to have gone fine.


  And she wakes up, and she looks down at herself, and she says, "Why is the wrong side of my body in bandages?"

  她醒来,往自己身上一看 说“为甚么我的左腿绑着绷带?”

  Well the wrong side of her body is in bandages because the surgeon has performed a major operation on her left leg instead of her right one.

  她应该接受治疗的是右腿 但为他做手术的外科医生 却把刀开在左腿

  When the vice president for health care quality at Beth Israel spoke about this incident, he said something very interesting.

  当副院长出来为医院的医疗质量 和这次意外做出解释时 他说了句很有趣的话

  He said, "For whatever reason, the surgeon simply felt that he was on the correct side of the patient."

  他说“无论如何 这位外科医生感觉 他开下的刀是在正确的一侧”

  (Laughter) The point of this story is that trusting too much in the feeling of being on the correct side of anything can be very dangerous.

  (笑声) 故事的重点是 相信自己的判断力 相信自己站在对的一边 是非常危险的

  This internal sense of rightness that we all experience so often is not a reliable guide to what is actually going on in the external world.

  我们心中时常感觉到的 理直气壮的感觉 在真实世界中 并不是个可靠的向导。

  And when we act like it is, and we stop entertaining the possibility that we could be wrong, well that's when we end up doing things

  当我们依此行事 不再思考我们是否犯错 我们就有可能

  88.like dumping 200 million gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, or torpedoing the global economy.

  把两百湾加仑的石油倒进墨西哥湾 或是颠覆世界经济

  So this is a huge practical problem.


  But it's also a huge social problem.


  Think for a moment about what it means to feel right.


  It means that you think that your beliefs just perfectly reflect reality.

  这代表着你认为你的信念 和真实是一致的

  And when you feel that way, you've got a problem to solve, which is, how are you going to explain all of those people who disagree with you?

  当你有这种感觉的时候 你的问题就大了 因为如果你是对的 为甚么还有人和你持不同意见?

  It turns out, most of us explain those people the same way, by resorting to a series of unfortunate assumptions.

  于是我们往往用同一种 思考方式去解释这些异议

  The first thing we usually do when someone disagrees with us is we just assume they're ignorant.

  第一是当他人不同意我们的说法 我们便觉得他们无知

  They don't have access to the same information that we do, and when we generously share that information with them, they're going to see the light and come on over to our team.

  他们不像我们懂得这么多 当我们慷慨地和他们分享我们的知识 他们便会理解,并加入我们的行列

  When that doesn't work, when it turns out those people have all the same facts that we do and they still disagree with us, then we move on to a second assumption,

  如果不是这样 如果这些人和我们获得的信息一样多 却仍然不认同我们 我们便有了下一个定论

  which is that they're idiots.


  (Laughter) They have all the right pieces of the puzzle, and they are too moronic to put them together correctly.

  (笑声) 他们已经有了所有的信息 却笨到无法拼凑出正确的图像

  And when that doesn't work, when it turns out that people who disagree with us have all the same facts we do and are actually pretty smart,

  一旦第二个定论也不成立 当这些反对我们的人 和我们有一样的信息 又聪明

  then we move on to a third assumption: they know the truth, and they are deliberately distorting it for their own malevolent purposes.

  我们便有了第三个结论 他们知道事实是甚么 但却为了自己的好处 故意曲解真实。

  So this is a catastrophe.


  This attachment to our own rightness keeps us from preventing mistakes when we absolutely need to and causes us to treat each other terribly.

  我们的自以为是 让我们在最需要的时候 无法预防犯错 更让我们互相仇视

  104.But to me, what's most baffling and most tragic about this is that it misses the whole point of being human.

  对我来说 最大的悲剧是 它让我们错失了身为人的珍贵意义

  It's like we want to imagine that our minds are just these perfectly translucent windows and we just gaze out of them and describe the world as it unfolds.

  那就像是想象 我们的心灵之窗完全透明 我们向外观看 描述在我们之前展开的世界

  And we want everybody else to gaze out of the same window and see the exact same thing.

  我们想要每个人和我们有一样的窗子 对世界做出一样的观察

  That is not true, and if it were, life would be incredibly boring.

  那不是真的 如果是,人生将会多么无聊

  The miracle of your mind isn't that you can see the world as it is.

