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2024请假条英文 篇1

  please leave a

  teacher wang:

  today, because of my grandmother was seriously ill, with parents to visit, ask for leave one day.

  sincerely yours


  student: li binbin

  x dated

  students write their own class, to leave the subject matter and the time to write clearly, to meet the requirements.


  your clastudent sun hao, due to a sudden high fever and vomiting, to the hospital for treatment. today 's absence from school. we take. sincerely yours


  parents: sun zhengping

  parents: sun zhengping

  x dated

  by the elder generation children write. cause and time to write clearly, accord with the requirements for writing.


  i ask for sick leave of two days, but still not recovered, he can't go to school, need to continue treatment, had to extend leave two days, hope can be approved.

  sincerely yours


  student: yang fan

  x x dated

  sometimes, the situation is very special, need to continue to leave, written contracts. the note to meet the requirements. 2

  excuse shall include the following several parts: in the first line of the intermediate should write " excuse".

  format [ ]

  1 middle headline" excuse".

  the 2 leave the object name. to the top to write, and in the back with a colon.

  the 3 leave reason. to another line, two down. the main stated reason and please leave long false.

2024请假条英文 篇2

  To: Jerry More ,Manager

  From :Qiu Tian ,Sales Department

  Date: Mary 11th, 20xx

  Subject: Casual Leave of Absence

  Jerry ,I would like to know if I could ask for a casual leave of absence for one day on May 18th .

  This morning I received a letter from a friend of mine, inviting me to attend his wedding ceremony which will

  take place next Friday,May 18th . I am so pleased to learn this good news that I can not wait to see my best friend become the happiest groon in the world .

  I hope a one-day leave next Friday will not cause much trouble to you. You will be highly appreciated if you grant me my request.

2024请假条英文 篇3

  Oct. 7, 200

  Director Hu,

  A telegram has just come to hand saying that my mother is serious ill and urging me to go home at once. Because of this I should very much like to have a leave of three days beginning on Oct. 8. I hope that my request will be given due consideration.

  Chen Xingxing

  Encl: a telegram from my home

2024请假条英文 篇4

  To: Mr. John Smith, General Manager

  From: George Chen, Accounting Department

  Date: January 22, 20xx

  Subject: Application for annual leave

  Dear Mr. Smith,

  I would like to apply for an annual leave from January 25th to 31st.

  As you may know the Spring Festival is falling on February 1st this year. It's the most important holiday in China and offers the best occasion for family reunion. However, over the past 3 years I missed the reunions due to tight work schedule. Now that I have wrapped up my work for this year, I would like to go back to my hometown to pay filial piety to my parents and help my sole brother prepare his wedding on January 28th.

  It's indeed double happiness for my family that I would like to be part of. Coupled with the official holidays for the Spring Festival, I will have two weeks off which will definitely gear me up for better work in the new year. I'm looking forward to your kind answer.

  Best regards,

  George Chen

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