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成都导游词 篇1








成都导游词 篇2










成都导游词 篇3



  美国时代周刊曾经这样评价成都:china’s china——最中国。那我们今天要去的宽窄巷子堪称是最成都。






  好了,请大家收拾好随身物品,跟着我一起去品位宽窄巷子的休闲气息吧。  游客朋友们,现在我们已经抵达宽窄巷子了,接下来我会为大家细细地讲解宽窄巷子里的一些特色建筑,请大家跟好我。












  我们接着往前走,现在我们来到的是窄巷子21号“点醉”酒吧,它的主人是四个80后。“花渐半开,酒至微醺,情之初动”,是他们对这个院子的诠释也是对人生的一种理解吧。  “过犹不及”是中国古人对享受人生乐趣的提示:不过度纵容,不小气节制,有一点醉便恰到好处,万种风情。于是四个年轻人把他们的态度带进了窄巷子21号院并用了自己的表达方式:中式骨架,后现代的面孔,填充以艳丽的酒红色。这里有1000多种红酒,其中600多种来自法国。点醉真像是一杯年轻的红酒,带着葡萄适度的芬芳,和一种清爽的甘甜。就像不要单纯的以年份判断红酒一样,也不要以年代分层判断格调。点醉是窄巷子第一个开起来的酒吧,这也是成都第一个提出24小时营业的酒吧,它提供了一种成熟、轻松而游刃有余的时尚态度。游客朋友们如果有兴致稍后也可以来这里体味一下点醉的滋味。










成都导游词 篇4



  金沙遗址发现于__年2月8日,是一处商周时期的古蜀文化遗址。它位于成都市的西北部,介于二环路与三环路之间,距离我们市中心天府广场约5公里。金  沙遗址是在一个基建工地的施工中偶然被发现的。发现的当年,就被评选为“__年中国十大考古发现”。经过几年来的考古勘探与发掘,目前已经基本确认遗  址的分布范围在5平方公里以上。在遗址内已发现了大型宫殿式建筑、祭祀活动场所、一般居住区、墓地等重要遗迹现象。在金沙遗址内已经出土了金器、铜器、玉  器、石器、漆木器等珍贵文物6000余件,还有大量的陶器、象牙以及野猪獠牙和鹿角。这些发现使我们对金沙时期古蜀人的生活、生产、丧葬习俗、宗教祭祀有  了初步的了解,同时对遗址的性质、年代等也有了基本的结论。从这个遗址的规模和一些高规格的重要遗迹、遗物的发现推测,金沙遗址是继三星堆文明之后,商代晚期至西周时期古代蜀国的都邑所在。

  金沙遗址是二十一世纪初中国第一个重大的考古发现,也是四川省继三星堆之后又一个重大的考古发现。金沙遗址的发现,极大地拓展了古蜀文化的内涵与外延,对  蜀文化起源、发展、衰亡的研究有着重大意义,特别是为三星堆文明突然消亡之迷找到了有力的证据,可以说金沙遗址再现了古代蜀国的辉煌,复活了一段失落  /span>的历史,揭示了一个沉睡了三千多年的古代文明。并将成都市的建城史从距今23__年提前到距今30__年左右。



  金沙遗址发现后受到了社会各界的广泛关注。党和国家领导非常关心、关注金沙遗址的发掘、保护与建设工作,__、__、吴官正、乔石、宋平、尉建行、王  乐泉、吴仪、李岚清、李铁映、姜春云、陈至立等二十多位中央领导先后视察了金沙遗址,并指示要把金沙遗址发掘好、保护好、建设好。金沙遗址的保护与建设得  到了国家文物局、四川省委、省政府、市委、市政府的高度重视与支持。成都市委、市政府在__年底就划定了遗址的保护范围和建设控制地带,__年开  始进行遗址的文物保护总体规划和可行性研究报告。__年底金沙遗址博物馆立项建设,__年底全面建成。

  金沙遗址博物馆是在金沙遗址原址上建立起来的,占地面积达456亩(30公顷),总建筑面积约35000平方米,由遗迹馆、陈列馆、文物保护中心、园林区  等几个部分组成。建筑投资达3.  9亿元(不含土地费用)。园林区以生态保护为主,强调对遗址的保护,选择了大量长绿植物,如桢楠、银杏、水杉等。为了不破坏下面的地层,这些树木全部栽种  在深达2米的垫土之上。

  沿着我们左边的这条小路设置有“玉石之路”。我们远古的先民就是在一片荆棘中从遥远的高山上采选、运输出一块块玉石,为我们留下了一件件精美的作品。今天  我们走在这条玉石之路,不知你能不能感受到古人玉石之路上的艰辛。在我们的右边竖立着古老沧桑的“乌木林”。成都平原在李冰修凿都江堰之前,水患较为严  重,河流经常改道,上游发洪水时常将各种树木冲埋于古河道中,经过30__年—1__年后都不腐烂,由于这种树木从表面到树芯都是乌黑色,四川人称之  为乌木,乌木的树种可以是多种多样的。由于乌木致密、有机质已分解完毕,不变形,不生虫,所以较为珍贵,俗话说“家有黄金万两,不如乌木一方”。金沙遗址  和成都平原附近都发现有大量的乌木,这些都是活的“化石”,充分说明远古时代的成都平原有着良好的生态环境。

  在我们面前的这座雕塑,它源于金沙遗址中出土的一件黄金饰品“太阳神鸟”金饰。其原件外径仅12.5厘米,厚度 0.02厘米,  这件雕塑作品在原物的基础上放大了近30倍。由于其造型寓意深远,构图严谨,线条流畅,极富韵律,充满强烈的动感,是中国商周时期黄金工艺辉煌成就的典型  代表。太阳神鸟图案所表达的追求光明、团结奋进、和谐包容的精神寓意,也彰显了中国政府和人民保护祖国文化遗产的强烈责任心和神圣使命感。__年8月  16日被选定为中国文化遗产的标志。__年10月17日,太阳神鸟蜀绣制品又搭载神舟六号飞船在太空中遨游后返回地球。__年12月18日,这个  永久性的纪念性雕塑作品在金沙遗址博物馆内揭幕。


  在我们眼前的这座建筑是金沙遗址的遗迹馆。这座近圆形的斜坡式全钢结构建筑,总面积约7588平方米,高度19米,跨度63  米;是金沙遗址大型祭祀活动场所的发掘地点,保存有中国目前最为完整的大型祭祀遗迹场所;同时,这里的考古发掘还在继续进行。大家在这里一方面可现场感受  30__年前古蜀国宏大的祭祀场面,另一方面还可以在这里近距离实地观看考古发掘的过程,亲身体验考古工作的科学性与严谨性,还可亲眼目睹一件件珍贵文物  的出土。


