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三孔导游词 篇1


  大家好!欢迎来到圣地曲阜!我是你们的导游陈柯润,大家叫我小陈就可以了。今天,就由我来带领你们游览中外闻名的三孔:孔府、孔庙、孔林。孔子有句名言:“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?” 我有幸担任导游,十分高兴!我将尽力为大家服好务,如有不足之处,请指出来,我一定尽量改正!

  进入孔府的大门,由此向后分为三路,东路建有一贯堂、慕思堂等;西路是孔府当年接待贵宾和读书习礼的地方,有忠恕堂、安怀堂、花厅等; 中路大部分都是孔府的主要建筑,前半部分是官衙,后半部分是内宅。





三孔导游词 篇2






三孔导游词 篇3

  女士们!先生们!大家好!我叫某某某。今天,由我来带领你们游览“三孔”:孔府·孔庙·孔林。孔子有句名言:“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎”我有幸担任导游,十分高兴。我将尽力为大家服务,不足之处,请批评改正。 在参观三孔之前,请允许我介绍一下曲阜。曲阜地处鲁中小区和鲁西南平原的交界处。大诗人李白曾描写曲阜:“笑夸故人指绝境,山光水色青如兰”。


  孔府与孔庙毗邻,是孔子嫡系长子长孙居住的府第,三路布局,九进院落,共有建筑463间,加上后花园,共占地240亩。孔府,也称“衍圣公府”。“衍圣”的意思是说“圣道”、“圣裔”能繁衍接续, 进入孔府大门,由此向后孔府分为三路,东路建有一贯堂、慕恩堂、孔氏家庙等;西路是孔府当年接待贵宾和读书习礼的地方,有红萼轩、忠恕堂、安怀堂、花厅等;中路是孔府的主体建筑,前半部为官衙,后半部为内宅。

  孔林,是孔子家庭的专用墓地,也是世界上延时最久、规模最大的家庭墓地。占地三千多亩。周围垣墙高3米,厚1.5米,长14.5华里。林内有各种树木10万多株,数百种植物。在万木掩映之中,碑石林立,石像成群,十分壮观。 现在自由活动3小时,可以自行游览“三孔”,也可以进行游戏、野餐等活动,但必须保证卫生。 参观“三孔”到此结束了!

三孔导游词 篇4





















  矗立在我们面前的大殿就是名扬天下的“大成殿”,它是中国的“三大殿”之一,与北京故宫的“太和殿”,泰山岱庙的“天贶殿”齐名,其雄伟壮丽有过之而无不及。殿高24.8米,阔45.78米,深24.8米,雕梁画栋,金壁辉煌,特别是周围28根石柱,为世界文化瑰宝,均以整石雕刻而成,前面10根为深浮雕,每柱二龙戏珠,盘绕升腾,栩栩如生,刀法刚劲有力,各具变化。过去皇帝来了,都是将此柱用黄布围裹。他们若看见恐怕也会自惭不如。两侧及后廊的龙柱为浅浮雕,每柱72条龙,总共1296条。大成殿内供奉着孔子塑像,两侧为四配,东西是复圣颜回、述圣孔及,西面是宗圣曾参和亚圣孟子。再外是12哲。每年9月26日、9月28日,我们都在这里举行盛大的国际孔子文化节和孔子诞辰纪念仪式,表演大型祭孔乐舞和“箫韶乐舞”,举行丰富多彩的文化、旅游活动,欢迎各位到时光临。 三孔导游词【5】






三孔导游词 篇5






















三孔导游词 篇6









三孔导游词 篇7





































  大成殿。这是孔庙的主殿,它和北京的故宫太和殿、泰安岱庙天贶殿并称东方三大建筑,又称东方三大殿。价值高历史长的是大成殿。殿高24.8米,阔45.7米,深24.89米。四周环有28根用整个石头雕成的龙柱,工艺精湛,造诣很深。尤其殿前廊10株深浮雕的滚龙柱实为世之罕见,10棵柱子20 条龙,上下对翔,升腾盘绕戏一颗珠子,神态各异,无一雷同,越看越有动意,跃然石上栩栩如生。这是徽州工匠的杰作。皇帝来曲阜朝孔时,孔家都用黄绫把龙柱裹起来,不让皇帝直接看到龙柱,因为超过了金銮殿,怕皇帝不高兴,加以责怪。其余18根柱是八棱的浅浮雕龙柱,一个棱面刻九条龙,每根柱子八个棱,八九 72条龙共计雕刻1296条龙。这是罕见的石刻艺术瑰宝。总览大成殿雄伟壮观。









三孔导游词 篇8

  Dear tourists

  Hello everyone! Welcome to Qufu, the Holy Land! I'm Chen Kerun, your guide.Just call me Xiao Chen. Today, I will take you to visit the three famousConfucius: Confucius Mansion, Confucius Temple and Confucius forest. Confuciushas a famous saying: "is it a pleasure to have friends from afar?" I am veryhappy to be a tour guide. I will try my best to serve you well. If there are anyshortcomings, please point them out, and I will try my best to correct them!

  The entrance to the Confucius Mansion can be divided into three roads: theEast Road has Yiguan hall, Musi hall, etc.; the west road is the place where theConfucius Mansion received distinguished guests and studied in those years,including Zhongshu hall, anhuatang, Huating hall, etc.; the middle road ismostly the main building of the Confucius Mansion, the first half of which isthe government office, and the second half is the inner house.

  The Confucius Temple was originally the family temple of the Kong family.There are cypress trees planted by Confucius himself in the temple. The mainbuilding is Dacheng hall. In front of the hall are the famous Jiulong column andapricot altar. Later, because Confucius was respected, many feudal emperors camehere to worship him. Now, the annual "International Confucius Culture Festival"held by Jining Municipal government is also the prelude here.

  Kong Lin is a special cemetery for Confucius' family. It is also thelongest and largest family cemetery in the world, covering an area of more than3000 mu. There are hundreds of trees and more than 100000 trees in the forest.Among the trees, there are many steles and stone statues, which are veryspectacular!

  Well, now we can start free activities for three hours. You can visitfreely, play games, shop and so on. However, we must ensure hygiene and notlitter.

  This is the end of the visit to San Kong. Thank you for your support. Ilook forward to your coming again!

