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表白英文情书简短 篇1

  To: Adam ~ From: Tamara

  Dear Adam,

  Tonight I write of love to you. I know that in our course of 5 years we have been up and down and just about all around, but yet, through it all we still hold on - holding onto a dream that one day we will be happy together again, the way we were before.

  I know a love like ours people often dream about; that's why I hold on. To ease my mind I need to know ... why do you still hold on? I cannot change the past but work towards the future. I see in my future you and only you. You're my sunrise and sunset - my whole being of myself, living only for you. You make my rainy day's seem happy and my sunny day's something to look forward to as I wake each day. I know I have yet to be perfect and maybe a little rough around the edges but I know that I can be all you want, desire, and need in a lady.

  We created a lovely baby made completely out of love, for that is why every day I look at her, she reminds me of the love we once held so dear. The day you packed your things and left, a part of my heart broke a little more through the endless tears and the unknowing of what is to become of us. It really had me afraid that this time, the end may truly be the end. But still we stay together, maybe not in sharing a home but still together, just to hold dear that true love can happen even to those whom have fallen a little out of love.

  I am thankful we keep trying, for you are the most important person in my life and nothing will ever change that, my soul mate. I love you so deeply that even words tonight cannot express them enough.

  Love always,


表白英文情书简短 篇2

  To: Shortie ~ From: Nate

  Dear Shortie,

  Look, I don't know where to start. I love you. I have loved you since as long as I can remember, Shortie. I guess the first time I told was when I realized how much you meant to me. We have known each other for years. Once we got together, I couldn't believe how good things were going. It was too good to be true. It was perfect in the beginning. I loved you, and you loved me. I felt like that's the way it should still be.

  I didn't want you to leave - honestly, I didn't. If I could go back, I'd beg you to stay by my side. To know you'd be miles away was breaking my heart, but I wanted you to be happy. I wanted you to make a good future for yourself, for us. Now that I think about it, how could I have let you go? What was I thinking then? Look what has happened.

  I know we've been through the toughest of times. And because of that I think we are stronger than we thought. We lasted a good while. I'm so incredibly sorry for everything that I did wrong. I wish you could just tell me, and I would change it all. But, you know that neither of us were innocent when it came to hurting each other.

  When I said I would marry you, I meant it. I wanted to live my entire life loving you. We could have grown old together. I know you wanted that. It would have been great. But what happened to us, Shortie? Where did we go wrong? Wasn't our love untouchable? Wasn't it strong? I sit and think, and the only thing that best explains it is that we needed to be together physically. Having you in one state and me in another was unbearable. Although, I wanted to be with you so badly, I also have school and my life here. If I could go back I'd probably leave with you when I had the chance. Would things be better now or is this the way it is supposed to be?

  All I know is we may not be together now or maybe not ever again. But I want you to know that you are someone I will never ever forget. I loved you, and still love, and will always love you, no ma

  #e#tter what. We've been through a lot. But that love is still there. I hope you find happiness. I hope all your dreams come true. You deserve a lot.

  I feel very lucky to have had the chance to experience the love we once had. It's something I will forever cherish. Please don't forget it. I know things aren't the best now, but at least we still have our friendship. That's where it all started. I just ask for one thing; be happy, and know that I'm happy. I will always think of you.

  Love always,

  Lucky Angel

表白英文情书简短 篇3

  To: Sharif ~ From: Sara

  Dear Sharif,

  I always thought that dreams were just dreams, but you made them all come true and even better, you built new dreams with me! I can not thank you enough for being more than perfect because you showed me that even all the things that seem wrong are actually opportunities to work at them together and bring us closer together. No matter how far you are and no matter what you do, I always want you to know how much you mean to me, and how much I truly love you and how much I will always be yours forever.

  I love you so much and wish I could be there to hug and kiss you all day and all night long but for now this love letter will have to be my message. but know that you are a big part of me and I think of you all the time. I love you, and I've loved you before I was born, because I believe I was made for you, and will be yours for all eternity.

  Love always,


表白英文情书简短 篇4

  My darling, I'm waiting for you. 亲爱的,我在等你

  How long is a day in the dark? 不见天日的一天会有多长?

  Or a week? 一周呢?