  __年2月8日,金沙王国尘封已久的大门在这里被悄然地打开。从现有的现象分析,这里是古蜀王国一处专用的滨河祭祀场所,它沿着古河道的南岸分布,面  积约10000平方米。古蜀人最初很可能是在河岸上进行祭祀,仪式结束后将祭品埋在河滩上,用土进行敷盖。下次祭祀仪式后又将祭品掩埋,层层垒叠,从商代  晚期直至春秋早期,经历了长约5__年的漫长岁月。

  祭祀区的发掘从__年初就开始了,目前已经出土的金、铜、玉、石、漆木器、陶器等文物的数量已达6000余件,还有大量珍贵的象牙、数以千计的野猪獠  牙、鹿角等。由于祭祀区的堆积情况极为复杂,出土的文物极其珍贵,很多文物还需即时进行保护,因此考古发掘的进度非常缓慢,发掘的面积和深度都还很有限。  我们大量的探方目前只到西周晚期的地层,离生土还有近3米深span style="font-family: 宋体; color: #333333;  font-size: 12pt; mso-ascii-font-family: ; mso-hansi-font-family:  ">在考古工作中,有较几个专业术语:

  一是“探方”,这是考古中最常使用的方法。我们现在看到地一个个小方格就是“探方”。通俗地讲,探方就是在平地上竖直向  下挖一个正方形的土坑,但这个土坑不是随意乱挖的,先挖哪里,再挖哪里,要根据地层单位间的早晚关系来确定。有时根据具体情况或发掘的目的,可挖10米×  10米的探方或2米×10米的探沟等多种形式。探方主要有三个作用:(1)控制地层:在一个范围内,每一点的地层并不完全相同,如果范围大了,对于地层的  变化就不容易控制,在一个探方内,因面积较小,相对来说,控制地层要容易一些;(2)建立座标:就是每一个遗迹现象或出土文物在探方中都有一个确切的位  置,都有一个座标;(3)方便记录。在考古发掘中,探方是记录或资料整理的一个基本单位。

  二是“隔梁”,探方与探方之间的土梁就称为隔梁,隔梁的主要作用是观察地层的变化。在隔梁壁的剖面上,有用手铲划的很多条线,这些线是用来区分地层单位  的。划地层单位关系的线是做考古记录的重要步骤。当两个相邻探方内的地层单位全部发掘完后,会对隔梁进行考古发掘。互为相邻的四个探方间的隔梁都发掘完  后,最后中间就会剩下一个四方形的土墩,它的作用是统领四个探方的层位关系,所以它的地位非常重要,因此被称为“关键柱”。它也是考古工地中最后一个被发  掘的东西。

  三是“地层”,地层是考古发掘的的依据。由于土质土色的不同而呈现出上下堆积的差异,这种差异是有早晚区别的。即早期的堆积在下,晚期的堆积在上。每一个  时期的堆积土质土色都不同,出土文物也不相同。遗址中未有人类活动前天然堆积的土层叫“生土”。当人类居住或进行其它长期活动时,会在地表大面积形成新的  土层,其中夹杂人们有意抛弃的垃圾和无意失落的物品,叫“熟土”。熟土层的形成是不断进行的过程,在堆积成分大体不变的情况下,呈现基本一致的色和质。但  当遗址中人的活动或自然环境有所变化而使堆积成分也有显著改变时,新形成的熟土层和旧的熟土层在色、质等方面会产生差别,这样就出现了考古工作中可以辨别  的不同熟土层。考古上把生土层、各熟土层统称为“地层”。遗迹和遗迹堆积的形成是和一定的地层堆积层面相联系的。层位与层位关系是地层学中的两个重要概  念,地层学的根本问题就是划分层位、确定层位关系。因此,现在又称地层学为层位学。地层学确定年代的方法是依靠层位关系卡年代。而层位是堆积单位在堆积先  后次序体系中的位置,因此,堆积单位的划分得粗与细,直接影响所卡年代的精度。所以堆积单位划分越细越好。田野考古学就是要凭借带有时空坐标的实物资料构  建起“历史的骨架”,供人们去复原历史,或复原历史的某一部分。(以上内容可随机调整,视观众兴趣可长可短。重点是要对考古的基本方法有所交待)





  在那里发现的11号遗存(指示位置),是第一阶段中用象牙和漆木器作为祭品的遗存。该坑掩埋于沙层之中,祭品可分为上、中、下三层。在坑底首先放置较多的  柱状象牙段和一件玉器,中层放置象臼齿、木胎虎头漆器和少量柱状象牙段,上层则放置10余根完整的象牙和一件镶嵌玉片的漆器,最长的一根象牙长达1.85  米,是到目前金沙遗址发现的最大的象牙。

  在第一阶段最盛行的祭品还有石璧、石饼形器和石璋。位居最前面的就是一件制作规整,直径达85厘米的特大石璧(一会儿大家可以在陈列馆里看到);石饼形器  大多数用页岩打制而成,器体较薄,外缘制作较为规整;石璋一般只有器身部分,而无柄部,但刃部磨制较好,石璋多放置在石璧旁边。出土石璋的刃部均磨制较  好,柄部还细刻有阴线纹,有的石璋上的阴线中还涂有朱砂。这批石器是作什么用的呢,我们认为是与祭祀活动有关。因为在这里我们没有发现任何与加工石器有关  的加工工具、废料和作坊的残留痕迹,排除了石器加工作坊的可能;如果是半成品的堆放场所,也不可能堆积成这种形状。同时,这些石器均西北高东南低倾斜放  置,层层叠压,形成扇形、环状的布局结构,这种倾斜的方向和金沙遗址的墓葬方向完全一致。我们都知道,墓葬的方向是古代民族丧葬思想的主要内容之一,有特  别的意义。众多石璧的倾斜方向与墓葬方向完全一致,也不会是一种偶然的巧合。传说中古蜀人的祖先来自于西北的岷山之中,这样的摆放方向是否表现了古蜀人对  祖先的一种缅怀呢?

  在第一阶段,还发现了一处用石璧和石雕像为祭品的埋藏坑。(指示位置)。在整个祭祀区里,已发掘出土的石器近1000件,品种主要有璋、璧、钺、斧、锛、  凿、跪坐人像、虎、蛇、龟等,这些器物大都已不具有实用性。出土时石虎张开的大嘴正对着石跪坐人像的胸部,旁边还摆放着一件石蛇和一些石璧。这应该是一种  特殊的祭祀行为。

  在第二阶段,发现较多用金器、铜器、玉器为祭品的祭祀遗存。祭品的数量差异也较大,有用几件的,也有用数百件的。这些物品基本没有使用的痕迹,等级较高,  制作也很精细。从其基本功用和性质来看,宗教色彩极为浓厚。它们既是当时统治阶层财富、身份、地位的实物载体,也是巫师沟通神灵,祭祀天地、山川、祖先的  媒介与法物,透过这些物品可以了解到金沙人的精神世界。