三孔导游词 篇9




  孔府占地240亩,共有厅、堂、楼、房463间。九进庭院,三路布局:东路 即东学,建一贯堂、慕恩堂、孔氏家庙及作坊等;西路即西学,有红萼轩、忠恕堂、安怀堂及花厅等;孔府的主体部分在中路,前为官 衙,有三堂六厅,后为内宅,有前上房、前后堂楼、配楼、后六间等,最后为花园。

  孔林本称至圣林,是孔子及其家族的墓地。 孔子死后,弟子们把他葬于鲁城北泗水之上,那时还是“墓而不坟”(无高土隆起)。到了秦汉时期,虽将坟高筑,但仍只有少量的墓地和几家守林人后来随着孔子地位的日益提高,孔林的规模越来越大。东汉桓帝永寿三年(公元157年),鲁相韩勅修孔墓,在墓前造神门 一间,在 东南又造斋宿一间,以吴初等若干户供孔墓洒扫,当时的孔林“地不过一 顷”。到南北朝高齐时,才植树600株。宋代宣和年间,又在孔子墓前修造石仪。进入元文宗至顺二年(公元1331年),孔思凯主修了林墙,构筑了林门。明洪武十年(公元1684年)将孔林扩为3000亩的规模。雍正八年(公元1730年),大修孔林,耗帑银25300两重修了各种门坊,并派专官守卫。据统计,自汉以来,历代对孔林重修、增修过13次,增植树株5次,扩充林地3次。整个孔林周围垣墙长达7.25公里,墙高3米多,厚约5米,总面积为2平方公里,比曲阜城要大得多 孔林作为一处氏族墓地,20xx多年来葬埋从未间断。在这里既可考春秋之葬、证秦汉之墓,又可研究我国历代政治、经济、文化的发展和丧葬风俗的演 变。1961年国务院公布为第一批全国重点文物保护单位。 “墓古千年在,林深五月寒”,孔林内现已有树10万多株。相传孔子死后,“弟子各以四方奇木来植,故多异树,鲁人世世代代无能名者”,时至今日孔林内的一些树株人们仍叫不出它们的名字。其中柏、桧、柞、榆、槐、楷、朴、枫、杨、柳、檀雒离、女贞、五味、樱花等各类大树,盘根错节,枝繁叶茂;野菊、半夏、柴胡、太子参、灵芝等数百种植物,也依时争荣。孔林不愧是一座天然的植物园。“断碑深树里,无路可寻看”。在万木掩映的孔林中,碑石如林,石仪成群,除一批著名的汉碑移入孔庙 外,林内尚有李东阳、严嵩、翁方钢、何绍基、康有为等明清书法名家亲笔题写的墓碑。因此,孔林又称得上是名副其实的碑林。

  孔庙、孔府、孔林在山东曲阜市,是中国唯一规模最大的集祭祀孔子嫡系后裔的府邸和孔子及其子孙墓地于一起的建筑群,孔子(公元前551~前420xx年)是中国儒家学说的创始人。他在死后的第二年,他的住宅被改成孔庙,每年祭祀 。汉代以后历代皇帝都提倡尊孔读经,对孔子也不断追谥加封,同时扩大他的祠庙,孔庙的规模也越修越大。




  孔庙的东侧是孔府,是孔子嫡长孙世袭的府第。始建于宋代,经历代不断扩建,形成现在的规模。占地200余亩,有房舍480余间。官衙和住宅建在一起,是一座典型的封建贵族庄园,衙 署大堂用于接受皇帝颁发的圣旨,或处理家族内事务。孔府后院有一座花园,幽雅清新,布局别具匠心,可称园林佳作,也是园宅结合的范例。孔府藏有大量的历史档案、传世文物,历代服饰和用具等,都及其珍贵。


  孔林又称至圣林,在曲阜城北门外,占地3000亩,周围砖砌林墙长达14里,是孔子和他的后代子孙们的家族墓地。孔林内柏桧夹道,进入孔林要经过1200米的墓道,然后穿过石牌坊、石桥、甬道、到达孔子墓前。孔子的坟墓封土高6米,墓东是孔子之子孔鲤和他的孙子孔伋 的坟墓。在孔林中,有的墓前还存有石雕的华表、石人、石兽。这些都是依照墓中人当时-爵位的品级设置的,整个孔林延用2520xx年,内有坟冢 十余万座。其延续时间之久,模葬之多,保存之完好,举世罕见。

三孔导游词 篇10






  孔府占地240亩,共有厅、堂、楼、房463间。九进庭院,三路布局:东路 即东学,建一贯堂、慕恩堂、孔氏家庙及作坊等;西路即西学,有红萼轩、忠恕堂、安怀堂及花厅等;孔府的主体部分在中路,前为官 衙,有三堂六厅,后为内宅,有前上房、前后堂楼、配楼、后六间等,最后为花园。

三孔导游词 篇11










三孔导游词 篇12

  Dear friends;

  How do you do!

  Confucius said, "it's a pleasure to have friends coming from afar.". Today,with this famous saying of Confucius, I welcome you to visit Qufu, Confucius'hometown. I'm your local tour guide. I hope you can have a better understandingof the three Confucius culture through my explanation. I hope you have a goodtime here and have a good time. Before entering the scenic area, please allow meto give you a brief introduction of Sankong scenic area and Qufu. Qufu islocated in the southwest of Shandong Province, with a population of 620000 and atotal area of 890 square kilometers. The word "Qufu" first appeared in Erya.Ying Shao explained in the Eastern Han Dynasty that there was a Fu in the cityof Lu, and Weiqu was seven or eight Li long, so it was named "Qufu". The tourguide service of the association, in 1012 ad, was once renamed "Xianyuan" countyto commemorate the birth of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, the ancestor of the Chinesenation. In the seventh year of Emperor Taizong's Tianhui, it was also renamedQufu, and has been used since then.

  Wanren palace wall: now our location is just outside the South Gate of theancient city of qufuming, which is called Wanren palace wall. There are four bigcharacters "Wanren palace wall" right above the gate. "Ren" is an ancient unitof length, one Ren is about 8 feet, equivalent to 1.6 meters now. It is saidthat some people praised Confucius' disciple Zigong for his knowledge. Afterhearing that, Zigong said, "human knowledge is like a palace wall. My knowledgeis only as high as the top of the wall. But Confucius, my teacher, has severalwalls. If you don't find its door, you can't see the beauty of the temple in thewall.". In order to show his worship of Confucius, Emperor Qianlong of QingDynasty ordered people to hang the four characters "Wanren palace wall" on thewall.

  1、 Confucius Temple

  Overview of Confucius Temple: Confucius Temple is a temple dedicated toConfucius, a thinker, statesman and educator in our country during the springand Autumn period,

  Confucius Temple is the largest and oldest one. It has become one of thethree ancient buildings in China along with the Forbidden City and summerresort. The temple is 1130 meters long, 168 meters wide from east to west,covering an area of 150000 square meters. The whole complex is divided into ninecourtyards arranged symmetrically. There are five halls, one ancestral temple,one Pavilion, one altar, two verandas, two halls, 17 stele pavilions, 53gatehouses, a total of 466. The building area is about 16000 square meters.Confucius Temple is known as "solitary example" in the history of worldarchitecture. It integrates history, architectural culture, art, calligraphy,stone carvings and ancient tombs. It is the crystallization of the wisdom ofancient laborers in our country. It is a precious historical and culturalheritage. In 1961, it was announced as the first batch of cultural relicsprotection units by the State Council. In 1994, it was listed as a worldcultural heritage by UNESCO. In 20__, it was listed as a national 5A touristattraction.

