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巴黎导游词英文范文 篇1

  Hello everyone, welcome to here, let me introduce to you!

  Located in Jixian City, dule temple is one of the first batch of keycultural relics protection units in China, and is a famous ancient temple with ahistory of thousands of years. Dule temple was built in the 10th year ofZhenguan reign of Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty (636 AD), and rebuilt in the2nd year of Tonghe reign of Liao Dynasty (984 AD). During the reign of Wanli,Shunzhi, Qianlong and Guangxu in the Ming Dynasty, Zhaobi was built in the 18thyear of Qianlong (1753 A.D.), the double eaves of Guanyin Pavilion were added,and four eaves pillars were set up at the top and bottom, and the eastern palaceof the temple was built. Dule temple covers a total area of 16000 square meters.The gate is three rooms wide and four rooms deep. There are two floors up anddown, with a flat and dark floor in the middle. The height is 23 meters. It isthe oldest high-rise wooden pavilion building in China.

  The temple gate and Guanyin Pavilion were built in Liao Dynasty, and otherswere built in Ming and Qing Dynasty. The layout and structure are quitepeculiar. The architecture of the whole temple is divided into three parts: theEast, the middle and the West; the East and the West are respectively the monk'shouse and the palace; the middle part is the main building of the temple, whichis composed of Baishan gate, Guanyin Pavilion, East and west auxiliary hall,etc. between the mountain gate and the main hall, the corridor is connected. Allthese reflect the characteristics of the architectural layout of Buddhisttemples in Tang and Liao dynasties.

  Dule temple palace, built in 1753, is also known as Qianlong palace. It isthe place where the emperors of Qing Dynasty took a rest on their way to visitDongling mausoleum. It is also the only palace in Tianjin. There is one floor ofthe main hall and three subsidiary buildings in the palace. Now there are 14cloisters and one vertical flower gate, making the palace an independentcourtyard. All the emperors after Qianlong came to the palace of dule temple andleft a lot of poems praising the temple. The newly added exhibition in thepalace included 12 impromptu works of the Qing emperor and 17 portraits ofempresses and concubines related to the palace.

  It is said that the dule temple was built by an eminent saint of Luban, soJizhou built a temple to commemorate this founder. Luban temple is located 300meters northeast of dule temple, which is the only one in China. Dule temple hasexperienced thousands of years of wind and rain erosion, war disaster, and morethan 30 earthquakes. It is a miracle in the history of Chinese architecture.

  Temple Fair: in recent years, dule temple has resumed its traditionaltemple fair in the first month of each year, including Guanyin blessing, folkflower show, acrobatic performance, opera performance, local snacks, localspecialty exhibition, etc., becoming a characteristic brand of winter culturaltourism activities in Jixian County.

  Dharma Association: every year, on the first day of the first month (thebirthday of Maitreya), the 19th of February (the birthday of Guanyin), the 8thof April (the birthday of the Buddha), the 19th of June (the day of Guanyinbecoming a monk), the 19th of September (the day of Guanyin becoming a monk) andthe 8th of December (the day of the Buddha becoming a Taoist), a large-scalecommemorative Dharma association is held in dule temple, and believers from allwalks of life gather here.

巴黎导游词英文范文 篇2

  Shiyan is built and prospered by cars. It is not only the hometown ofDongfeng Motor, the automobile city known as "Oriental Detroit", but also amountain city, tourist city and ecological garden city surrounded by beautifulmountains and waters and attractive scenery in four seasons.

  Shiyan has a long history and splendid culture. This is an importantbirthplace of the Chinese nation. In 1991, archaeologists excavated two completeskulls of Australopithecus in Quyuan River, Yunxian County, and named them"Yunxian people". Anthropologists believe that this discovery fills a gap in the"chain" of human development in Asia, and is listed as the first of the "top tenarchaeological discoveries in the world" at that time. Today's urban area wasnamed Shiyan in the Qing Dynasty because people dammed the Baier River and theZhihe river for irrigation. This is the birthplace of Taoism and "Wudangboxing". Wudang Taoism has a history of more than one thousand years. Wudangancient buildings have been listed in the world cultural heritage list by theUnited Nations.

  Shiyan City, located in the northwest of Hubei Province, governs fivecounties, one city, two districts and one economic and Technological DevelopmentZone, namely Yun County, Yunxi County, Zhushan County, Zhuxi County, FangCounty, Zhangwan District, Maojian District, Danjiangkou City and Bailangeconomic and Technological Development Zone. Shiyan City is not only a car citybuilt, prospered and famous for cars, but also a mountain city and tourist citysurrounded by beautiful mountains and waters and charming scenery in fourseasons. It is the central city of the adjacent areas of Hubei, Henan, Sichuan,Shaanxi and Chongqing.