  祭祀区内出土器物最多的是玉器,总量已达到__多件(指示位置),种类丰富,制作精细。玉器表面大多呈现出缤纷艳丽的色泽,与过去其他地区发现的玉用象牙和玉器一起埋葬在这一阶段也较为流行,以10号祭祀遗存(指l10出土地点)最典型。该遗存面积仅1.5平方  米左右,祭品分为两层,下层以玉器为主,上层则全部为象牙,共平放了7根。在这个遗存中出土的一件玉璋上雕刻有四组对称的肩扛象牙的跪坐人像,这件玉璋的  出土对于研究古蜀人是如何用象牙进行祭祀活动提供了极为重要的资料,也为金沙遗址、三星堆遗址为什么有如此众多的象牙找到了可靠的依据。在这里发现的一号坑(指象牙坑位置)是目前金沙遗址祭祀区发现的形状最规整,也是埋藏文物最集中的祭祀遗存。虽然由于机械施工破坏,原坑的形制已不清楚,  但从残存的坑部情况看,坑内的器物分层叠放。其上层全部堆积象牙,从断面观察,象牙多达8层,最长的象牙近1.6米。摆放极有规律,场面非常壮观。在这个  坑的下层还埋葬着玉器和铜器等,由于还没有发掘至底部,玉器、铜器的数量还是未知数。

  大家可能有这样的疑惑,祭祀中用这么多的象牙,这些大象来自哪里?成都平原有野生大象吗?当年三星堆出土81根象牙的时候,考古工作者对象牙的来源作出了种.种猜  测。那时候,专家们似乎倾向于大象外来说,人们认为,这些象牙也许来自云南或者印度。当人们面对金沙如此众多的象牙时,这些大象的来源再次困扰着考古学  家。与三星堆不同的是,这次,大象本地说占据了上风。而现在成都地区乃至四川境内根本没有野生大象,如果这种观点成立,那么是否预示着3000多年前的成  都平原的气候与现在有较大的区别。经科学研究,距今30__年前后是全球的温暖期,平均气温比现在高出2--3度,从文献记载看,在当时的长江流域和黄河  中下游地区都有大象的存在。在甲骨文卜辞中有商王猎取野生大象的记载,中原地区还曾用象兵作战。

  考古人员在这里的古河道里清理出了一些珍贵的乌木(指示位置),还在那边发现了体量巨大的古树根遗迹。此外在这里还发现了一些象的臼齿,麂骨,犀牛、猪  獾、黑熊、牛、马等动物的牙齿以及两个较为完整的大象的下颌骨等,这些情况都反映出金沙时期的成都平原可能到处是茂密、高大的森林,成群的动物生活其间。  可以推测这样的生存环境应适合野生大象的生存。因此金沙遗址发现的这些象牙,很有可能就是本地所产。

  目前对象牙的保护还是一个世界性的难题。首先是由于考古发掘出土的象牙十分有限,保护研究很不深入,此前,可以说在世界范围内还没有保护象牙成功的先例,  其次是象牙的结构和树木的树轮相似,分层组成,一旦表层的象牙质受到破坏,很快就会风化成为粉末,再也无法固定,更无法保护。金沙遗址发现象牙后,文物保  护专家积极寻找行之有效的保护方法,目前主要采用了就地回填处理和有机硅封存两种办法来对象牙进行保护。


  在第三阶段,主要以大量的野猪獠牙、鹿角、麂角和陶器作为祭品,象牙、玉器、美石数量骤减。在我们面前的这一处面积约300平方米的特殊堆积(獠牙堆积  点),埋藏有大量的野猪獠牙、鹿角、麂角、完整的陶器和少量象牙、玉器、美石。经过统计,野猪獠牙数量达数千枚,并且都是野猪的下犬齿;在这里没有发现野  猪、鹿、象及其它动物其它部位的骨头。玉器、象牙又是十分珍贵的东西,不可能作为生活垃圾随意扔弃。因此,可以肯定这处堆积不是生活垃圾的堆积场所。根据  民族学及其它相应的考古学材料进行综合研究,认为它应是与宗教祭祀活动密切相关的遗迹。这类现象过去在国内其他遗址内从未发现过,非常特殊。器有很大的区别。


  还有使用大量陶器作为祭品的现象。例如28号遗迹,面积约13平方米。祭品主要是尖底杯和尖底罐,数量达100件之多。把这些种类很少,数量众多的尖底杯  和尖底罐放置在一起,应是有意为之。如果是生活废弃物,各种各样的陶器都应该有。虽然陶器在出土时已很破碎,但可以看得出来,当初在埋藏这些陶器时基本上  都是完整的。我们推测28号遗迹也当与宗教礼仪活动有关。


  金沙祭祀活动区宏大的场面真实体现了古蜀王国雄厚的实力,繁多的祭品承载着先民们丰富的精神世界,精美的文物凝聚着古代工匠们非凡的创造力。大家可以从现  场的情况看到,在我们眼前这片厚厚的土层中还埋藏着大量的文物,可以说目前出土的器物只是这个地方的“冰山一角”。在地层之中应该还蕴藏着关于古蜀王国祭  祀活动的更多信息。相信随着这些泥土一层一层的揭露,会给我们带来更多的惊喜与震憾。金沙遗址祭祀场所的发掘工作将有计划、有步骤的进行下去,有兴趣的朋  友们可以常常到我们博物馆来,和我们一起见证与目睹古蜀王国一个个秘密的揭晓。





成都导游词 篇5

  English guide words of Chengdu

  Liu Weina


  Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen.

  Welcome to Chengdu.

  Please sit back and relax. Let me introduce my team first. In my right handside is our drive , Mr. Wang. He has 30 years driving under his belt, So you arein safe hands. My name is Liu Weina, you can call me Vina. We are from ChinaYouth Travel Service. On behalf of my company and my colleagues I’d like toextend a warm welcome to you. Welcome to Chengdu.

  I will be your guide during your stay in this city. I am willing to do mybest to make your visit a very pleasant. If you have any questions or problems,please don’t hesitate to let us know.

  After the long flight you must be very tired, so now we are heading to ourhotel directly so that you can get settled and have a good rest. Our hotel is inthe city center, It takes us about 40 minutes to get to the hotel. so let meintroduce Chengdu and some considerations in this city first. Chengdu is thecapital of Sichuan Province, is a historical and cultural city. It has profoundcultural background. It has the "Land of Abundance" reputation. Climate ishumid, rain, so everyone in the travel process to remember to bring an umbrella.Chengdu's famous attractions are:

  Dujiangyan, Du Fu Thatched Cottage and so on. Most of these places we willgo to visit.

  In these days, the first thing you need to pay attention to in this newstop is the coach you’re sitting in. Our coach is a yellow Dawoo with CYTSpainted on both sides and the number is 78907. Let me repeat: 78907. Then, Imust warn you. You must not drink any tap water in the hotel, because unboiledwater will make you ill. Finally, I hope you do not leave without permission,because it’s very dangerous.