  "Jinshengyuzhen" Square: it is the first gate square of Confucius Temple.It was built in the 17th year of Jiajing reign of Ming Dynasty. It is 5.6 metershigh and 13.5 meters long, with octagonal columns. On the top of the column,there is a armored animal guarding against heaven and evil. On the lintel, theinscription "Jin Sheng Yu Zhen" is written by Hu zuanzong, a great calligrapherof the Ming Dynasty. The four words "Jin Sheng Yu Zhen" come from Mencius. Usingthe meaning of Mencius, it expresses Confucius' consummate knowledge, just likethe whole process of playing music, which is complete from beginning to end.Ancient music begins with the ringing of a bell and ends with the striking of achime. Praising Confucius for his learning is like the sound of gold and jade.The sound of gold is the sound of a bell, indicating the beginning, and thesound of jade is the sound of a chime, indicating the end. This is also thesource of the idiom "doing things from beginning to end". "Two cypresses bearone hole": passing yuzhenfang, this single hole stone arch bridge is called"Panshui bridge", which is connected with the water in the pan pool beside thepalace, so it is called "pan water". In the past, when I read the book ofConfucius and Mencius, I was admitted to higher education, which is called"entering hope". Officials hope to be promoted, do business, hope to get rich,and live a prosperous life. There is an ancient cypress on both sides of thebridge, so it is called "two cypresses bear one hole". After the bridge, thereare two stone tablets on the East and West, which are engraved with "officialsand people waiting to dismount here", and called "dismounting stele". In thepast, civil and military officials and common people passed by, so they had todismount and get off the sedan chair to show their respect for Confucius."Lingxing gate": This gate is called "Lingxing gate". It was built in the MingDynasty. "Lingxingmen" was inscribed by Qianlong. There are two or eight starsin the sky, and the one in charge of culture is called "Lingxing", also known asWenqu star. Connecting Confucius with the star in charge of culture in the skyis enough to prove that Confucius' culture stone is the highest. The ancientsworshipped the heaven, first of all, they worshipped Wenqu star. There is asaying that respecting Confucius is like respecting heaven. You see, the squareis 10.34 meters high and 13 meters wide. The columns are cut up and down. Theintersection of the two sections is supported by a strong stone column. On thehead of the column are the portraits of the four heavenly kings, and in themiddle are the pearls of fire. It means that the door is protected by heaven.This gate was rebuilt from wood to iron beams and stone columns.

  Dazhongmen: dazhongmen is the main gate of the Confucius Temple in the SongDynasty. It was rebuilt in the Qing Dynasty. The three words "dazhongmen" wereinscribed by Emperor Qianlong. Its original name was gonghemen, and later it wasrenamed dazhongmen. The large and medium-sized facade is extended to 5 rooms,which is a single eaves building on the top of the mountain. On the one hand, wecan see the continuous expansion of Confucius Temple, on the other hand, we cansee the historical evolution of Confucius Temple.

  Chenghua stele: the Chenghua stele we see now is the most famous one in theConfucius Temple, which was set up by Zhu Jianshen, the emperor of Chenghua inthe Ming Dynasty. There are two things that have attracted the attention of yourcelebrities. First, Chenghua tablet's regular script is well written,standardized, exquisite and attractive; The second is the highest evaluation ofConfucius. Emperors of all dynasties have commented on Confucius. The highestevaluation is emperor Chenghua. He compares Confucius' ideas and methods toeating, dressing and spending money. One day is inseparable from them. WithConfucius' principles and methods, one can make the best use of one's talents,materials and land. Otherwise, it will be a mess. It is said that if there isConfucius' way, there will be a world. If there is no Confucius' way, there willbe no world. If there is anti Confucius' way, there will be no world.

  Tongwenmen: take the meaning of tongwenmen. That is to say, only withconcerted efforts and unity can we do a good job; the writing should be unified,only with unified writing can we record the experience of historicalcommunication, and random writing will lead to confusion. Tongwen gate is animportant barrier in front of Kuiwen Pavilion.

  Kuiwen Pavilion: the wooden structure building in front of us is called"Kuiwen Pavilion". Originally known as the library, Kuiwen Pavilion is a placefor collecting the Secretary of the emperor. It was first built in the SongDynasty. There are seven rooms on three floors. This magnificent building ismade entirely of wood, without riveting. Like building blocks, it has become an"isolated example" in the history of Chinese architecture. After severalearthquakes, "kuiwenge" was not destroyed. During the reign of Kangxi, there wasa great earthquake in Qufu, "houses in the world are nine, but there is one".However, kuiwenge stands upright and safe, which shows the wisdom and superbarchitectural art of the ancient working people in our country.

  Thirteen stele pavilions: now we enter the sixth courtyard of ConfuciusTemple. There are 13 stele pavilions and 55 steles. They were established inTang, song, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. Most of the inscriptions are writtenin Chinese, Ba Si Ba and Manchu, which are records of the emperor's posthumoustitle and seal, temple worship and temple renovation. In order to show himself,the Qing emperor built the stele Pavilion in front of it, which led to theappearance of courtyard. This kind of architecture structure is called"intrigue" in ancient architecture. There are eight steles in the South and fivesteles in the north. Eight in the South and five in the north, so it is calledthe thirteen stele Pavilion. Because they were all stele pavilions approved bythe emperor, it is also called "imperial stele Pavilion".

  Dachengmen: now we enter dachengmen, "dachengmen" refers to dachengmen,which was rebuilt by fire in the Qing Dynasty. The three characters ofdachengmen were inscribed by Emperor Yongzheng of the Qing Dynasty.

  Master hand planted cypress: the cypress tree in dachengmen was planted byConfucius. According to records, Confucius once planted three trees here, andthen two died. This tree withered three times and thrived three times. There isalso a saying that "when the cypress tree grows more and more, the Kong familygrows more and more.". The five characters of "the first teacher planted cypressby hand" were written by Yang Guangxun, a talented man in Wanli period of MingDynasty. Apricot altar: the "apricot altar" in front of us was built in the SongDynasty to commemorate Confucius' lectures. It is said that Confucius taught tohis disciples under the big apricot tree on the platform. Because there areapricot trees around here, it is called "apricot altar". In the pavilion ofXingtan, there are two steles. On the front of one stele is engraved the"Xingtan Fu" written by Emperor Qianlong when he first came to Qufu, which isregular script. On the back is the running script inscribed by Emperor Qianlongwhen he came to Xingtan for the second time. Dacheng Hall: the hall standing infront of us is the world-famous "Dacheng hall". It is one of the "three mainhalls" in China. It is as famous as the "Taihe hall" in the Forbidden City inBeijing and the "Tianfu hall" in the Dai Temple in Taishan Mountain. Itsmagnificence is more than it can be. The hall is 24.8 meters high, 45.78 meterswide and 24.8 meters deep, with carved beams and painted buildings. The goldenwall is brilliant, especially the 28 stone pillars around it. They are all worldcultural treasures. They are all carved with whole stones. The front 10 are deepreliefs, with two dragons playing with pearls on each pillar. They are coiledand rising, lifelike, powerful and varied. In the past, when the emperor came,the Kong Family wrapped the column in yellow cloth. I'm afraid they'll beashamed if they see it. The dragon pillars on both sides and the back porch arebas reliefs, with 72 dragons per pillar, a total of 1296. There is a statue ofConfucius in the Dacheng hall. Every year, on September 26 and 28, we hold agrand international Confucius Culture Festival and a ceremony to commemorate thebirth of Confucius. We perform large-scale music and dance for Confucius and"Xiao Shao music and dance" and hold a variety of cultural and tourismactivities. Welcome to our time. Two verandahs: the houses on the East and westsides of Dacheng hall are called "two verandahs", which are places where thelater generations worship the sages and scholars. Most of the worthy Confuciansare famous figures in the later Confucian school. In the Tang Dynasty, therewere only more than 20 people. By the time of the Republic of China, there were156 people. These people were originally portraits. In the Jin Dynasty, theywere statues. In the Chenghua period of the Ming Dynasty, they were all woodentablets with names on them, and they were consecrated in shrines. Now there arestone carvings of all ages on display in the two verandas.