  This is an important birthplace of the Chinese nation. In 1991,archaeologists excavated two complete skulls of Australopithecus in QuyuanRiver, Yunxian County, and named them "Yunxian people". Anthropologists believethat this discovery fills a gap in the "chain" of human development in Asia, andis listed as the first of the "top ten archaeological discoveries in the world"at that time. Shiyan City belongs to Jiao and Yong states in Shang and ZhouDynasties; Chu state in Warring States; Changli County in Hanzhong County in Qinand Han Dynasties; Xi county in Eastern Han and Wei dynasties; Yunxiang Countyin Wudang County in Tang and Song Dynasties; Yun county was established in YuanDynasty. Today's urban area was named Shiyan in the Qing Dynasty because peopledammed the Baier River and the Zhihe river for irrigation. In 1967, in order tobuild the second automobile factory (now Dongfeng Motor Company), the state setup the Shiyan office in Yunxian County. In December 1969, the State Councilapproved the establishment of Shiyan City (county-level city), and in 1973, itwas upgraded to a provincial city. In October 1994, the former Shiyan City andYunyang District merged to form a new Shiyan City. This is the birthplace ofTaoism and "Wudang boxing". Wudang Taoism has a history of more than onethousand years. Wudang ancient buildings have been listed in the world culturalheritage list by the United Nations.

  There are abundant mineral resources, including more than 50 kinds ofproven mineral deposits, such as turquoise, gold, silver, stone coal, rareearth, iron, tin, vanadium, antimony, lead, zinc, marble, asbestos, barite,uranium, potassium, molybdenum and cobalt. The theoretical reserves of waterenergy resources are 5 million KW, of which 340 kW can be developed andutilized; Fangxian County is known as the "hometown of Yan'er" in China for itsabundant tea and edible fungi and high quality products. There are many kinds ofmedicinal materials, producing more than 2700 kinds of medicinal materials.Among the 363 key varieties determined by the state, there are about 235 kindsof medicinal materials in our city, known as the "natural medicine bank"; Shiyanis a shining pearl on the golden tourism line of Three Gorges - Shennongjia -Wudang Mountain - Xi'an. There are 25 unique scenic spots in six categories allover the city. There are Wudang Mountain, the holy land of Taoism, Yunxian apeman site and dinosaur egg fossil group, Danjiangkou reservoir, the firstman-made lake in Asia, and the newly developed lake The present skeleton fossilsof ornithopods.

  Shiyan is a tourist attraction. It is a bright pearl on the golden tourismline of "Three Gorges of the Yangtze River Shennongjia Gulongzhong WudangMountain Danjiangkou Reservoir ancient city Xi'an". There are Wudang Mountain, aTaoist Holy Land listed in the world cultural heritage list and awarded thetitle of 4A tourist area, Danjiangkou reservoir, known as Asia's firstartificial lake, Yunxian ape man site, dinosaur egg fossil group and dinosauregg fossils Dinosaur skeleton fossil is a rare dinosaur hometown in the world.There are hot springs, waterfalls, Tianchi, canyons, caves, virgin forests andmodern automobile cities. Shiyan, a place with no severe cold in winter, nointense heat in summer, no strong wind in four seasons, beautiful mountains andpleasant scenery, is a treasure land of geomantic omen.

  Shiyan is the source of South to north water diversion. Danjiangkoureservoir, located in Shiyan, is the water source area and water intake of theMiddle Route Project of South to north water diversion. The Middle Route Projectof South-to-North Water Diversion directly supplies water to Beijing, Tianjin,Hebei and Henan provinces, with an annual water diversion of 13 billion cubicmeters. The construction of the middle route of the south to North WaterDiversion Project will make Shiyan the "water capital of the world, Tianchi ofAsia" and bring new development opportunities to Shiyan.

  Shiyan is an ecological barrier. Because of the intersection of Qinling andBashan mountains in Shiyan, it forms the geographical boundary of the climatebetween the north and the south of China. Therefore, Shiyan is an ecologicalregulator and the ecological heart of China.

巴黎导游词英文范文 篇3

  "Je t 'aime, Paris!" Paris, prehistoric burial at sea level under the land, in the city of more than 20xx years later, the name will not let anyone strange. Huadu, the world famous historical and cultural city known as the city of light, romantic, fashion, food of all... Maybe you just want to go to the avenue montaigne likes shopping, maybe just want to take a walk to the river Seine, maybe you just want to go to Michelin restaurant taste French dinner, on the left bank may just want to drink coffee, maybe you just want to go to the Louvre to see the Mona Lisa smile... Maybe the earth only Paris can satisfy everyone's expectations.

  Paris from the earliest channel island, on the left bank to the river Seine is divided into the right bank, after several expansion, Paris now has "small Paris" and "greater"; Refers to the small Paris is divided into 20 downtown district of Paris, the French population "Paris" and indicated in the address of "Paris" generally refers to the Paris city, zip code for the 750 , most of the attractions such as the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, Notre Dame DE Paris located in Paris, attractions relatively concentrated, so walking is a good choice. The greater is the small plus around Paris suburb of seven provinces of Ile DE - France (French island district), there are many worthy to place, such as the palace of Versailles, Fontainebleau, Disneyland, etc.

