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长城英文导游词范文 篇1

  Everybody is good!

  Today, I am a tour guide YanZiRu trip to the Great Wall by me to service for you, don't hesitate to ask have any requirements and problems on the road.

  This is today we want to climb the Great Wall. It is like a dragon, winding between mountains. It has a long history, was built during the warring states period, enormous project, east of shanhaiguan, west to jiayuguan, the total length of more than thirteen thousand. Is the history of the great wonders of the world.

  Ok, now we began to climb the Great Wall. The Great Wall is made of stone and square brick. Each piece of stone has two or three one thousand catties, because there were no trains, cars, no crane, only by thousands of working people's shoulders and hands carried on step by step the steep mountain peaks; By thousands of lives and sweat to build. You see, on our feet square brick, every piece of square brick, so smooth, on the top of the wall like a broad road, WuLiuPi mark in parallel.

  Do you know why the Great Wall can resist the enemy's invasion? Because it is not only strong, broad, more important is: it has scanned, nozzle and the beacon tower. Scanned and square nozzle on the wall outside more than two meters high on the rows of buttress, it is to observe the situation of the enemy, the second is to enemy fire. Every 300 meters, there is a square ChengTai, called beacon tower, one is used for station troops fortress, 2 it is with fire.

  Ok, my dear visitors, here about the introduction of the Great Wall is, as the saying goes: "is not a true man unless he comes to the Great Wall". Please adhere to climb on the Great Wall is the most high-end, don't draw pictures on the stone carving, speak civilization health. I wish you a happy happy play.

长城英文导游词范文 篇2

  Ladies and Gentlemen:

  We will visit the symbol of China's civilization-the Great Wall. It is one of the famous, grand and splendid ancient construction wonders in the world. It is just like a giant dragon in the northern part of China.

  Construction of the Great Wall first began in the seventh century BC. At that time it was also called Spring and Autumn Warring States Period. The first wall that appeared in China was built by Kingdom Qi and Kingdom Chu. At that time, the kingdoms in order to defend themselves against the infringing enemy from own territories for self-protection. These high walls were the primitive type of the present day Great Wall.

  In Chinese history, large-scale construction of the Great Wall was concentrated in three dynasties, they are Qin, Han and Ming dynasties.

  In 221BC, Qin Shihuang unified China; he decided to link up all the separated high walls built by different kingdoms into the Great Wall. The Qin Great Wall started from Lintao, Gansu Province in the west and ended in Liaodong, Liaoning Province in the east, over 500 kilometers long.

  The second large-scale construction on the Great Wall was carried out during the Han Dynasty. Apart from maintaining and utilizing the Qin Great Wall, they built an outer Great Wall about 500 kilometers to the north of the Qin Great Wall in order to ward off the Huns. They also had the Great Wall ectended towards the west for another 5000 kilometers long. The Han Great Wall started from Liaodong in the east to the Lop Nur Lake in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, with a total length of 10,000 kilometers.

  The last large-scale project on the Great wall was carried out in the Ming Dynasty. That is because the dethroned Mongol Yuan ruler still had the remnant forces and often made counterattack to Beijing, as well as the threats of newly raised ethnic tribe of “Nv Zhen”。 So started from the first year after Zhu Yuanzhang established the Ming Dynasty. The whole project took more than 200 years to complete. The total lenth of the Ming Great Wall was more than 6,000 kilometers from Yalu River in Liaoning Province in the east to Jiayuguan Pass in Gansu Province in the west. It passes nine cities, provinces and autonomous regions of Liaoning, Hebei, Tianjin, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Ningxia and Gansu.