  Bedroom Hall: turn back along the corridor of Dacheng hall, then you cometo the bedroom hall. The bedchamber is a place for offering sacrifices toConfucius' wife. It is the third largest building of Confucius Temple.Confucius' wife was born in Song Dynasty in the late spring and Autumn period.Qi Guan, who had a compound surname, married Confucius at the age of 19. He wasa good wife and mother and died seven years before Confucius. He was honored as"the lady of the supreme sage". Enjoy sacrifice as Confucius. There are 28 stonepillars carved with Phoenix. Each pillar is carved with 72 Phoenix, the samenumber as the dragon. So it's called "Long Feng Cheng Xiang"

  Yuhonglou legal stickers: the 572 "yuhonglou legal stickers" displayed hereare descendants of Confucius in the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty.

  Kong Jisu collected the handwriting of the famous calligraphers of the pastdynasties and copied it. These stone carvings were originally placed in theYuhong building of the "Twelve Fu" in Qufu. They were moved to the ConfuciusTemple in 1951 and displayed in 1964. They are of great artistic value forcalligraphy lovers.

  Temple of Miracles: the last building of Confucius Temple. It was built inthe Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty and was presided over by the censor heChuguang. There are 120 paintings and stone carvings in the hall, which reflectthe main activities and remarks of Confucius' life. It is the first stonecarvings with complete character stories in our country.

  2、 Confucius Mansion

  Front hall building of Confucius' mansion: it is the place where Confucius'76th generation grandson Kong Lingyi and his wife live. Here you can experiencethe living room of the Royal Palace of the feudal dynasty. The existing Qiantangbuilding was rebuilt in the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty, withEast and West buildings on both sides. It was built in the Qing Dynasty. Hung inthe middle of the hall are four big characters written by Kong Lingyi, whichmeans that the Kong family will remain prosperous and vigorous forever.

  Confucius' mansion: adjacent to the Confucius Temple, it is the residenceof Confucius' eldest son and grandson. It has three roads, nine courtyards andConfucius' mansion, also known as "Yansheng mansion". "Yan Sheng" means that"Sheng Dao" and "Sheng Yi" can be inherited from generation to generation. Largescale construction was carried out in the Qing Dynasty. This is the Confucianmansion, which is a typical building in our feudal society.

  Confucius' greedy Wall: there is a unicorn shaped animal on the door ofConfucius' house called "greedy". It is said that this animal is very viciousand can swallow gold and silver. Although it is full of treasures at its feetand around, it is still not satisfied and wants to eat the sun in the sky. It isreally "greedy". In the past, Confucius painted greedy paintings here, and youcan see them when you go out It is also a warning to our children andgrandchildren not to be corrupt and pervert the law.

  Hall: it is the place where Emperor Yan read the imperial edict, metofficials, tried cases, and held ceremonies on festivals and birthdays. Itdisplays the first-class nobility. On the north side of the wall, those goldlettered signs on a red background are the symbols of nobility and privilege,commonly known as "Eighteen cloud tiles". With these brands, Yan Shenggong hasbeen able to travel freely in Beijing.

  Second Hall: it was the place where Yan Shenggong met with officials abovegrade four and was entrusted by the emperor to take the examination of rites andmusic for the imperial court every year. There are seven Royal steles in thehouse, including the stele of "Fu Shou" written by Emperor Daoguang of the QingDynasty, the character of "Shou" written by the kind empress dowager and thepicture of pine and crane.

  Third Hall: also known as the retreat hall, is the place where YanShenggong deals with family disputes and punishes servants in the house. Theplaque of "six generations of Han Yi" hanging in the middle of the house waswritten by Emperor Qianlong. At that time, six generations of Confucius lived inthe same hall. This plaque means that the six generations lived in harmony andhad a happy life.

  Inner house gate: after the three halls, it is the inner house part ofConfucius' mansion, also known as inner house courtyard. The inner door isseparated from the outside. This gate is heavily guarded and no one is allowedto enter without permission. The emperor of Qing Dynasty specially granted threepairs of weapons, namely Huwei stick, Yanyi boring and Jintou jade stick. Thegatekeeper stood in front of the door with weapons, and those who disobeyed theorders were punished severely. On the west side of the door, there is a specialwater tank, Shiliu, which is exposed outside the wall. According to theregulations of the government, the water bearer is not allowed to enter theinner house, but only pour the water into the inner wall of the tank to flowinto the inner house.

  Front upper room: it is the living room for the master of Confucius toreceive his close relatives and Jinzhi people. It is also the main place forthem to hold family banquets and weddings and funerals. The room is decoratedwith gorgeous furnishings, cultural relics and antiques.

  Houtanglou: the residence of kongdecheng, the seventy seventh generation ofConfucius. Kong Decheng was born in 1920. Less than two months after he wasborn, he was appointed by the then president Xu Shichang as the emperor ofXifeng. In 1935, he was awarded the title of "the most holy and venerableofficial of Dacheng" by Nanjing National Government. She married Ms. sun Qifangin 1936. Most of the time after that, he was in Chongqing and Nanjing with thenational government, and moved from Nanjing to Chinese Taiwan on the eve of theliberation of the mainland in 1949.

  Back garden of Confucius Mansion: it was built in the 16th year of Hongzhiin Ming Dynasty. After three major repairs, it covers an area of more than 50mu. In the Jiaqing period of the Qing Dynasty, when Kong Qingfei, the 73rdgeneration grandson of Confucius, rebuilt the garden, he placed several largeiron ores in it, so it was also called "iron mountain garden". Among them, "fivecypress baohuai" is a cypress tree in the middle and a Sophora tree around, soit is called five cypress baohuai. It's a wonder in the garden. It symbolizesthe Confucius family's family life of mutual love, mutual assistance and mutualaid for hundreds of years.

  3、 Kong Lin

  Kong Lin: it is the cemetery of Confucius and his family. It is the longestand largest family cemetery in the world. Konglin is located on the northernSurabaya of Qufu City, covering an area of 3000 mu. There are four types ofChinese classical architecture: Palace, garden, Mausoleum and temple. TheConfucius Temple in Confucius' mansion embodies the characteristics of palaceand Garden Temple, while the Confucius forest is a kind of mausoleum and garden.Confucius Temple and Confucius Mansion show the profundity of Confucius thoughtand the solemnity of your family. Kong Lin embodies the glory of Confucius andhis descendants after their death. Since Confucius was buried with his wife,people planted trees for the beginning of Confucius forest. After more than twothousand years of continuous expansion of more than 70 belts, a large area ofKong Family cemetery Kong Lin was gradually formed.