  Now let me introduce our schedule in Chengdu……

  That’s all. I hope you will enjoy your stay in my city.

成都导游词 篇6




成都导游词 篇7

  Chengdu has been known as "the land of abundance" since ancient times."Nine days open a Chengdu, thousands of doors into the painting", in China'shuge historical territory, Chengdu is the only city whose site and name havenever changed since its establishment. This important town in Southwest China,the capital of Bashu, is the political, economic and cultural center ofSouthwest China and an important city in the Yangtze River Basin. Chengdu is acity that does not want to leave when it comes, and its pace of life ismaintained at a very humanized speed.

  The word "Bashi" often used by Chengdu people means comfortable andappropriate. The teahouses all over the city are the best embodiment of thecity's leisurely temperament. The leisurely pace of life is the name card of thecity, and the Sichuan cuisine restaurants, hot pot shops and snack bars all overthe street are the main culprits. Chengdu, like a soft sofa, can't help but slowdown and fall into the embrace of the gentle hometown.

  Chengdu may be the transfer station for you to Jiuzhaigou, Lugu Lake,Daocheng Yading and other places, but it is definitely not just a transportationhub. Snow mountain, river and Tibetan area are so close to each other that youcan cross Gongga snow mountain, appreciate the mystery of Sanxingdui, and make apromise of this life in front of Kangba's Sutra tube if you want. When you cometo this city, instead of busy visiting the scenic spots inside and outside thecity, it's better to enjoy life leisurely in it, or to throw yourself on thejourney full of wind and frost.

成都导游词 篇8

  Chengdu is a famous entertainment city. With the changes of the times, italso has a rapid development, and gradually become a modern city. However, inthis city, there is still an ancient street Jinli.

  Jinli is located in Wuhou District of Chengdu, next to Wuhou Temple. Koi isalso the name of a kind of fish. The reason why Jinli is named Jinli is that thefish ponds in the old street are full of Koi. Whether it's day or night, it hasits unique charm. You will involuntarily follow the crowd into the depths ofJinli to experience the beauty of this old street.

  When you come to Jinli during the day, you need to experience the quiet.The weather in Jinli is generally colder. During the day, I walk slowly on thestreet, feeling the cool breeze and the charm of the ancient street. The carp inthe fish pond also swim slowly. Sprinkle a handful of fish food, and the fishwill come to grab food immediately. The strong one immediately grabs the front,the weak one is pressed down, and the lucky one grabs the food from the mouth ofother weaker fish... You will laugh when you see this scene.

  The night in Jinli is also beautiful. At this time, you have to feel theexcitement. Looking east and looking west, this is the unified action of peopleon the street, because there are so many interesting and delicious things on thestreet! The lights are bright everywhere, especially at the Lantern Festival,there are all kinds of colorful lights at the door, which are extremelybeautiful! There are not a few people who fall down because they are absorbed inwatching the lights. All kinds of ancient dramas will also be performed on thestage in Jinli, which adds color to the word "ancient".

  Over the years, Chengdu has changed with each passing day. Only this oldstreet still tells the past. Its ancient charm will make people all over theworld remember it, a resounding name - Jinli!

成都导游词 篇9

  ladies and gentlemen:

  on behalf of our travel agency, i would like to extend a welcome toyou.wish you have a pleasant stay in chengdu.

  there is a saying that “once you come to chengdu ,you do not want to leave” which reveal the charming of this city.

  the splendid chengdu city is renowned for its fertile land and agriculturalwealth.it is the capital of sichuan province and the center of its economyculture ,politics and information. with many images, chengdu is a colorful andcharming city. city of brocade,city of leisure and eden of the east are severalof its widely spread names.

  according to historical records “chengdu was built into a city with oneyear's effort. and then,it became the capital the next year." in chinese,chengdu literally means "the becoming capital”.

  the total area of chengdu is about 12600 square kilometers, and the cityproper occupies an area of 87 square kilometers.according to the recentpopulation census,chengdu's entire population was close to 11000 million,ofwhich 1/6 live in the urban area lying in the eastern part of chengduplain,chengdu is strategically situated in western part of the sichuan provinceby the mingjiang river. it extends about 166 kilometers from east to west about192 kilometers from north to south.

  chengdu enjoys a generally subtropical and monsoon climate.therefore,warmand moist weather dominate most days of a year.the four seasons are clearlydemarcated,the average annual temperature is around 16’c ,while the rainfall isabout 997.6million meters.

  topographically speaking, chengdu is high on the relief map in thenorthwest but low in the southeast.the highest elevation is 5364 meters and thelowest 387 meters.the average elevation of the city is 500 meters.36.4 percentof the land area of chengdu is occupied by plains while 63 percent is hillylands and mountions.

  for the purpose of administration,chengdu is divided into 7 urbandistricts, and 12 suburban counties.

  the municipal people's congress as the legislative body which enacts allthe local laws and supervises their execution is the supreme organ through whichthe citizens exercise their power.the municipal government of chengdu is theexecutive body of the highest organ of administration.the city flower is thehibiscus and the ginkgo tree is the city tree.

  chengdu is honored as a city of lights ,a sea of flowers, and a home ofdelicacies.in downtown area,long and wide avenues are dotted with greentrees,and pretty flowers are flanked by high-building. chengdu is a beautifulcity full of vigor and vitality.besides drinking tea in the local teahouse,andtasting local snacks in some special restaurants,one can either taste thetypical sichuan cuisine local wine and find out some local special products likeshu embroidery,bamboo-woven porcelain ware and lacquer ware,you would be pleasedto immerse into the local chengdu people's slow pace of live.

  the excavated remains from yangzi mount proved that there were human beingsinhabited in chengdu as early as the later stone age

  around 4000-5000 years bc,in the news stone age,people began to live in amuch lager scale area.their footprints can be found in chengdu including xinjin,chongzhou and many other counties.

  around 400 years bc,the king of the kaiming dynasty moved its capital tochengdu.since then,chengdu has been the capital of sichuan area for more than __years. what is more, chengdu as a name for this city has never been changed.

  in 316 bc libing built the dujiangyan irrigation system.by the mid of theeastern han dynasty,the first public school in china was established by wenweng, a magistrate to the shu prefecture.

  chengdu has been a city that many rebels fighting for during the war time.about 7 separated sovereigns were established when the central government wastoo weak to control this encircled mountainous area. in 24ad, chengjia state wasestablished in chengdu bu gongsun shu.in 221 ad,the shuhan kingdom was built byliubei.in 907 ad,mangjian established the former shu state in chengdu.in 934ad,meng zhixiang established the later shu state in chengdu.in 994ad li shunestablished the da shun state in chengdu.in 1644ad,zhang xianzhong had the daxipeasant sovereignty established in chengdu.

  as we known,that chengdu has been the formal name for this city since itsborn,there are also many given nicknames, which tells us the history of chengducity in a special way. the first city in chengdu built in qin dynasty wasnicknamed as “the tortoise city ", for people followed a big tortoise crawlingto build the wall.