  心灵的神奇之处 不在你懂得这个世界是甚么样子

  It's that you can see the world as it isn't.


  We can remember the past, and we can think about the future, and we can imagine what it's like to be some other person in some other place.

  我们记得过去 思考未来 我们想象 自己成为他人,在他方

  And we all do this a little differently, which is why we can all look up at the same night sky and see this and also this and also this.

  我们的想象都有些不同 于是当我们抬头看同一个夜空 我们看到这个 这个 和这个

  And yeah, it is also why we get things wrong.


  1,200 years before Descartes said his famous thing about "I think therefore I am,"

  在笛卡儿说出那句有名的”我思故我在“ 的一千两百年前

  this guy, St. Augustine, sat down and wrote "Fallor ergo sum" -- "I err therefore I am."

  圣奥古斯丁,坐下来 写下"Fallor ergo sum" "我错故我在"

  Augustine understood that our capacity to screw up, it's not some kind of embarrassing defect in the human system, something we can eradicate or overcome.

  奥古斯丁懂得 我们犯错的能力 这并不是人性中 一个令人难堪的缺陷 不是我们可以克服或消灭的

  It's totally fundamental to who we are.


  Because, unlike God, we don't really know what's going on out there.

  因为我们不是上帝 我们不知道我们之外究竟发生了甚么

  And unlike all of the other animals, we are obsessed with trying to figure it out.

  而不同于其它动物的是 我们都疯狂地想找出解答

  To me, this obsession is the source and root of all of our productivity and creativity.

  对我来说 这种寻找的冲动 就是我们生产力和创造力的来源

  Last year, for various reasons, I found myself listening to a lot of episodes of the Public Radio show This American Life.

  因为一些缘故 去年我在广播上 听了很多集的"我们的美国人生"

  And so I'm listening and I'm listening, and at some point, I start feeling like all the stories are about being wrong.

  我听着听着 突然发现 这些故事全和犯错有关

  And my first thought was, "I've lost it.

  我的第一个念头是 “我完了

  I've become the crazy wrongness lady.


  I just imagined it everywhere,"


  which has happened.


  But a couple of months later, I actually had a chance to interview Ira Glass, who's the host of the show.

  但几个月后 我访问了那个广播节目的主持人 Ira Glass

  And I mentioned this to him, and he was like, "No actually, that's true.

  我向他提到这件事 他回答我“事实上

  In fact," he says, "as a staff, we joke that every single episode of our show has the same crypto-theme.

  你是对的”他说 “我们这些工作人员总是 开玩笑说每集节目之中的 秘密主题都是一样的

  And the crypto-theme is: 'I thought this one thing was going to happen and something else happened instead.' And thing is," says Ira Glass, "we need this.

  这个秘密主题就是 "我以为这件事会这样发生 结果其它事情发生了" 他说"但是,这就是我们需要的

  We need these moments of surprise and reversal and wrongness to make these stories work."

  我们需要这些意外 这些颠倒和错误 这些故事才能成立。"

  And for the rest of us, audience members, as listeners, as readers, we eat this stuff up.

  而我们身为观众 听众、读者 我们吸收这些故事

  We love things like plot twists and red herrings and surprise endings.

  我们喜欢故事转折 令人惊讶的结局

  When it comes to our stories, we love being wrong.

  我们喜欢在故事里 看到犯错

  But, you know, our stories are like this because our lives are like this.

  但,故事会这样写 是因为人生就是这样

  We think this one thing is going to happen and something else happens instead.

  我们以为某些事情会这样发生 发生的却是其它事

  George Bush thought he was going to invade Iraq, find a bunch of weapons of mass destruction, liberate the people and bring democracy to the Middle East.

  小布什以为他入侵伊拉克 会找到大规模毁灭性武器 解放中东百姓,为他们带来民主自由

  And something else happened instead.


  And Hosni Mubarak thought he was going to be dictator of Egypt for the rest of his life, until he got too old or too sick and could pass the reigns of power onto his son.

  穆巴拉克以为 他到死都会是埃及的独裁者 一直到他年老或卧病 再把他的权力交给下一代

  And something else happened instead.


  And maybe you thought you were going to grow up and marry your high school sweetheart and move back to your home town and raise a bunch of kids together.