  Shinto: out of the north gate of Fucheng, there is a road leading toGuling, so you call it Konglin Shinto. In the ancient concept, Shinto was thechannel sent by the gods when Confucius accepted the sacrifice. The whole Shintois paved with green stones, and the ancient cypresses are arranged on both sidesof the Shinto until the door of Konglin. They come in different shapes,

三孔导游词 篇13




  这块碑立于明成化四年(1468年),因此也叫“成化碑”,它为明宪宗朱见深所立,碑高6米,宽2米多。这块碑的特点是书法精湛,著称于世,并且碑文用论辩形式写成,在极力推崇孔子方面,可以说是之最。大家请看右上角,那上面写道:“联惟孔子之道,有天下者一日不可无焉”,又说:“孔子之道在天下,如布帛粟菽,民生日用不可暂缺”。这碑下面的动物不是乌龟,叫赑屃,是龙的儿子,特别能负重,所以用来驮碑,有句话讲“龙生九子不成龙”,在孔庙内,龙和龙的9个儿子,你都可以看到,当地的老百姓常来这里抚摸这赑屃,他们说:“摸摸赑屃的头,一辈子不犯愁,摸摸赑屃的腚,一辈子不生病”。(赑屃(bi xi),形似龟,好负重,为石碑下的龟趺fu指碑的龟形 底座)














































三孔导游词 篇14






















三孔导游词 篇15







三孔导游词 篇16

  The reason why Qufu is famous all over the world is closely related to thename of Confucius. Confucius is one of the greatest philosophers in the worldand the founder of Chinese Confucianism. In the long history of more than 20__years, Confucian culture has gradually become the orthodox culture of China, andhas influenced the countries in East and Southeast Asia, and has become thecornerstone of the whole oriental culture. Qufu's Confucius Mansion, ConfuciusTemple and Confucius forest, collectively referred to as "three Confucius", is asymbol of China's history of commemorating Confucius and advocatingConfucianism. It is famous for its rich cultural heritage, long history, grandscale, rich cultural relics collection and scientific and artistic value.Because of its prominent position in Chinese history and oriental culture, it ishonored as one of the three holy cities in the world.

  The original name of Confucius Mansion is Yansheng mansion. Located in theeast of Confucius Temple, it is the office of Confucius' eldest grandson. LiuBang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, offered sacrifices to Confucius' tomb andmade Confucius' ninth grandson the king of worship, representing the state. Inthe Song Dynasty, it was granted the title of Yan Shenggong. In the 10th year ofHongwu in Ming Dynasty, an independent Yansheng government was established.There are more than 480 buildings, halls and halls. The former is the governmentoffice, and the latter is the inner house. There are famous Confucius archivesand a large number of cultural relics in the mansion.

  Confucius' mansion, known as "the first house in the world", is theresidence of Confucius' lineage for a long time. It is also a typical buildingof the combination of government office and inner residence in Chinese feudalsociety. After the death of Confucius, the descendants of Confucius lived nextto the temple for generations to take care of the relics of Confucius. By theend of the Northern Song Dynasty, the houses of the descendants of Confucius hadbeen expanded to dozens. By the Jin Dynasty, the descendants of Confucius hadalways been in the east of the temple. With the promotion of Confucius' officialposition and the improvement of his title, the buildings of Confucius' mansionhad been expanded to the present scale in the song, Ming and Qing Dynasties. Nowthe Confucius Mansion covers an area of about 7.4 hectares, with 480 ancientbuildings, nine courtyards in front and back, and three roads in the middle,East and West.

  The gate of Confucius' mansion is a five purlin hanging mountain stylebuilding, and the plaque reads "Shengfu" written by Yan Song of Ming Dynasty.There is a couplet on both sides of the door, which is "the same day as thestate and Xianxiu, an Fu and Zunrong mansion, and the old article" moral sagefamily ". The word" Fu "is a little less, which means" wealth without a head ",and the word" Zhang "is vertical to the top, which means" the article reachesheaven ". This couplet summarizes the style of" sage family "for thousands ofyears.

  Following the example of the six ministries of the feudal dynasty, theConfucius government set up six halls. On both sides of the two gates, they wereGuangou hall, Baihu hall, classics hall, sile hall, Zhiyin hall, Zhangshu halland public administration hall. Ming Dynasty building, a total of five deepthree, spacious and generous, for the year read the edict, meet officials, trialof major cases.

  The Confucius Mansion covers an area of 240 mu, with 463 halls, halls,buildings and rooms. Nine into the courtyard, three road layout: the east roadis the east school, jianyiguan hall, muen hall, Kongs family temple andworkshops; the west road is the west school, hongyuxuan, Zhongshu hall, Anhuaihall and Huating hall; the main part of the Confucius Mansion is in the MiddleRoad, the front is the government office, the front is three halls and sixhalls, the back is the inner house, the front upper room, the front and backhall, the auxiliary building, the back six rooms, and finally the garden.

三孔导游词 篇17


  曲阜概况 在参观“三孔”之前,请允许我把曲阜概况介绍一下:


  曲阜历史悠久,早在五六千年前,我们的祖先就在这里繁衍生息,创造了人类早期的文明。不少古籍中,还有炎帝、少吴徙都于曲阜,黄帝生于寿丘(曲阜城东8里 处),舜于寿丘作什器的记载。可见,中国远古时代最有影响的三皇五帝中就有四人在曲阜留下了踪迹。尽管这是传说,但也并不是毫无根据的。从境内保存下来的20余处大汶口文化和龙山文化遗址中仍可见到我们的祖先征服自然的遗迹。 “曲阜”一名最早见于《礼记》。东汉应劭解释说:“鲁城东有阜,委曲长七八里,故名曲阜。”商代前期,曲阜名奄,是商王朝的重要属国的。周代自“封周公于曲阜”800余年,曲阜为鲁国都城,是当时我国一个重要的政治、经济、文化中心。春秋时期,孔子首创私人讲学之风,“弟子三千,贤者七十有二”遍及全国各地,又成了当时的教育中心的。鲁国是曲阜历史上的黄金时期,以“礼仪之邦”著称于世,故山东省现仍沿用“鲁”作为简称的。公元前 249年,楚灭鲁,置鲁县,秦代属薛郡,西汉时为鲁国都,魏晋南北朝时为鲁郡治。隋开皇十六年(596年),首定曲阜为县名。宋代改称仙源县,金代恢复曲阜县名至今。1986年撤县制,始称曲阜市。现面积为890平方公里,人口60余万。 悠久的历史,灿烂的文化,给曲阜留下了大量的文物古迹,主要的有110余处,其中孔庙、孔府、孔林及鲁国故城遗址被列为全国首批公布的重点文物保护单位,另有11处列为全省重要文物保护单位。“三孔”还于1994年被联合国列为世界文化遗产。


三孔导游词 篇18



  孔府:也称“衍圣公府”,是孔子嫡系长孙历代衍圣公的官衙住宅。孔子后代赐爵始于公元前195年(汉高祖十二年),随着历代帝王对孔子后代赐封的不断升高,孔府的建筑规模也不断扩大,宋仁宗宝元元年(公元1038年) 开始扩建孔府,明嘉靖年间又改建,奠定了今天的规模,成为我国仅次于北京故宫的贵族府第,号称“天下第一家”。孔府占地16万平方米,有楼轩厅堂463间,院落九进,布局分东、西、中三路:东路为家祠所在地,报本堂、桃庙等;西路为衍圣公读书、学诗学礼、燕居吟咏和会客之所,忠恕堂、安怀堂,南北花厅为招待一般来宾的客室;中路是孔府的主体部分,前为官衙,设三堂六厅,后为内宅,最后是花园。孔府内存大批历史文物,最著名的是“商周十器”, 亦称“十供”,形制古雅,纹饰精美,原为宫廷所藏青铜礼器,清于乾隆三十六年赏赐孔府。还存有金石、陶瓷、竹木、牙雕、玉雕、珍珠、玛瑙、珊瑚以及元、明、清各代各式衣冠剑履、袍笏器皿,另有历代名人字画,其中元代七梁冠为国内仅存。孔府是我国封建社会中典型的官衙与内宅合一的贵族府邸。