  in the western han dynasty, with booming economy, chengdu was a highlyfamed for brocade. the silk and brocade was sold for the overseas. so,it wascalled“the city of brocade ”.

  as meng chang,the king of the shu state, ordered that the hibiscus plantedalong the city wall,which made the forty kilometers of the wall as beautiful asbrocade, chengdu was known as “the city of hibiscus.”

  nowadays, chengdu as a metropolitan in the western region is famous for itsbooming economy.in fact,its glory could be traced back long ago. as early aswestern han dynasty, chengdu with the population of 350000 was listed as one ofthe most flourishing cities together with luoyang linzi handan yuan.it was intang dynasty that yanghzou was the most prosperous city while chengdu was in thesecond place. at that time, the long famed brocade in chengdu was booming withthe developed economy together with paper, silk, porcelain and the lacquer wareproduction.in 1023 ad in the song dynasty, a special administration was set inchengdu to regulate jiaozi the earliest currency issued in china.when marcopolo, an italian businessman, arrived in chengdu in yuan dynasty,he was deeplyimpressed by the prosperity and richness, which had been described vividly inhis book,travels.

  with its flourishing economy, talented scholars were born in chengdu area.sima xiangru and yang xiong were the most prominent scholars in the han dynasty.in the following dynasty, many of the talents either were native of chengdu orhad certain romance with chengdu city.that all poets under heaven came tochengdu was the slogan at the tang dynasty. li bai, dufu, and xuetao, sushi andluyou just named a few. and zhangdaqian, xu beihong, guo moruo and marshalchengyi were the proud of chengdu city .

  chengdu is proud of its cultural background and scenic beauties. we can seea clear history with all the sites and evidence that exists. on the vast andfertile chengdu plain,there are many historic remains that reveals the past ofthis city.sangxingdui museum displays the ancient city, ancient kingdom, andancient shu, which is considered as one of the ten most valuable discoveries inchina. the jinsha ruin is anther important remain that has been discovered inrecent years.the dujiangyan irrigation system built about __ years agecontributes to the fertile land and agricultural wealth of chengdu. in chengducity, we can visit the royal tomb of wangjian, the wuhou temple, thedufu’thatched cottage, the river viewing pavilion park, and qingyang temple.

  around chengdu sity, there are many beautiful and impressive naturalscenery sports, such as mt emei, mt qingcheng, mt xilingxueshan etc.those arethe best choices to smell the fresh air.

  the famous cultural city, chengdu,is not only known for her history of morethan 2300 years, but also noted for its leisure life style. chengdu portraysitself as the eden of the east, for it is associated with leisure affluence andromance, just like the orifinal garden of eden of biblical reputation,leisure isdefinitely the true color of the city.

  on a fine day, one can go to a plain tea house, find a bamboo chair,lie onit in the most comfortable position and order a cup of tea. you can half a dozennewspapers and flip through the pages as you like. you might doze off in all thecomfort. you might slop tea while watching tea art or various performances, suchas the breathing of fire or acrobatics.

  the leisure and idleness of chengdu is also reflected in various localsnacks.the snacks are delicious yet inexpensive,and a food break is a good wayto kill time. after dusk in the summer, the native like to go out to sit on thedikes of the funan river to drink beer,eat snacks, and enjoy the slow pace oflife.

成都导游词 篇10

  Ladies and gentlemen, this is Zhuge Liang hall. The lintels and pillars ofthe hall are covered with plaques and couplets left by predecessors. One of themost famous is a couplet hanging in the middle of Zhuge Liang's palace, whichsays, "if you can work hard, you'll lose your mind. From ancient times, you knowthat soldiers are not belligerent; if you don't judge the situation, you'll belenient and strict. Later, you have to think deeply about how to govern Shu.".Lianwen was written by Zhao fan, a native of Jianchuan, Yunnan Province in thelate Qing Dynasty.

  The Shanglian said that Zhuge Liang was able to use the tactics of"attacking the heart" in fighting, such as making Meng Huo's heart full ofadmiration when he was in the southern expedition. In this way, he praised ZhugeLiang as a militarist who really knew how to fight with troops, not a warlikeone.

  The second couplet praises Zhuge Liang for his ability to judge thesituation and formulate a lenient and strict law, which has achieved goodresults, and reminds those who later govern Sichuan to learn from it. Thiscouplet makes an objective evaluation of Zhuge Liang's use of troops andadministration, and puts forward two enlightening questions of "attacking theheart" and "judging the situation". It is the top grade of the couplets on theplaque of Wuhou Temple and one of the famous couplets in China.

  In the hall of Zhuge Liang, there are statues of Zhuge Liang, his son andgrandson. Zhuge Liang is like a man on a platform in the middle of the shrine.He has a feather fan and a silk scarf. He is wearing a golden robe. He isconcerned about the country and the people, and has a deep and farsighted look,which shows the demeanor of a generation of Confucians. Zhuge Liang (181-234),who was born in Yinan, Shandong Province, was an outstanding statesman andmilitarist in Chinese history.

  When he was young, he lived in seclusion in Longzhong, Xiangfan. Because ofhis intelligence, hard work and ambition, he got the reputation of "Wolong". Atthe request of Liu Bei, he went out of the mountain to help Liu Bei and foundedShu Han. After Liu Bei's death, he was entrusted with the important task ofassisting his son, Liu Chan, to govern Shu for more than 20 years. He practicedenlightenment, gave strict rewards and punishments, selected talents andappointed talents, built water conservancy, developed production, marched southto central China, and attacked Qishan in the north. With loyalty, diligence,honesty and intelligence, he gained stability and prosperity in Shu. Chen Shou,a historian, commented that the state of Shu at that time had clear politics,honest and upright people, open fields, rich warehouses, and peaceful sceneseverywhere. Due to overwork, he died in wuzhangyuan army at the age of 54. Hewas buried at the foot of Dingjun mountain in Mianxian County, ShaanxiProvince.

  Zhuge Liang has done a lot of good things in his life, such as beingdiligent, loving the people and being beneficial to social progress. After hisdeath, people miss him very much and respect him very much for his spirit ofdevoting himself to his life. As a result, people built one Wuhou Temple afteranother to commemorate him, and worshipped him as a model of loyal officials,virtuous prime minister and the embodiment of wisdom.

  Zhuge Zhan, the son of Zhuge Liang, and Zhuge Shang, the grandson of ZhugeLiang, led the Wei army to fight a decisive battle in Mianzhu when the Shu HanDynasty was faced with survival. Finally, they died for their country becausethey were outnumbered.

  There is a bronze drum in Zhuge Liang hall, which is a cultural relic inthe fifth and sixth centuries. Bronze drum, originally a cooking utensil ofsouthwest ethnic minorities in ancient times, has appeared as early as thespring and Autumn period and the Warring States period. Later, the bronze drumgradually evolved into a kind of musical instrument and ritual instrument, whichwas used in assembly and celebration, and also a symbol of wealth and power. Itis said that Zhuge Liang used this kind of bronze drum during his southernexpedition. It was used for cooking in the daytime and for alarming in theevening. Therefore, it is also called Zhuge drum.