  或许你想过 你会长大、嫁给你的初恋情人 搬回老家,生一群孩子

  And something else happened instead.


  And I have to tell you that I thought I was writing an incredibly nerdy book about a subject everybody hates for an audience that would never materialize.

  我必须说 我以为我写的是一本很冷僻的书 有关一个人人讨厌的主题 为一些从不存在的读者

  And something else happened instead.


  (Laughter) I mean, this is life.

  (笑声) 我们的人生

  For good and for ill, we generate these incredible stories about the world around us, and then the world turns around and astonishes us.

  无论好坏 我们创造了啦 那包围我们的世界 而世界转过头来,令我们大吃一惊

  No offense, but this entire conference is an unbelievable monument to our capacity to get stuff wrong.

  说真的,这整个会议 充斥着这样难以置信的时刻 我们一次又一次地意识到自己的错误

  We just spent and entire week talking about innovations and advancements and improvements, but you know why we need all of those innovations

  我们花了整整一周 讨论创新,进步 和改善 你知道我们为甚么需要这些创新

  and advancements and improvements?


  Because half the stuff that's the most mind-boggling and world altering -- TED 1998 -- eh.

  因为其中有一半 来自最应该改变世界的 98年的TED 呃

  (Laughter) Didn't really work out that way, did it.

  (笑声) 真是出人意料之外啊,不是吗

  (Laughter) Where's my jet pack, Chris?

  (笑声) 我的逃生火箭在哪,Chris?

  (Laughter) (Applause) So here we are again.

  (笑声) (掌声) 于是我们又在这里

  And that's how it goes.


  We come up with another idea.


  We tell another story.


  We hold another conference.


  The theme of this one, as you guys have now heard seven million times, is the rediscovery of wonder.

  这次的主题是 如果你还没有听到耳朵出油的话 是重新找到想象的力量

  And to me, if you really want to rediscover wonder, you need to step outside of that tiny, terrified space of rightness and look around at each other

  对我来说 如果你真的想重新找到想象的力量 你需要离开 那个小小的、自我感觉良好的小圈圈 看看彼此

  and look out at the vastness and complexity and mystery of the universe and be able to say, "Wow, I don't know.

  看看宇宙的 广大无垠 复杂神秘 然后真正地说 “哇,我不知道

  Maybe I'm wrong."


  Thank you.


  (Applause) Thank you guys.

  (掌声) 谢谢

英文演讲稿范文 篇2

  Ladies and Gentlemen:

  Good evening!since i came to the college,i have been holding positions of class and youth league union. i also have done some pragmatic work for the university and our schoolmates. during the communication with our schoolmates,i feel it deep that the cohesion of a unit lies in a developing and advancing collective,while the strength for it comes sincerity,understanding and contributions. as a leader of student,one should have a firm belief with sacrifice. as a leader of student,one should be willing to make up the gap between man and man,idea and reality with his fierce feelings. as a leader of student,one should not be selfish. what he seeks for is to work hard and give himself up to the service.

  I,as one of the thousands of students of economy college,am proud of it. i would be more willing to take up the duty belonging to me. this is my initial hope. this is why i am standing here today.

英文演讲稿范文 篇3

  Good morning everyone, Before my speech, I want to ask one question, what do you eat this morning? Yeah, food is present in our life every time. So today my topic is how do we eat on campus?

  1,In China there is an old saying: Bread is the staff of life. The Chinese meaning is 民以食为天。Obviously, it means food plays a decisive [di'saisiv] role in our daily life, Food safety is a matter of primary ['praim?ri] importance , The issue is closely related to ordinary people’s health.

  2, As we know, The food safety is a serious problem in china, and on campus ,the matter is also exist, and the unhealthy food harm our health everyday. For example, in the morning, you buy a donut ['d?un?t] for breakfast, and likely, the donut is made by drainage ['dreinid?] oil; and when you hungry you buy kebab [k?'b?b], it may be dealed with chemical materials. So even on campus, we also should improve food safety awareness.

  3, The unhealthy food seriously harm our body, it can cause different kinds of diseases, from a headache to cancer, This is not a threat, some unhealthy food, Containing various additives. And which give a tremendous threat to us. Some unhealthy food will make us ill, such as diarrhea[,dai?'ri?]、stomach ache and other disease of digestive tract. Some food additives use chemical materials to make food looks better, but it will carcinogenic [,kɑ:sin?u'd?enik] in a long time.