  The fire is gone now 火熄灭了,

  and I'm horribly cold. 我觉得寒风刺骨

  I really ought to drag myself outside, 我真想拖着病体到外面去

  but then there'd be the sun. 外面阳光普照

  I'm afraid I waste the light 我很抱歉我将电筒里的电都浪费在了

  on the paintings and on writing these words. 看这些画 还有给你写信上

  We die. 我们都会死

  We die rich with lovers and tribes, 我们与爱人、家族一同 魂归天国

  tastes we have swallowed, 我们嘴里都有对方的味道

  bodys we have entered... 我们曾经灵欲合一

  and swum up like rivers. 在爱河里畅游

  Fears we've hidden in, 内心的恐惧

  like this wreched cave. 像这幽暗的山洞

  I want all this marked on my body. 我要把这些永远铭刻在身体上

  We are the real countries. 我们的国家是实在的

  Not the boundaries drawn on maps, 不是画在地图上的边界

  the names of powerful men. 被用强人的姓名命名

  I know you'll come and carry me out into the palace of winds.我知道你会回来 把我抱起迎风屹立

  That's all I've wanted, 我已别无所求

  to walk in such a place with you, 只想跟着你漫步天国

  with friends.与朋友们一同

  an earth without maps. 去一个没有地图的乐土

  The lamp's gone out, 油尽灯枯了

  and I'm writing...

  in the darkness. 我在黑暗中,默默写着....

表白英文情书简短 篇5

  I haven't heard from you.

  If you have, for a new environment? Whether have adapted without my love? Whether to have forgotten the past pain? Still troubles endured and face always smile?

  Know you are very tired, very helpless, very helpless.

  From the heart, pity you, love you. For your situation. Once love, comfort you, try hard to improve the situation.". But every time I see your eyes, is powerless, hear your heart sighs. I seem to understand, you give up! I know, you do not want to improve, not you don't go, not that you don't want to have a normal people are enjoying a life of dignity. You can also expect like plastic such as the knee, you also hope to each other, you desire to be cared for, be loved, respected by others. In the lives of others in the most unusual for the most common situation, you become elusive! Dear, my heart really good pain, pain to the bone. The pain of your life, your pain tolerance is excessive, more pain you wronged alone and nobody knows no vent bitterness! I can't imagine, for so many years is how you spend it? I believe you are magnanimous, tolerant, and the people, also has the limit, your heart full of grievances, full of melancholy, where there is a load of happiness and joy of void?

  My dear, let me say there, don't you feel about themselves too harsh? So appoint wronged flexor stammer so sad, depressed over a lifetime? Is everything around you, than the happiness of his life is important? Did that really loved. Love your little woman, not you dazzling aura? We pledge our love our love our hand, we have those good, destined to disappear in smoke? We are also likely to become the most familiar stranger? I dread to think!

  Dear, I hope you happy, happy, live your day. It is also my most sincere congratulations! After the road, at the foot of their own, select their own direction, and find its own way, on their own, to others, to life, the greatest respect!

  Your better tomorrow!

表白英文情书简短 篇6

  You are the very air that I breathe, the very love that I need, my heart, my soul, my everything. The sweetest of my memories come when I think of you. I remember the very first day that I saw you, I could not believe I was looking at a human being. I pinched myself the hardest one could ever do so as to wake myself up from the drunken stupor I was in. For a moment I believed I was in heaven; I even danced to the music the angels were singing. Upon opening my eyes I realized I was not in heaven but that an angel had come down to earth, just for me.The music of your voice surpasses that of the greatest orchestra belting out its very best composition. Your skin is softer than the finest satin and glows radiantly illuminating like the sun, setting over a serene pool of crystal clear water. Your eyes dance like mermaids in the sunshine, promulgating the exotic beauty from within your innermost being. Words alone limit me to explaining exactly how I feel about you.I can say you are the sole comforter to me, the only one who ever took the pain to understand me. You dry every tear that falls down my cheeks. Loving you is the best thing that ever happened to me and I will forever cherish the moments we have spent together.Every night I dream of heaven, and I'd gotten used to the idea that they are looking for an angel, one that went missing the day you stepped into my life, the day all my sorrows were washed away and I took a step into the impossible, crossing the margin from natural to supernatural. You are my angel and forever you will be. The one whose memories I will treasure forever till the day I turn into an angel like you.


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