  The Great Wall, we see today, in Beijing is mainly the Ming Grest Wall. There was a 20-kilometer long valley named “Nankou, Juyongguan, Shangguan and Badaling”。 Juyongguan Pass was one of the important passes along the valley, and also one of the most famous passes of the Great Wall. The name “Juyong” in Chinese means “a place of poor laborers”。

  Today we will visit the Badaling Great Wall, it is about 75 kilometers northwest of Beijing, and it is the best-preserved part of the Great Wall. Bada means in English “convenient transportation to all directions”。 It used to be more important than Juyong Pass in the defence of Beijing. The Badaling Great Wall averages 7.8 meters high, 6.5meters wide at its base, and 5.8 meters wide on the top, wide enough for five horses or ten soldiers walking abreast on the wall.

  The highest point at Badaling is about 800-1,000 meters above the sea level. Here at Badaling section is with single side battlements while the parapet is on the other side. The outer of the wall is topped with crenellated battlements, which is about 2 meters high and with a square sized hole below for shouting arrows and also for keeping a watch over the enemy, while the parapets about 1 meter high is on the inner side.

  Buildings on both sides of the wall at the commanding points, the top of the mountains or the turns are beacon towers. The beacon towers were used for makong signal of warning messages when the enemy was sighted. Fires were lit on the top of the beacon towers at night and the smoke signals in daytime. And the number of the fire and smoke signals could signify the number of invading enemies.

  The watch-towers are lovated at regular intervals on the Great Wall for watching over the invading enemy, and it is usually of two stories. The ground floor was used to store weapons and had a number of window for archers. The upper floor has battlements, peep-holes and appertures for archers.

  Today the Great Wall has lost its signifivance in defending the enemy, but in ancient times the Great Wall was not noly a strong defensive project but also played a very important role in military, economy and served as a link in promoting harmonious relationship among the nationalities for the whole country. Today, the Great Wall has become a famous tourist attraction in the world.

长城英文导游词范文 篇3

  Everybody is good! My name is zhang, you can call me a guide. Today I bring you to visit verve magnificent Great Wall.

  MAO zedong once said: "not a true man unless he comes to the Great Wall". Why don't we go on a tour today? Good! We can eat when men now! On the former see head, after the end of the Great Wall.

  About the Great Wall, there is a moving story, legend meng jiangnu's husband was caught to build the Great Wall, the meng jiangnu then struggling to find her husband, however, meng jiangnu I get to know and her husband were dead tired at the foot of the Great Wall. After hearing the news, meng jiangnu cry for three days and three nights at the foot of the Great Wall, just listen to "bang" a loud walls down, to see the bodies of her husband!

  Now that we have stood on the badaling, stepping at the foot of the square brick, holding the stone on the wall, naturally think of the Great Wall is built. Tourists, look at these countless stone alone, with 2 - one thousand catties a enough at that time, there was also no crane, crane, forklift, rely on the shoulder, countless hands, step by step, carry on the steep mountains.

  Well, the beauty of the Great Wall I said also said not over, now please enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Great Wall!

长城英文导游词范文 篇4

  Hello! Hello, I'm the guide of lollipop travel agency. My surname is Lou,and my name is Zifan. Please call me Xiaolou! Today we are going to travel theGreat Wall. I hope you will have a good time with me.

  Beijing has Badaling Great Wall, Mutianyu Great Wall, Juyongguan GreatWall, Jiankou great wall and Simatai Great Wall. Today, we are going to climbJuyongguan Great Wall.

  The perimeter of Juyongguan Great Wall is more than 4000 meters, which isonly a part of the Great Wall! From Shanhaiguan in the east to Jiayuguan in thewest, the Great Wall is more than 13000 Li. It is said that when the firstemperor of Qin built the Great Wall, he moved prisoners, soldiers and civilservants who had been forced to come here. Later, it was named Juyongguanbecause of the meaning of "moving to Yongtu". Because of its lush trees,brilliant flowers and beautiful scenery, it is called "Juyong jucui".

  Let's first come to "the world's first Xiongguan". This is a stone tabletwith the words "the world's first Xiongguan". There are two "the world's firstXiongguan" in China. One is Jiayu pass, the key point of the Great Wall, and theother is Juyong Pass. Originally, Juyong Pass was not "the world's firstXiongguan". Because this section of the Great Wall is a very important pass, itwas later called "the world's first Xiongguan" If you are interested, you cantake a picture, but please hurry up. You are going to climb the Great Walllater.