  4, Due to food safety is important in our life, so there so many things waiting for the government to do. (问1) First, Strengthening food safety legislation [,led?is'lein] , and use the experiences of developed countries. Strongly punish criminal for food safety. Second, our government should promote food safety knowledge, to rise people’s of self-protection.

  5, What is more, as a postgraduate, we also should do more on food safety. First of all, we should learn some essential common sense about safety food, and learn to recognize the unhealthy food by ourselves. ( 问2) second,do not covet ['k?vit] petty gain,in normal situation, the food price is stable, when you see a abnormal price, be carefull ! Last, everyone should have awareness of unhealthy food, raise the sense of prevention.

  Though the food safety situation is bad, but I still believe through the joint efforts of government and all communities, We finally will eat the security food .

英文演讲稿范文 篇4

  Hello everyone! Welcome to the LUOYANG,one of the famous historical city.

  I’m glad to have this oppotunity to introduce some of our traditional foodsfor you.

  As we say“Tangdu Luoyang” ,Luoyang is well-known with local people love anddrink soup:beef soup, donkey soup, mutton soup is the most breakfast in Luoyang,Luoyang has many soup halls, all over the streets, and the business of each souphall is very good.

英文演讲稿范文 篇5

  Have you ever heard about Warren Buffet, the second richest person in the world? Well, today I am not going to talk about him but his three kids.

  For someone whose parent is such an extraordinarily successful investor, the three kids come out pretty ordinary guys. When they were young, they each received $ 10,000 a year. If they wanted to borrow more money form their father, they have to sign a written agreement. When growing up, however, they all found their lovely jobs-housewife, farmer, musician, instead of relying on their well off father.

  It seems that they are unlucky to have a father who criticizes the self-indulgence of super-rich. But is it really true? No, absolutely not! In fact, they are grateful to him because they found their own passion which suits their true talent, and they are able to make money on their own.

  So what could we learn from them? Three words: independence, responsibility, passion. Indeed we are fortunate to be protected by the whole family, but this cannot be the reason for us to become boomerang children.

  Although we, the generation of 90s have been questioned from the day we were born: selfness and weakness, indifference and rebellion, sensitivity and pride, we are still pressing on with our creed: Yes we can. At a time when the earthquake happened in We chuan, we were praised by the whole public because of the bravery and determination we show during the process of rescuing. Yes we can. When the World Expo was held in Shanghai, the smile on volunteers’ faces impressed millions of people all around the world. Yes we can. When the two kids fell into the river, fifteen freshmen of Chang Jiang University saved them from drowning regardless of the truth that they cannot swim. Yes we can. We were there for the return of Hong Kong and Macao, the Olympic Game in Beijing, the 60th anniversary of founding of New China, and Premier Wen Jiabao who told the survivors in earthquake that “We shall overcome.” Yes we can.

  As the only child in the family, however, some of us just like flowers growing in the greenhouse that take for granted, and parents will give them whatever they want, from toys to books, from watches to cell phones, from houses to cars. But apart from this, we have to be independent. Everyone is an individual. You are not your parents’ sequel. You are not your kids’ prequel. You have your own talents and you have to rely on yourselves.

  Take responsibility. No one can support you in your whole life. No one

英文演讲稿范文 篇6

  It is such an honor and pleasure for me to be back at Yale, especially on the occasion of the 300th anniversary. I have had so many memories of my time here, and as Nick was speaking I thought about how I ended up at Yale Law School. And it tells a little bit about how much progress we’ve made.

  What I think most about when I think of Yale is not just the politically charged atmosphere and not even just the superb legal education that I received. It was at Yale that I began work that has been at the core of what I have cared about ever since. I began working with New Haven legal services representing children. And I studied child development, abuse and neglect at the Yale New Haven Hospital and the Child Study Center. I was lucky enough to receive a civil rights internship with Marian Wright Edelman at the Children’s Defense Fund, where I went to work after I graduated. Those experiences fueled in me a passion to work for the benefit of children, particularly the most vulnerable.