  In the wing rooms on both sides outside the hall, there are woodcut poemson display. In the west chamber, there are 12 pieces of calligraphy by MaoZedong, Dong Biwu, Zhang Aiping, Fang Yi, Zhou Gucheng, Chu Tunan, LiangShuming, etc., while in the East chamber, there are wood carvings of LongzhongDUI and Chushi Biao.

  Sanyi Temple:

  After leaving Zhuge Liang hall, there is Sanyi temple. Sanyi Temple got itsname from offering sacrifices to Liu, Guan and Zhang, who were the three membersof Taoyuan. The temple was built in the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the QingDynasty, with four entrances and five halls. Now only worship hall, main hall,into a courtyard layout. Sanyi temple was originally located in Tidu street inthe center of the city. Due to the need of urban construction, it was moved herein 1997. In the relocation project, in strict accordance with the nationalregulations on cultural relics, the original building components were removed byserial number and transported to the new site to be built according to theserial number to restore the original appearance.

  The restored Sanyi temple is towering, and its architectural form is thesame as that of Liubei hall. The roof is a single eaves hard hill type, coveredby green simple tiles. The structure is a wood stone structure, with a beamlifting wooden frame, and the columns and column bases are made of stone. Thereare 40 round columns carved from the whole stone, with a diameter of 0.5m. Thereare 24 stone pillars engraved with 12 couplets in gold. In the main hall, claystatues of Liu, Guan and Zhang are restored, and ten stone line drawings of thestory of the three kingdoms are added to the two walls of the gallery. Thepainting is taken from the Ming Dynasty version of the romance of the ThreeKingdoms. The contents of these paintings are: three marriages in Taoyuan, threeheroes fighting against Lu Bu, Zhang Fei whipping the governor post, Liu Beirecruiting relatives, Guan Gong scraping bone to cure poison and so on.

  Tomb of Liu Bei:

  From Sanyi temple to the west, cross the small bridge, pass Guihe buildingand Qinting, and enter the Red Wall Road surrounded by green bamboo. At the endof the road is Liu Bei's tomb. The earth mound of Liu Bei's tomb is 12 metershigh and covered with green shade. There is a 180 meter long brick wallsurrounding the mausoleum. There are steles and halls in front of themausoleum.

  After Liu Bei failed to defeat Wu, he retired to Baidi city and died inApril 223. In May, Zhuge Liang Fuling pivot back to Chengdu, August burial, tombknown as "Huiling.". Huiling is a tomb for husband and wife. At the same time,Mrs. Gan, the mother of empress Liu Chan, was buried. Twenty years later,another wife of Liu Bei, empress Mu Wu, died and was also buried here. This tombis more than 1700 years ago. No theft has been found. The situation in the tombis unknown.

  There is a story in Youyang Zazu written by Duan Chengshi in the TangDynasty: a group of tomb robbers entered Liu Bei's Huiling mausoleum on a darknight. When they entered the tomb, they saw that the lights were shining inside.Liu Bei was playing chess with one man and ten warriors stood by one side.Scared out of their wits, the thieves knelt down one after another to beg formercy. Liu Bei waved to the guards to give them jade belts and Qiongjiang. Theydrank the jade paste, tied the jade belt, and climbed out of the hole in panic.Looking back, the hole was naturally sealed. The jade belt became a big snake,wrapped around their waist, and the jade paste became glue and stuck to theirmouth. It is said that no one dares to touch Liu Bei's tomb any more.

  Out of Liu Bei's tomb, we come to the newly built exhibition area of "ThreeKingdoms culture". The exhibition area consists of exhibition hall and externalenvironment. The external environment is composed of gods and beasts Tianlu,dispelling evil spirits, remnant pillars of the Han Palace, soldiers fightingfor the country, stone inscriptions on the remnant wall, Linjiang immortal byYang Shen, and preface of stone inscriptions. The exhibition hall is dividedinto five exhibition areas, which are war situation, a glimpse of agricultureand mulberry, folk customs, art and forest, and the lingering charm of Liufeng.There are hundreds of cultural relics, materials and pictures on display. Thecontent is rich and colorful, the artistic technique is vivid and intuitive, andit is a combination of knowledge and appreciation, so it is worth lookingat.

  After seeing the exhibition, you can also visit the "listening Oriole hall"by the way. It's a small courtyard. The bonsai in it is worth watching. Thetemporary exhibitions also have cultural taste.

成都导游词 篇11

  My friends, today we are going to visit Jinli, the closest place toromance. The tour time is about 2 hours. Please pay attention to personal andproperty safety during the tour. Now, please check the tour bus license plateand Xiao Zhang's mobile phone number again. If you have anything, please contactme in time. Jinli is Jinguan City, which later became the synonym of Chengdu. LiShangyin, a famous poet, once wrote: when he was in Jinli temple, his fatherbecame more than a hater.

  Jinli is restored by Wuhou Temple Museum in Chengdu. As a part of WuhouTemple, it covers an area of more than 30000 square meters, with a constructionarea of more than 14000 square meters and a total length of 550 meters. It is afamous Pedestrian Commercial Street in Chengdu.

  The layout of the ancient street is rigorous and orderly, with bars andentertainment area, Sichuan famous food and beverage area, mansion and inn area,as well as the exhibition and sales area of special tourist crafts in awell-organized way. Jinli was officially opened to the outside world in October20__. The second phase of Jinli, an extension of Jinli, boldly introduced waterflow into Jinli cycle, forming a new landscape of "water bank Jinli", and openedits business in January 20__. So far, Jinli ancient street, one of Chengdu'scultural business cards, has been upgraded in an all-round way. "Worship Wuhouand soak Jinli" has become one of the most appealing slogans of Chengdu tourism.In 20__, Jinli was selected as one of the "commercial pedestrian streets in thetop ten cities in China". It is as famous as Wangfujing in Beijing, JianghanRoad in Wuhan, Jiefangbei in Chongqing and Heping Road in Tianjin. It is knownas "the first street in Xishu" and "the riverside map of Qingming Festival inChengdu". In 20__, Jinli was awarded "national cultural industry demonstrationbase" by the Ministry of culture.

  It is said that Jinli used to be one of the oldest and most commercialstreets in the history of Western Shu. It was famous throughout the country asearly as the Qin, Han and Three Kingdoms periods. Today's Jinli, relying on thetemple of marquis Wu, takes the spirit of Qin, Han and three kingdoms as itssoul, the appearance of Ming and Qing customs as its appearance, and the folkcustoms and folk customs of Western Sichuan as its content, which expands theextension of the Three Kingdoms culture. This street concentrates the essence ofChengdu life: there are teahouses, taverns, restaurants, bars, theatricalstands, snacks, handicrafts and local specialties, which fully display theunique charm of the Three Kingdoms culture and Sichuan folk customs.