三孔导游词 篇19
























  孔庙的东侧是孔府,是圣人孔子嫡长孙世袭的府第。始建于宋代,经历代不断扩建,形成现在的规模。占地200余亩,有房舍480余间。官衙和住宅建在一起,是一座典型的封建贵族庄园,衙 署大堂用于接受皇帝颁发的圣旨,或处理家族内事务。孔府后院有一座花园,幽雅清新,布局别具匠心,可称园林佳作,也是园宅结合的范例。孔府藏有大量的历史档案、传世文物,历代服饰和用具等,都及其珍贵。


  孔林又称至圣林,在曲阜城北门外,占地3000亩,周围砖砌林墙长达14里,是圣人孔子和他的后代子孙们的家族墓地。孔林内柏桧夹道,进入孔林要经过1200米的墓道,然后穿过石牌坊、石桥、甬道、到达圣人孔子墓前。圣人孔子的坟墓封土高6米,墓东是圣人孔子之子孔鲤和他的孙子孔伋 的坟墓。在孔林中,有的墓前还存有石雕的华表、石人、石兽。这些都是依照墓中人当时被封爵位的品级设置的,整个孔林延用2520xx年,内有坟冢 十余万座。其延续时间之久,模葬之多,保存之完好,举世罕见。

三孔导游词 篇20

  Hello, ladies and gentlemen. My name is __X. Today, I will take you tovisit the "three Confucius": Confucius' mansion, Confucius' temple andConfucius' forest. Confucius has a famous saying: "it's a pleasure to havefriends from afar." I'm very happy to be a tour guide. I will try my best toserve you. Please criticize and correct the shortcomings. Before visitingSankong, please allow me to introduce Qufu. Qufu is located at the junction ofLuzhong district and southwest plain of Shandong Province. Li Bai, a great poet,once described Qufu as "laughing and boasting of old friends, pointing to adesperate situation, with mountains and waters as green as orchids".

  Now let's visit the Confucius Temple. Confucius Temple, located in thecenter of Qufu City, is a charming building built by ancient people for thegreat thought and broad spiritual quality of Confucius. It covers an area of327.5 mu, with a length of 1 km from north to south. There are 466 buildings and54 gateways. In addition, there are more than 1700 ancient trees in the temple,one by one rushing into the sky. It is said that anyone who dares to cut downone will be beheaded. Every tree, every door's name contains Confucius' thoughtof "benevolence".

  The Confucius Mansion is adjacent to the Confucius Temple. It is theresidence of the eldest son of Confucius. It has three roads and ninecourtyards. There are 463 buildings and a back garden, covering an area of 240mu. Confucius Mansion, also known as "Yansheng mansion". "Yan Sheng" means that"Sheng Dao" and "Sheng Yi" can propagate and continue to enter the gate ofConfucius' mansion. From then on, Confucius' mansion can be divided into threeroads: the East Road has Yiguan hall, muen hall, Confucius' family temple, etc.;the west road is the place where Confucius' mansion received distinguishedguests and studied, including red calyx hall, Zhongshu hall, Anhuai hall, flowerhall, etc; The middle road is the main building of Confucius' mansion, the firsthalf of which is the government office, and the second half is the innerhouse.

  Kong Lin is a special cemetery for Confucius family, and also the longestdelayed and largest family cemetery in the world. It covers an area of more than3000 mu. The surrounding walls are 3 meters high, 1.5 meters thick and 14.5 Lilong. There are more than 100000 trees and hundreds of plants in the forest.Among the trees, there are many steles and statues, which are very spectacular.Now free activity for 3 hours, you can visit the "three holes" by yourself, youcan also play games, picnics and other activities, but you must ensure health.This is the end of the visit to "three holes"!

三孔导游词 篇21


  接着,我们来到了孔庙,这是天下第一家庙。有高大的牌坊,红墙黄瓦,雕梁画栋的房屋就和皇宫一样。最大的房子是大成殿,有故宫的太和殿那样大,房子前面有十根石头柱子,上面雕有盘龙花纹,非常壮观。孔庙有十三座高大的亭子,里面有很多皇帝的题词。庙里还有一个有趣的现象,一个屋顶的角伸到了对面亭子的两个角当中去了,导游说这叫做"勾心斗角",是成语的来源哟! 孔府里有道门,在有大事时才开,平时绕道而行,外堂是办公地方,内堂是住宿的地方,后面有座花园,是平时游玩的地方。

三孔导游词 篇22

  In the southwest of Shandong Province, there is a county-level city withone fifth of the population surnamed Kong. It is Qufu, which has a long historyof more than 5000 years.

  The reason why Qufu is famous all over the world is closely related to thename of Confucius. Confucius is one of the greatest philosophers in the worldand the founder of Chinese Confucianism. In the long history of more than 20__years, Confucian culture has gradually become the orthodox culture of China, andhas influenced the countries in East and Southeast Asia, and has become thecornerstone of the whole oriental culture.

  Qufu's Confucius Mansion, Confucius Temple and Confucius forest,collectively referred to as "three Confucius", is a symbol of China's history ofcommemorating Confucius and advocating Confucianism. It is famous for its richcultural heritage, long history, grand scale, rich cultural relics collectionand scientific and artistic value. Because of its prominent position in Chinesehistory and oriental culture, it is listed as a world cultural heritage byUNESCO and honored as one of the three holy cities in the world.

三孔导游词 篇23

  Before I came to Qufu, many of my friends may have known a lot about Qufuand Confucius, but some of them didn't know much about them. Now, before I enterthe scenic spots, I'd like to briefly introduce Qufu and Confucius.