  Now, looking back, there is no way that I could have predicted what path my life would have taken. I didn’t sit around the law school, saying, well, you know, I think I’ll graduate and then I’ll go to work at the Children’s Defense Fund, and then the impeachment inquiry, and Nixon retired or resigns, I’ll go to Arkansas. I didn’t think like that. I was taking each day at a time.名人励志演讲稿But, I’ve been very fortunate because I’ve always had an idea in my mind about what I thought was important and what gave my life meaning and purpose. A set of values and beliefs that have helped me navigate the shoals, the sometimes very treacherous sea, to illuminate my own true desires, despite that others say about what l should care about and believe in. A passion to succeed at what l thought was important and children have always provided that lone star, that guiding light. Because l have that absolute conviction that every child, especially in this, the most blessed of nations that has ever existed on the face of earth, that every child deserves the opportunity to live up to his or her God-given potential.

  But you know that belief and conviction-it may make for a personal mission statement, but standing alone, not translated into action, it means very little to anyone else, particularly to those for whom you have those concerns.

  When I was thinking about running for the United States Senate-which was such an enormous decision to make, one I never could have dreamed that I would have been making when I was

  here on campus-I visited a school in New York City and I met a young woman, who was a star athlete.

  I was there because of Billy Jean King promoting an HBO special about women in sports called “Dare to compete.” It was about Title IX and how we finally, thanks to government action, provided opportunities to girls and women in sports.

  And although I played not very well at intramural sports, I have always been a strong supporter of women in sports. And I was introduced by this young woman, and as I went to shake her hand she obviously had been reading the newspapers about people saying I should or shouldn’t run for the Senate. And I was congratulating her on the speech she had just made and she held onto my hand and she said, “Dare to compete, Mrs. Clinton. Dare to compete.”

  I took that to heart because it is hard to compete sometimes, especially in public ways, when your failures are there for everyone to see and you don’t know what is going to happen from one day to the next. And yet so much of life, whether we like to accept it or not, is competing with ourselves to be the best we can be, being involved in classes or professions or just life, where we know we are competing with others.

  I took her advice and I did compete because I chose to do so. And the biggest choices that you’ll face in your life will be yours alone to make. I’m sure you’ll receive good advice. You’re got a great education to go back and reflect about what is right for you, but you eventually will have to choose and I hope that you will dare to compete. And by that I don’t mean the kind of cutthroat competition that is too often characterized by what is driving America today. I mean the small voice inside you that says to you, you can do it, you can take this risk, you can take this next step.

  And it doesn’t mean that once having made that choice you will always succeed. In fact, you won’t. There are setbacks and you will experience difficult disappointments. You will be slowed down and sometimes the breath will just be knocked out of you. But if you carry with you the values and beliefs that you can make a difference in your own life, first and foremost, and then in the lives of others. You can get back up, you can keep going.

  But it is also important, as I have found, not to take yourself too seriously, because after all, every one of us here today, none of us is deserving of full credit. I think every day of the blessings my birth gave me without any doing of my own. I chose neither my family nor my country, but they as much as anything I’ve ever done, determined my course.

  You compare my or your circumstances with those of the majority of people who’ve ever lived or who are living right now, they too often are born knowing too well what their futures will be. They lack the freedom to choose their life’s path. They’re imprisoned by circumstances of poverty and ignorance, bigotry, disease, hunger, oppression and war.

  So, dare to compete, yes, but maybe even more difficult, dare to care. Dare to care about people who need our help to succeed and fulfill their own lives. There are so many out there and

  sometimes all it takes is the simplest of gestures or helping hands and many of you understand that already. I know that the numbers of graduates in the last 20 years have worked in community organizations, have tutored, have committed themselves to religious activities.

  You have been there trying to serve because you have believed both that it was the right thing to do and because it gave something back to you. You have dared to care.

  Well, dare to care to fight for equal justice for all, for equal pay for women, against hate crimes and bigotry. Dare to care about public schools without qualified teachers or adequate resources. Dare to care about protecting our environment. Dare to care about the 10 million children in our country who lack health insurance. Dare to care about the one and a half million children who have a parent in jail. The seven million people who suffer from HIV/AIDS. And thank you for caring enough to demand that our nation do more to help those that are suffering throughout this world with HIV/AIDS, to prevent this pandemic from spreading even further.