  Compared with many domestic man-made landscapes, Jinli is completelygrass-roots, local and homely. The shops sell chopsticks, tea, lanterns, silkquilts and local specialties. In the restaurant, Zhang Fei's beef, three cannonsand Feichang powder are all aimed at the taste. They are not fancy, but they areeconomical. There are also handicrafts, such as making a clay figurine, turninga sugar painting, and buying a piece of paper-cut. All these are childlikethings, which are both nostalgic and enjoyable. The colorful lanterns and coverson the street are popular, and the picture is lively. And the most eye-catchingones on the street are those Chengdu fans who are warmly admired. They areeating melon seeds, playing cards and drinking foreign wine in the bar, but theyare speaking soft Chengdu dialect.

  Chengdu people are playing and leisurely strolling in Jinli. Nostalgicpeople have an outlet for their feelings, and those who love to eat satisfytheir appetite. Jinli presents the most real and warm scene in the world.

  Jinli has a lot of local products which are hard to buy in Chengdu. Forexample, zhangfei beef, produced in Langzhong, Sichuan Province, is black inappearance and not very good in appearance. However, it is the natural color ofbeef inside. It is made of top-grade beef mixed with special spices and has aunique taste. Tangma cake, produced in Chongzhou, Sichuan Province, is yellowbut not burnt, sweet but not greasy, crisp skin and crispy heart, sweet anddregs. In addition, there are three cannons, beef bean curd, Sanhe mud, sugarand oil fruit, urinating beef balls, stinky tofu, oil tea, beef coke cake,buckwheat noodles, bowl chicken and other snacks. Jinli is known as the "closestplace to romance" in the city for its elegant pace of life. It is the spiritualpost of urban leisure people and the charming block for experiencing fashion andleisure.

  Well, having said so much, we have to rely on our personal experience tohave a deeper feeling about Jinli. The rest of the time is up to you! We'llgather here in two hours. Hope you have a good time!

成都导游词 篇12

  Wuhou Temple is a memorial hall for Zhuge Liang, the Prime Minister of ShuHan in the Three Kingdoms. Zhuge Liang was granted the title of Marquis ofWuxiang before he died. After he died, he was named as Marquis of Wuxiang.

  Wuhou Temple in Chengdu is the only temple in China where monarchs andministers are worshipped together. It was built in 223 AD and Liu Bei was buriedin Huiling. According to the Han system, there must be a temple beside themausoleum, so after Liu Bei was buried in Huiling, the original temple for LiuBei was built by the Shu Han Dynasty at that time. (the original temple is thetemple for worshiping the emperor beside the mausoleum of the emperor. In Tangand Song Dynasties, people generally called Liu Bei's original temple the formermaster temple. )(because there are three main buildings in Chengdu Wuhou Temple,two of which have appeared after Liu Bei's death, so Liu Bei's burial in Huilingis the beginning of Chengdu Wuhou Temple. )In the northern and SouthernDynasties, people built Wuhou Temple not far from Huiling and Xianzhu temple. Inthe Tang and Song Dynasties, Wuhou Temple had become a famous historic site andtourist attraction. Du Fu left a description of "where to find the ancestralhall of prime minister, where to find the cypress outside Jinguan city". In theMing Dynasty, Zhu Chun, the king of Shu, thought that "the monarch and theminister should be integrated", so he combined the Wuhou Temple with the formermaster's temple, which was called "Han zhaolie Temple". In the late Ming Dynastyand the early Qing Dynasty, the temple was destroyed by war. The Wuhou Temple wesee today was rebuilt on the old site in the 11th year of Kangxi (1672A.D.).

  Although the government has always called it the "Han zhaolie Temple", aplaque of "Han zhaolie Temple" is also hung at the gate. But people are stillused to call it Wuhou Temple. Why? In a poem written by Zou Lu during the periodof the Republic of China, the reason is explained: "the great book on the gate,zhaolie temple, is the temple of marquis Wu. The reason is that the primeminister has made great achievements in the past. In other words, because of hisgreat historical achievements, Zhuge Liang has more prestige in the hearts ofthe people than Liu Bei, so people can't care about the etiquette of the monarchand his ministers.

  From the brief introduction to the left side of the gate and the schematicplan, we can see that the temple of marquis Wu is hidden in the dense greencypresses. The hall sits in the north and south, and is arranged on a centralaxis. It has five layers: the gate, the second gate, the hall of Liu Bei, thehall of passage, and the hall of Zhuge Liang. On the west side is the mausoleumof Liu Bei Huiling. There are 47 clay statues of historical figures of Shu Hanin Qing Dynasty, more than 50 steles, more than 60 plaques and couplets, andmore than 10 tripods, stoves, bells and drums. Therefore, to be exact, WuhouTemple should be called the memorial hall of Shu Han monarchs and ministers. Itis a museum for the study of Shu Han history.

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成都导游词 篇16



  美国时代周刊曾经这样评价成都:china’s china——最中国。那我们今天要去的宽窄巷子堪称是最成都。












成都导游词 篇17

  The Tang stele standing in the pavilion inside the gate of Wuhou Temple,also known as "three unique steles", is one of the oldest steles in Chengdu.When it comes to its reputation and influence in later generations, thismonument is second to none in Chengdu.

  Sanjue stele the original name of the Tang stele is the stele of theancestral hall of marquis Wu of Zhuge, the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty,which was established in the fourth year of Yuanhe (809) of emperor Xianzong ofthe Tang Dynasty. The height, width and thickness of the body and cap are 367cm,95cm and 25cm respectively. The cloud pattern carving of the stele cap has theartistic characteristics of stone carving in the Tang Dynasty. The stone isgorge stone. There are 22 lines of inscriptions, each of which is about 50 wordsin regular script.

  Pei Du, the author of the inscription, was a famous politician in themiddle and late Tang Dynasty. In the second year of Yuanhe (807) in Chengdu, WuYuanheng, the Prime Minister of the Tang Dynasty, was appointed governor ofSichuan Province in Jiannan, and Pei Du was accompanied by his staff. Pei dujiuwanted to write an article to praise Zhuge Liang. After visiting Wuhou Temple inChengdu, he wrote this inscription with admiration. The content of theinscription is divided into preface and inscription. At the beginning of thepreface, Pei Du praised Zhuge Liang as a rare feudal statesman who had thetalent of founding a country, the skill of governing people, the integrity ofserving the king and the way of establishing himself. Feidu said that when therewas chaos in the late Han Dynasty and there were disputes among the heroes, thescholars rushed to offer advice for fear of failure. Zhuge Liang was alone inLongzhong, and he was in charge of music. Once Liu Bei looked at it three times,Zhuge Liang decided the opportunity by "one word" in Longzhong Dui, andestablished the grand plan of tripartite confrontation.