  Qufu is located in the southwest of Shandong Province, China. There are620000 people in Qufu, including an urban population of 100000 and an area of890 square kilometers. The word "Qufu" first appeared in Erya. Ying Shaoexplained in the Eastern Han Dynasty that there was a Fu in the city of Lu, andWeiqu was seven or eight Li long, so it was named "Qufu". In 1012, the fifthyear of dazhongxiangfu, Emperor Zhenzong of the Song Dynasty, in order tocommemorate the birth of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, the ancestor of the Chinesenation, in Qufu, he once changed his name to Xianyuan county. In 1129, EmperorTaizong of the Jin Dynasty renamed Qufu, which is still in use today. Qufu is asmall city. However, Qufu is also an ancient city with 5000 years ofcivilization and culture. In this sacred and ancient land, there are four peopleleft traces of the three emperors and five emperors in ancient Chinese legend.According to historical records, Emperor Century and other historical records,"the Yellow Emperor was born in Shouqiu", "SHAOHAO ascended the throne from thepoor sang, called Qufu as the capital, and was buried in Yunyang mountain". Now,eight miles east of Qufu, there is still a pyramid tomb, SHAOHAO mausoleum.There is a Chinese saying that "people go to the top, water flows to thebottom". Can we understand that our ancestors of the Chinese nation migratedfrom here, from the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River to the CentralPlains, to the Loess Plateau, while our mother's rivers, the Yellow River andthe Yangtze River, galloped down from the Loess Plateau, and finally flowed intothe sea In fact, most of the sages in Jiangbei came from Qufu. In the feudaltimes of China, there were six saints granted by the emperor. They wereConfucius, Mencius, fushengyanzi, shushengzisi, zongshengzengzi andyuanshengzhougong. The first four were born in Qufu. The last two were disciplesof Confucius and fiefdoms in Qufu. Zhougong was the king of the state of Lu for33 generations, and Shandong has been called Lu since then. Now there are manycultural relics in Qufu, including 4 national cultural relics, 11 provincialrelics and more than 100 municipal relics. In 1982, Qufu was announced by theState Council as one of the first batch of 24 historical and cultural cities inChina. In 1994, Qufu's "three Confucius" was officially listed as a worldcultural heritage by the United Nations. Because of its important contributionto Oriental culture, many people call Qufu one of the three holy cities in theworld: "Oriental Mecca". Here, you have to ponder, but also can not helpfeeling, because here is deeply rooted in the Chinese nation, deeply rooted intraditional Chinese culture.

  Dear friends, in China, in the East, a land with a history of 5000 years ofcivilization, you may not understand the inscriptions on bronzes, or what thehuman head and animal body represent or symbolize. However, when you walk intothe life of the Chinese people and walk on the ancient land where the Chinesenation thrives and works to create, you can feel and touch the Confucian culturein the daily life of the Chinese people, and then you can experience thedifferences between the Chinese people and other nationalities in their way oflife, customs and ideals. No matter from which angle or level you explore thepersonality and character of the Chinese nation, it is not difficult to find thegene of Confucian culture. In the long process of historical evolution,Confucian culture has almost become the synonym of Chinese traditional culture.The founder of Confucian culture is Confucius.

  Confucius was born in 551 B.C. and died in 479 B.C. at the age of 73. WhenConfucius was 3 years old, his father uncle Liang he died. When he was 16 yearsold, his mother Yan Zheng died. Young Confucius became an orphan and began hislife of making a living, studying and struggling alone in a hierarchical feudalsociety.

  As a young man, Confucius studied hard and asked questions frequently. Inhis youth, he mastered the six arts of etiquette, music, archery, imperial,calligraphy and mathematics, and then mastered the six classics of poetry,calligraphy, etiquette, music, changes and spring and autumn, which laid thefoundation for the establishment of Confucian culture.

  At the age of 30, Confucius set up a school to teach students, and began along education career. He was the first to give private lectures in China, toface the public, and to advocate "education without discrimination". He becamethe first great educator in China and the world.

  When Confucius was 51 years old, he became a magistrate of Zhongdu county.Later, he worked as a prime minister in Lu. However, not long after that, heresigned and left the state of Lu to begin his 14 year tour of othercountries.

  When Confucius returned to the state of Lu at the age of 68, he devotedalmost all his energy to teaching and literature collation until his death.Confucius's life is a life of wandering and suffering, a life of hard work andencouragement, a life of spring breeze and rain, a life of cultivating talents,a life of writing books and writing stories, and a life of saving the world.Today, although his body has gone up in smoke and ashes, his thoughts havepenetrated into the hearts of every Oriental. He has cast the personality andcharacter of the Chinese nation. With the development of history and socialprogress, Confucius will also guide mankind to stride into the 21st century.

  There are many cultural relics and tourist attractions in Qufu, most ofwhich are related to Confucius and Confucius culture. Now we are located in theSouth Gate of the ancient city of qufuming. To the north of the gate is theConfucius Temple, which is known as one of the three ancient buildings in China.There are four characters "Wanren palace wall" above the gate. Ren is an ancientunit of length, one Ren is about 8 feet. It is said that some people praisedConfucius disciple Zigong for his knowledge. After hearing that, Zigong said,"human knowledge is like a palace wall. My knowledge is only as high as the topof the wall. People can see everything in the wall when they see it. ButConfucius, my teacher, has several walls. If you don't find other doors, youcan't see the beauty of the temple and the variety of houses inside the wall.".In order to express their admiration for Confucius, Hu zuanzong in Ming Dynastywrote "Wanren palace wall" on the city gate. In order to show his worship forConfucius, Emperor Qianlong in Qing Dynasty took down the stele and replaced itwith "Wanren palace wall". This is the origin of "Wanren palace wall".

  Confucius Temple is a temple built by later generations to offer sacrificesto Confucius. It was built in the second year after Confucius died. With an areaof 327.5 mu, it imitates the Imperial Palace system. It is divided into ninecourtyards and arranged symmetrically on the left and right. The whole buildingcomplex has 466 rooms, including five halls, one Pavilion, one altar, twoverandas, two halls, 17 stele pavilions and 54 gate squares, with a length ofabout 1 km from north to south. Confucius Temple is the only isolated example inthe history of architecture in the world, which is magnificent, large in area,long in history and well preserved.

  Outside the east wall of the gate of Confucius Temple, there is a tabletsaying "officials and people wait to dismount here". In the past, any officialwho came here, military officials would dismount and civil officials woulddismount to show respect for Confucius.

  The first stone square of Confucius Temple is called "Jin Sheng Yu Zhensquare". Mencius once had such a comment on Confucius, he said: "Confucius iscalled jidacheng, jidacheng, Jinsheng and yuzhenzhi.". "Jin Sheng, Yu Zhen"refers to the whole process of playing music, which starts with striking thebell and ends with striking the rock. It refers to the great achievement ofConfucius' thought of gathering ancient sages and sages. On the lotus throneabove the stone square, there is a unicorn monster called "ward off evilspirits" or "roar from the sky". This is the only ornament that can be used inthe Royal Palace of feudal society.

  The first gate of Confucius Temple is called "Lingxing gate". "Latticestar" is also known as Tiantian star. The ancients worshipped heaven first."Lingxingmen" was written by Qianlong. "Taihe Yuanqi" square is similar to"Jinsheng Yuzhen" square. The inscription is written by Zeng Mian, governor ofShandong Province in Ming Dynasty, praising Confucius thought as heaven andearth produce all things. There is a waist gate in the East and west of thecourtyard, and it is written in the East that "demou is as big as heaven andearth, and his theory is the best in ancient and modern times.". This gate iscalled "Shengshi gate". From here, we can feel profound and profound. The word"holy time" is taken from the sentence "Confucius, the sage of the time" inMencius, which means that among the sages, Confucius is the most suitable onefor the times.