  And I’ll also add, dare enough to care about our political process. You know, as I go and speak with students I’m impressed so much, not only in formal settings, on campuses, but with my daughter and her friends, about how much you care, about how willing you are to volunteer and serve. You may have missed the last wave of the revolution, but you’ve understood that the dot.community revolution is there for you every single day. And you’ve been willing to be part of remarking lives in our community.

  And yet, there is a real resistance, a turning away from the political process. I hope that some of you will be public servants and will even run for office yourself, not to win a position to make and impression on your friends at your 20th reunion, but because you understand how important it is for each of us as citizens to make a commitment to our democracy.

  Your generation, the first one born after the social upheavals of the 60’s and 70’s, in the midst of the technological advances of the 80’s and 90’s, are inheriting an economy, a society and a government that has yet to understand fully, or even come to grips with, our rapidly changing world.

  And so bring your values and experiences and insights into politics. Dare to help make, not just a difference in politics, but create a different politics. Some have called you the generation of choice. You’ve been raised with multiple choice tests, multiple channels, multiple websites and multiple lifestyles. You’ve grown up choosing among alternatives that were either not imagined, created or available to people in prior generations.

  You’ve been invested with far more personal power to customize your life, to make more free choices about how to live than was ever thought possible. And I think as I look at all the surveys and research that is done, your choices reflect not only freedom, but personal responsibility.

  The social indicators, not the headlines, the social indicators tell a positive story: drug use and cheating and arrests being down, been pregnancy and suicides, drunk driving deaths being down.

  Community service and religious involvement being up. But if you look at the area of voting among 18 to 29 year olds, the numbers tell a far more troubling tale. Many of you I know believe that service and community volunteerism is a better way of solving the issues facing our country than political engagement, because you believe-choose one of the following multiples or choose them all-government either can’t understand or won’t make the right choices because of political pressures, inefficiency, incompetence or big money influence.

  Well, I admit there is enough truth in that critique to justify feeling disconnected and alienated. But at bottom, that’s a personal cop-out and a national peril. Political conditions maximize the conditions for individual opportunity and responsibility as well as community. Americorps and the Peace Corps exist because of political decisions. Our air, water, land and food will be clean and safe because of political choices. Our ability to cure disease or log onto the Internet have been advanced because of politically determined investments. Ethnic cleansing in Kosovo ended because of political leadership. Your parents and grandparents traveled here by means of government built and subsidized transportation systems. Many used GI Bills or government loans, as I did, to attend college.

  Now, I could, as you might guess, go on and on, but the point is to remind us all that government is us and each generation has to stake its claim. And, as stakeholders, you will have to decide whether or not to make the choice to participate. It is hard and it is, bringing change in a democracy, particularly now. There’s so much about our modern times that conspire to lower our sights, to weaken our vision-as individuals and communities and even nations.

  It is not the vast conspiracy you may have heard about; rather it’s a silent conspiracy of cynicism and indifference and alienation that we see every day, in our popular culture and in our prodigious consumerism.

  But as many have said before and as Vaclav Havel has said to memorably, “It cannot suffice just to invent new machines, new regulations and new institutions. It is necessary to understand differently and more perfectly the true purpose of our existence on this Earth and of our deeds.” And I think we are called on to reject, in this time of blessings that we enjoy, those who will tear us apart and tear us down and instead to liberate our God-given spirit, by being willing to dare to dream of a better world.

  During my campaign, when times were tough and days were long I used to think about the example of Harriet Tubman, a heroic New Yorker, a 19th century Moses, who risked her life to bring hundreds of slaves to freedom. She would say to those who she gathered up in the South where she kept going back year after year from the safety of Auburn, New York, that no matter what happens, they had to keep going. If they heard shouts behind them, they had to keep going. If they heard gunfire or dogs, they had to keep going to freedom. Well, those aren’t the risks we face. It is more the silence and apathy and indifference that dogs our heels.

  Thirty-two years ago, I spoke at my own graduation from Wellesley, where I did call on my fellow classmates to reject the notion of limitations on our ability to effect change and instead to

  embrace the idea that the goal of education should be human liberation and the freedom to practice with all the skill of our being the art of making possible.

  For after all, our fate is to be free. To choose competition over apathy, caring over indifference, vision over myopia, and love over hate.