  Let's keep up and climb the Great Wall. The Great Wall is very steep. Payattention to safety. You see, this kind of uneven wall is called a crenel. Ithas a lookout and a shooting port for lookout and shooting. See those citystations? It's a garrison fortress. Whenever there is a war, the injuredsoldiers can do temporary treatment in it.

  Next, we come to the city platform, you can go in and visit the ancientcity platform, pay attention not to scribble, this is the ancient historicalrelics!

  Come on, it's the top! It's cool and comfortable here. Why is the greatwall broken? It's disconnected because of the obstruction of mountains andrivers. Let's have a rest and meet in half an hour.

  This is the end of today's journey. I hope you have a better understandingof the Great Wall after listening to my explanation. Goodbye!

长城英文导游词范文 篇5

  "North scenery, freeze, you spend a lot. Look inside and outside the Great Wall, but a more vast..." Hello everyone, I am the guide from the trip - xue guides. This time we will go to one of the historical and cultural heritage, the Great Wall.

  The Great Wall from the qin dynasty began to build, to resist the invasion of the huns was built. From jiayuguan to shanhaiguan, full length more than thirteen thousand. Today we'll visit the Great Wall at badaling. You see, it is tall and strong, with huge stone and ChengZhuan built in. Everyone to see, on the top of the walls covered with square brick, very smooth, like a wide road, WuLiuPi mark in parallel. Outside walls along the rows of buttress has two meters high, there are square lookout on buttress mouth and nozzle, is for the benefit of the outlook and shooting. On the top of the wall, every three hundred meters there is a square ChengTai, is the bulwark of station troops. War, between the ChengTai can mutual echo.

  Everyone look at the countless stone, with 2 - one thousand catties a there was no train, car, no crane, rely on countless countless hands and shoulders, step by step and carried on the steep mountains. How many working people sweat and wisdom, to condense into the former does not see the head, after the end of the Great Wall.

  Everyone who knows the great probably how many people died? To fix the working people of the Great Wall with ninety-six percent of people are in the process of the Great Wall and completed less than two weeks to death. "Meng jiangnu cry the Great Wall" is to prove it. Is really "the dead times comparable to hurt, still hold pestle" zombies!

  Now, there are many people on the wall disorderly painting, carving, and litter. If you want to keep the beauty of the Great Wall, don't damage the Great Wall. It is built against the many working people's wisdom and sweat! Let us act, to protect the Great Wall, to protect the motherland good things!

  Visitors, now we have the Great Wall, the end of the today's trip to the Great Wall. Thank you for your support, we see you next time.

长城英文导游词范文 篇6

  Hebei Shanhaiguan Great Wall is the entrance of the Great Wall. "The key ofthe two capitals is unparalleled, and the first pass of the Great Wall" belongsto Shanhaiguan, Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province. With a total length of 26 km,it mainly includes: laolongtou Great Wall, Guancheng Great Wall in the south,north, Jiaoshan Great Wall, SANDAOGUAN great wall and jiumenkou Great Wall.Laolongtou Great Wall is the end part of the great wall into the sea, with thereputation of "the soul of China".

  Shanhaiguan city is composed of seven Castles: Guan City, Dongluo City,Xiluo City, South Wing City, North Wing City, Weiyuan city and Ninghai city.There are 4769 meters long, 11.6 meters high and more than 10 meters thick wallsaround. The walls are tall, solid and magnificent. There are four gates in theEast, West, South and North, turrets in the East, South and northeast, andmagnificent bell and drum towers in the middle of the city. The scale of thewhole acropolis is magnificent, and the defense project is solid. Shanhaiguanwas the product of the establishment of the "garrison system" in Ming Dynasty.The "garrison system" and reform policy in Ming Dynasty played an important rolein the consolidation and development of Shanhaiguan.