  Fei Du praised Zhuge Liang for abolishing the bad government in the lateHan Dynasty, enforcing the law fairly, appointing people on the basis of merit,ruling the country and stressing martial arts. He believed that under thepainstaking governance of Zhuge Liang, the humble [Shu Han] government wasunified and the morality was popular. He became a rich country and had a strongarmy capable of fighting. Fei Du refutes Cui Hao and others' evaluation of ZhugeLiang and thinks that we can't judge the hero by success or failure. If Godgives Zhuge Liang some more time, he will accomplish the great cause of unifyingthe country. The inscription is in parallel style, with 64 sentences in fourcharacters. It compares Zhuge Liang with Yiyin, Jiang Shang, Xiao He and ZhangLiang, and praises his immortal achievements. Finally, the inscription praisesZhuge Liang's merits and virtues, which are as high as mountains and flowingwater. They exist between heaven and earth and in the hearts of the people inShu.

  Inscriptions: "in the past, I was the first lord. I thought of opening upthe territory of Xinjiang. I was busy and depended on it. Heroes had no help. SoI got Marquis Wu and settled the land of Shu first. Moral City, etiquette. Warmthings like spring, people like God. Work without complaint, use with ethics.Rou Sheng manluo, Pu Dun Weibin, photos of Weiwei living in Huairen. The CentralPlains food, unexpected not, in order to win, allow to reach its extreme. Heavendid not regret the disaster, the public life is not fruit, Han Zuo its death,will fall in the star. The flag against the drum, still go Sima, dead and cando, when the small world.

  His father was still in the Zhou Dynasty, a Heng was in charge of the ShangDynasty, and he was also in charge of Yan Dynasty. He was born in the HanDynasty and Xiao Zhang was in charge of the Han Dynasty. Whine: the intrigueworks hard, and the ambition is suppressed. I feel the pain of banishment, orcry or die. There are many different paths. Based on loyalty and forgiveness,who is not happy? If you are not sincere, you will be loyal. The ancient cypressis dense, and the temple is deep. It does not offer sacrifices to the gods, butbeg for the present. If there is a light, it will not run fast. The wind of Shu,the heart of Shu people, Jingjiang Qingbo, Yulei juncen, into the sea, the sky,know Gongde sound. In the fourth year of Yuanhe, he was born in Jichou onFebruary 29. "

  Liu gongchuo, the elixir of calligraphy, is the elder brother of LiuGongquan, the founder of Liuti in regular script. Later generations praised Tangsteles for their vigorous writing, beautiful words and precise meaning, andvigorous and strict calligraphy. In addition, Lu Jian, the engraver, is verystrict in the cutting technique, so the stele has the reputation of "threeunique". For example, Ronghua, governor of Sichuan in the Ming Dynasty, wrote apostscript on the front of the stele, saying that feiwen and Liushu were "twounique records of sincerity", which could be compared with Zhuge's merits andvirtues. After that, people used to call it "three unique steles".

  For more than a thousand years, the Tang stele has been damaged with thepassage of time, but the erosion is not large. Up to now, most of theinscriptions are still neat and basically intact. Due to the stone quality,climate and other reasons, there are few ancient steles preserved in Chengdu,which is the only complete Tang Dynasty stele in Chengdu.

  Among the 53 existing steles in Wuhou Temple in Chengdu, the most famousone is the Tang stele, which is known as "three unique steles". The inscription,standing in 809 A.D., is 3-67 meters high, 0-95 meters wide and 0-25 metersthick; The inscription was written by Pei Du, a former censor and primeminister. It was written by Liu gongchuo, a former Minister of the Ministry ofofficial and the Ministry of military affairs, and also the brother of LiuGongquan, a famous calligrapher. It was carved by Lu Jian, a famous craftsman inSichuan at that time. The article, calligraphy and engraving are all excellent,so it is called "three unique steles". However, the original name of the steleof the ancestral hall of Zhuge Marquis Wu, the Prime Minister of Shu, is oftenignored.

成都导游词 篇18

  Chengdu is located in the southwest of China, the terrain is dangerous,known as the basin. Sichuan is rich in tourism resources and has distinctiveregional cultural characteristics. There are many famous historical and culturalcities in Sichuan tourism plate, such as Dujiangyan, Leshan and Chengdu, whichhave their own excellent tourism environment.

  Chengdu, as the tourism center of Sichuan Province, is the most prosperouscity in Western China with developed transportation, beautiful environment andmany beautiful sceneries. Jiuzhaigou tourism, as the trump card in Sichuantourist attractions, attracts many tourists every year. The scenery of Emei isbeautiful all over the world, the Buddhist culture has been spread for a longtime, and the Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Spot, Gongga Mountain, Jianmen andother famous scenic spots all add color to Sichuan tourism. In addition, thedelicious Sichuan cuisine and Sichuan wine, which are famous both at home andabroad, can represent the characteristics of Sichuan.

  Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan Province and one of the famous historicaland cultural cities in China, is located in the central part of the province. Itis mainly Han nationality. There are 44 ethnic minorities, including Hui,Mongolian, Tibetan, Miao, Manchu and Tujia. It governs 7 districts, 8 countiesand 4 County-level cities. There are many places of interest and historic sites,including 6 national key cultural relics protection units such as Wuhou Temple,Du Fu thatched cottage, Dujiangyan, Wang Jian tomb, shifangtang ancient Qiongyaosite, xinhaiqiu Baolu death monument, 32 provincial cultural relics protectionunits such as Peng Da general junjiazhen martyrdom monument, and 68 MunicipalCultural Relics protection units such as Sunzhongshan bronze statue.

成都导游词 篇19

  Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan Province, was designated by the StateCouncil as the center of science and technology, commerce, finance,transportation and communication in Southwest China in 1993. It has the largestnumber of foreign consulates and the largest number of international routes. In20__, it was approved by the State Council and upgraded to an important nationalhigh-tech industrial base, business logistics center and comprehensivetransportation hub, and an important central city in the western region.

  Chengdu is located in the west of Sichuan Basin and the hinterland ofChengdu Plain. It is adjacent to Deyang and Ziyang in the East, Ya'an and ABA inthe West and Meishan in the south. Chengdu has 10 districts and 5 counties,including Jinjiang District, and 4 county-level cities. By the end of 20__, thebuilt-up area of Chengdu City was 604.1 square kilometers, with a permanentresident population of 14.428 million.

  Chengdu is "one of the first batch of national famous historical andcultural cities" and "the best tourist city in China", with a history of morethan 3000 years. It has many places of interest and cultural landscapes, such asDujiangyan, Wuhou Temple, Dufu thatched cottage, Jinsha site, Ming Shumausoleum, Wangjiang tower, Qingyang palace, etc.

  The 22nd plenary session of the United Nations World Tourism Organizationwill be held in 20__, and the 22nd world route development conference will beheld in Chengdu in 20__.

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