  Just as this is a special time in your lives, it is for me as well because my daughter will be graduating in four weeks, graduating also from a wonderful place with a great education and beginning a new life. And as I think about all the parents and grandparents who are out there, I have a sense of what their feeling. Their hearts are leaping with joy, but it’s hard to keep tears in check because the presence of our children at a time and place such as this is really a fulfillment of our own American dreams. Well, I applaud you and all of your love, commitment and hard work, just as I applaud your daughters and sons for theirs.

  And I leave these graduates with the same message I hope to leave with my graduate. Dare to compete. Dare to care. Dare to dream. Dare to love. Practice the art of making possible. And no matter what happens, even if you hear shouts behind, keep going.

  Thank you and God bless you all.

英文演讲稿范文 篇7





  同学们,请举起你们的手,投我一票,再给我一次锻炼的机会吧!我会经得住考验的,相信在我们的共同努力下,充分发挥每个人的聪明才智,我们的班务工作一定能做得十分出色! 谢谢大家!

英文演讲稿范文 篇8









英文演讲稿范文 篇9

  This is a glass of water, tasteless, right? however if you add sugar, it will taste sweet, but if you add vinegar, it will become bitter. the same is true with our life the flavor is created by our choices.

  If kindness is added to a strange you will have a friend; but if hostility is added, you will have an enemy. if love is added to a pile of red bricks you will have a home, but if hatred is add to those bricks , you will have an concentration camp.

  So my dear friends, never complain that life is boring and the world is disappointing. if don’t like the taste of your life, change the ingredients. three year ago, i weighed more than 100 hundred kilograms which caused significant embarrassment and frustration in my life. like always failing my p.e examinations, like always being laughed at by girls, like being terrified to speak in public. it was my grandmother’s encouragement that revived from my passive attitude to become confident in myself. she said “ my dear, if you can’t change you figure, why not treat it as your own style. so i began to cautiously employ the new way of thinking. by hoosing to change my outlook on life, i developed the confidence to make a difference and finally i found a totally new world. so my dear friend, if faith, hope, love, endurance are added to your life, you will find the confidence to conquer your limitation and embrace new challenges. and hopefully with my speech included, you will have a fantastic speech contest.

  My definition of success

  Today i am very glad to be here to share with you my ideas of success. what is success? it is what everyone is longing for.sometimes success would be rather simple. winning a game is success; getting a high grade in the exam is success; making a new friend is success; even now i am standing here giving my speech is somehow also success.

  However, as a person’s whole life is concerned, success becomes very complicated. is fortune success? is fame success? is high social status success? no, i don’t think so. i believe success is the realization of people’s hopes and ideals.nowadays, in the modern society there are many people

  Who are regarded as the successful. and the most obvious characteristics of hem are money, high position and luxurious life. so most people believe that s success and all that they do is for this purpose. but the problem is wether it is real success. we all know there are always more money, higher position and better condition in front of us. if we keep chasing them, where is the end? what will satisfy us at last? therefore, we can see, to get the real success we must need something inside, which is the realization of people’ hopes and ideals.

  Different people have different ideas about success; cause people’s hopes and ideas vary from one another. but i am sure every success is dear to everybody, cause it is not easy to come by, ause in the process of our striving for success, we got both our body and soul tempted, meanwhile we are enlightened by the most valuable qualities of human beings: love, patient, courage and sense of responsibility. these are the best treasures. so now i am very proud that i have this opportunity to stand here speaking to all of you. it is my success, cause i raise up to challenge my hope.

  What is success? everyone has his own interpretation as i do. but i am sure every success leads to an ever-brighter future. so ladies and gentlemen, believe in our hopes, believe in ourselves, we, every one of us, can make a successful life!

  Wish you all good success!

英文演讲稿范文 篇10

  you will live every single day of your life with absolute passion, and you will show your passion through the words you speak and the actions you take.

  you will focus all your time and effort on the most important goals of your life. you will never succumb to challenges of hardships.

  you will never waver in your pursuit of excellence. after all,you are the best, and you deserve the best!

  as your coach and friend, i can assure you the door to all the best things in the world will open to you, but the key to that door is in your hand. you must do your part, you must faithfully follow the plans you make and take the actions you plan, you must never quit, you must never fear. i know you must do it, you can do it, you will do it, and you will succeed!

  now stand firm and tall, make a fist, get excited, and yell it out:

  i must do it! i can do it! i will do it! i will succeed!

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