  Shanhaiguan Great Wall is composed of seven Castles: Guancheng, Dongluo,Xiluo, Nanyi, Beiyi, Weiyuan and Ninghai. It is surrounded by walls of 4769meters long, 11.6 meters high and more than 10 meters thick. The walls are tall,solid and magnificent. There are four gates in the East, West, South and North,turrets in the East, South and northeast, and magnificent bell and drum towersin the middle of the city. The scale of the whole acropolis is magnificent, andthe defense project is solid. Shanhaiguan was the product of the establishmentof the "garrison system" in Ming Dynasty. The "garrison system" and reformpolicy in Ming Dynasty played an important role in the consolidation anddevelopment of Shanhaiguan.

  Since the establishment of Shanhaiguan, there have been frequent exchangesbetween merchants and active economic and trade activities, which played animportant role in developing friendly exchanges between nationalities, promotingeconomic and cultural exchanges, protecting the capital and consolidating therule of the Ming Dynasty. No matter from scale, layout or structure, the customsand customs are rare in China's ancient architectural history. It is also theessence of the Great Wall, and is a rare masterpiece in China's ancient city'streasure house. Shanhaiguan is a treasure of ancient Chinese architecture and aprecious historical legacy of the motherland.

  The temples in Shanhaiguan area developed rapidly in Ming and QingDynasties. The most famous temple buildings are: the remarkable temple, theConfucian Temple, the mosque, the San Qing Guan, the virgin temple, the TownGod's Temple, the Beihai temple, the Dragon God Temple, the Thean Hou Temple,Erlang temple and so on.

  The streets and alleys of Shanhaiguan and Guancheng are typicalcheckerboard layout. The streets and alleys of Guancheng are connected withresidential buildings with rich local color.

  The Great Wall is a historical monument of the wisdom and hard work of theChinese nation, and the Great Wall is an important part of the Great Wall, whichis the world-famous place where the Great Wall enters the sea. At present, theGreat Wall in Shanhaiguan has a total length of 26 kilometers, mainly including:laolongtou Great Wall, South Wing Great Wall, Guancheng Great Wall, North WingGreat Wall, Jiaoshan Great Wall, SANDAOGUAN great wall and jiumenkou GreatWall.

  Shanhaiguan, also known as "Yuguan", is the starting point of the northeastend of the great wall of Ming Dynasty. It is located 15 kilometers northeast ofQinhuangdao City, and has the reputation of "the first pass in the world".Shanhaiguan scenic spot is a famous historical and cultural ancient city andsummer resort with many places of interest, beautiful scenery and pleasantclimate. There are more than 90 places of interest with development andornamental value in the area, forming six major scenic spots, namely "old dragonhead", "mengjiangnu Temple", "Jiaoshan", "the first pass in the world","Changshou mountain" and "Yansai Lake". Among them, the essence of China'sancient the Great Wall is the the Great Wall of Shanhaiguan. The East startingpoint of the great wall of Ming Dynasty is laolongtou, where the great wallmeets with the sea, with blue sea and Jinsha, and the sky opens to the sea. Thefamous "No.1 pass in the world" is towering. It is known as "pinghan in thecapital and the throat of liaozuo". The great wall of Jiaoshan mountain iswinding, with steep beacon towers and picturesque scenery. The "rain andsunshine in the mountain temple, Ruilian holding the sun" and the wonderful"Qixian Buddha light" in the "eight scenes of Yuguan" attract many touriststourist. Meng Jiangnu temple is a moving story of Jiang Nu's seeking husband, aChinese folk legend. Chen Yun and his poem praise that "the Great Wall is builtby the sweat and blood of many anonymous people. Experts and scholars have noway to verify it, but a generation of heroes with all names are actually a kindof glory in half the sky.". Xuanyang cave, the largest natural granite cave innorthern China, is like a paradise with strange caves, strange rocks andgurgling springs. Yansai lake is a beautiful pearl outside the Great Wall.

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