  Once backpackers in Opera (Opera house), with the gradual rise of land price in Paris, has various levels of tourists all over Paris any corner of the left bank and Montmartre became to be bestowed favor on newly. Developed and convenient public transport is the first choice for travel, ride a bike or walk is also a good idea. In an urban area, drive is definitely not a good choice, the Paris government environmental protection very discouraged road trip to Paris.

巴黎导游词英文范文 篇4

  Welcome to CHINA, Welcome to SHENZHEN  Please sit back and relax, Your luggage will be sent to the hotel by another bus,so you do not have to worry about it.

  Let me introduce my team first. Mr x is our driver,He has 20years of driving underhis belt, so we are in very safe hands. I always call my English name is _,my Chinese name is _,you may call me _ or Mr_, which is my family name. we are from SHENZHEN OVERSEAS INTERNATIONAL TRE SERVICE,On behalf of _and my colleagues, I ’d like to extend a warm welcome to you all.

  During your stay in our city, I will be you local guide, I will do everything possible to make your visit a pleasant experience.If you have any problems or requests,Pls do not hesitate to let me know.

  you are going to stay at the Crown plaza hotel, a luxurious ,five star hotel, Althouth the hotel is not exactly in downtown SHENZHEN, it is strategically located with easy access to many tourist attractions. As you will be staying in our city for two days, you will do well to remember the number of our bus and my Phone NO., the bus NO. is _ ,my phone NO.is _. let me repeat....

  There is one thing I must warn you against, You must not drink an tap water in the hotel, because un boiled water might make you ill.

  I do hope you will enjoy your time in our city.

巴黎导游词英文范文 篇5

  Reform means leap, opening up means prosperity and strength, bathing in thespring breeze of reform. In the twinkling of an eye, it has been more than 30years, and people's living standards have undergone earth shaking changes.Shiyan, my hometown, has also changed miraculously.

  In the past, my hometown was just a small village. The roads are full ofmud and potholes. My hometown is full of bungalows in my mind. There are only afew bungalows that I can see, and most of them are tile roofed houses. When it'swindy and rainy, if it's serious, the house will collapse, or even water willenter. The road in front of the house is cold and clear. There are no factories,no shops, let alone street lamps. A street is closed. In those days, owning abicycle has become people's goal. The clothes people wore at that time were allpatched. There used to be a saying: new three years, old three years, sewing andmending for another three years. Even shoes are made by their own dexteroushands, including straw shoes, cloth shoes

  In the wave of reform and opening up, Shiyan has become a small city.Prosperous and prosperous, beautiful and lovely. In the past, the low and shabbyold houses have long been replaced by new and unique high-rise buildings. Theold muddy road has disappeared. Wide expressways crisscross in all directions.On the smooth and wide asphalt road, vehicles shuttle and flow. On both sides ofthe road, people come and go. The former tile roofed house has now become aluxury residence. When you look around, you can see rows of brand-new high-risebuildings. The children's paradise is full of joy, and the colorful fountain isdecorated like a fairyland. As long as you walk into a family at will, there areall kinds of household appliances, such as TV, refrigerator, air conditioner andtelephone. Many families also have mobile phones and private cars. Many familiesalso buy computers to browse, query information and engage in cultural andentertainment activities, which brings great convenience and endless fun topeople's life. Shopping malls and farmers' markets are full of goods. It's a newlook and a new atmosphere every year!

  Therefore, we must be a student with all-round development of morality,intelligence, physique, beauty and labor, so that our great motherland willalways stand in the forest of the world. I believe that with the diligence andwisdom of the people, my hometown will become more prosperous and people's lifewill become richer.

巴黎导游词英文范文 篇6

  Ladies and gentlemen, this time we are going to visit the famous PingyaoCounty. Pingyao County is one of the cultural heritages of the world heritagelist. Please keep the floor clean during the tour. If you have any questions,you can ask me.

  We first came to the first tourist spot: South Street. The composition ofPingyao County is crisscrossed four streets, eight small streets, seventy-twowinding streets, and now we come to the South Street of four Avenue. You see, onboth sides of the street, old and famous shops are flourishing traditionalcommercial streets. During the Qing Dynasty, South Street controlled more thanfifty percent of the financial institutions in the country.

  West Street is known as "the first street of Finance in Qing Dynasty", andit is a main street directly connected with East Street. And the East AvenueNorth and South Street intersection, North Street is to the west centralstreet.

  Eight small streets and seventy-two lanes are named in the nearby buildingsor marked signs; some are named in the temple temple; some are named in a cityin the city; and some streets and lanes have been unable to explore the sourceof the name.

  There are many beautiful legends in Pingyao County, such as sleeping auntsand drug wives, and burning Town God's Temple. Please take a good tour of thisbeautiful ancient city.

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