  When you cross the Shengshi gate, you will face the small stone bridge,which is called Bishui bridge. There are two gates on both sides of the bridgeto the south. The east gate is called "quick view gate", which means to seefirst. The west gate is called "Yanggao gate", which praises Confucius' profoundknowledge. When we enter the gate, we call it "Hongdao gate". These three wordsare taken from the sentence "people can promote Taoism" in the Analects ofConfucius. Weixing Gong, in order to praise Confucius for expounding the "Tao"of Yao, Shun, Tang and Wenwu. This gate is also the gate of Confucius Temple in1377. Then there is "dazhongmen". Dazhongmen is the gate of Confucius Temple inSong Dynasty. Its original name is "gonghemen". Its meaning is related toConfucius' doctrine of the mean. Looking south from this gate, we can see thehistorical evolution of Confucius Temple on the one hand, and the continuousexpansion of Confucius temple on the other. These buildings include Qing Dynastybuildings, Ming Dynasty buildings and Song Dynasty buildings. They were built indifferent times The craftsmen are different, but they all cooperate with eachother and complement each other to form a whole. Looking at the Confucius templearchitecture, we can see part of the development history of Chinese feudalsociety.

  This monument was erected in 1468, the fourth year of Chenghua in MingDynasty, so it is also called "Chenghua monument". It was erected by ZhuJianshen, Emperor Xianzong of Ming Dynasty. The monument is 6 meters high and 2meters wide. This tablet is famous for its exquisite calligraphy, and itsinscription is written in the form of argumentation, which can be said to be themost highly respected of Confucius. Please look at the upper right corner. Itsays: "only the way of Confucius can not be absent in one day when there is aworld." it also says: "the way of Confucius is in the world, like cloth, silk,millet and Shu, and people's daily use can not be absent.". The animal under themonument is not a tortoise. It's called _ 屭. It's the son of the dragon. It canbear heavy loads, so it's used to carry the monument. There's a saying that "adragon has nine sons, but not a dragon". In the Confucius Temple, you can seethe dragon and his nine sons. Local people often come here to touch _ 屭. Theysay: "touch _ 屭's head, never worry, touch _ 屭, never get sick.".

  The wooden structure in front of us is called "Kuiwen Pavilion", which usedto be the library of Confucius Temple. "Kuixing" is one of the twenty-eightconstellations, with sixteen stars, "buckled and hooked, like a painting ofwords". Later, people evolved it into the head of civil servants. The feudalemperors compared Confucius to the Kuixing star in the sky, so Confucius wasalso known as "civil servants of all ages". The pavilion is 23.35 meters high,30.1 meters wide and 17.62 meters deep, with triple cornices and four layers ofbrackets. Its structure is solid and reasonable. During the reign of EmperorKangxi, there was a big earthquake in Qufu, where "nine houses in the worldexist, one in the world exists". However, Kuiwen Pavilion stands upright andsafe, which shows the wisdom and superb architectural art of the ancient workingpeople in China.

  We are now entering the sixth courtyard of the Confucius Temple. In frontof you are 13 stele pavilions, 8 in the South and 5 in the north. There are 55stone tablets of Tang, song, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties in the pavilion. Mostof the inscriptions are in Chinese, Ba Si Ba and Manchu. The stone tablet in themiddle of this row, weighing about 65 tons, was collected from Xishan Mountainin Beijing. At that time, it was a miracle to transport such a weight stonetablet from thousands of miles away to Qufu. There is one gate in the East andone gate in the west of the courtyard, which is the third waist gate of theConfucius Temple.

  Now we enter dachengmen. Dachengmen refers to dachengmen in the world.There are five gates in this row. The most western gate is qishengmen, which isdedicated to Confucius' parents. Dachengmen in the middle road is supplementedby jinshengmen and yuzhenmen. The middle road is the most central place ofConfucius Temple, and chengshengmen in the East, which was Confucius' formerresidence.

  As we all know, Confucius is a great thinker, educator and statesman. Inour opinion, Confucius is first of all an educator. He is the first teacher inChina. The feudal emperor named him "the most sage and the first teacher" and"the model of all ages". It should be said that he is a teacher of all mankindand is worthy of the name of "engineer of human soul". The "apricot altar" infront of us is said to be the place where Confucius set up the altar to givelectures, and the pavilion was built in the Jin Dynasty to commemorate it. Thefamous scholar Dang huaiying wrote the word "apricot altar". There is an apricottree beside the altar, planted by later generations. In early spring, redflowers bloom and green leaves sway. Therefore, when Emperor Qianlong came topay homage, he once wrote a poem praising it. The poem said: when the rice wasin full bloom again, how could it be that there were many flowers in the world,and the civilization was prosperous all the time.

  The main hall standing in front of us is the world-famous "Dacheng hall".It is one of the "three main halls" in China. It is as famous as the "Taihehall" in the Forbidden City of Beijing and the "Tianfu hall" in the Dai Templeof Mount Tai. The hall is 24.8 meters high, 45.78 meters wide and 24.8 metersdeep, with carved beams and painted buildings. The golden wall is brilliant,especially the 28 stone pillars around it. They are all world culturaltreasures. They are all carved with whole stones. The front 10 are deep reliefs,with two dragons playing with pearls on each pillar. They are coiled and rising,lifelike, powerful and varied. In the past, when the emperor came, he wrappedthe pillar in yellow cloth. If they see it, they will be ashamed. There are 72dragons in each column, a total of 1296. In the Dacheng hall, there are fourstatues of Confucius on both sides. The East and West are Fusheng Yanhui,Shusheng Kongji, and the west is Zongsheng Zengshen and Yasheng Mencius. Another12. Every year, on September 26 and 28, we hold a grand international ConfuciusCulture Festival and a ceremony to commemorate the birth of Confucius, performlarge-scale music and dance for Confucius and "Xiao Shao music and dance", andhold a variety of cultural and tourism activities. Welcome to our time.

三孔导游词 篇24


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三孔导游词 篇25

  Ladies and gentlemen!

  Hello everyone! My name is Yiming. I'm your guide. Today, I will take youto visit the "three Confucius": Confucius' mansion, Confucius' temple andConfucius' forest.

  Sage Confucius has a famous saying: "it's a pleasure to have friends fromafar." I'm very happy to be a tour guide. I will try my best to serve you.Please criticize and correct the shortcomings.

  Before visiting Sankong, please allow me to introduce Qufu. Qufu is locatedat the junction of Luzhong district and southwest plain of Shandong Province. LiBai, a great poet, once described Qufu as "laughing and boasting of old friends,pointing to a desperate situation, with mountains and waters as green asorchids". Now let's visit the Confucius Temple. Confucius Temple is located inthe center of Qufu City. It is a charming building built by ancient people forthe great thought and broad spiritual quality of Confucius. It covers an area of327.5 mu, with a length of 1 km from north to south. There are 466 buildings and54 gateways. In addition, there are more than 1700 ancient trees in the temple,one by one rushing into the sky. It is said that anyone who dares to cut downone will be beheaded. Every tree, every door's name contains the thought ofConfucius' benevolence.

  The Confucius Mansion is adjacent to the Confucius Temple. It is theresidence of the eldest son of the sage Confucius. It has three roads and ninecourtyards. It has 463 buildings and a back garden, covering an area of 240 mu.Confucius Mansion, also known as "Yansheng mansion". "Yan Sheng" means that"Sheng Dao" and "Sheng Yi" can reproduce and continue,

  After entering the gate of Confucius' mansion, there are three roads to theback of Confucius' mansion. On the East Road, there are Yiguan hall, muen hall,Confucius' family temple, etc.; on the West Road, there are red calyx hall,Zhongshu hall, Anhuai hall, flower hall, etc.; on the Middle Road, there are themain buildings of Confucius' mansion, the first half of which is the governmentoffice, and the second half is the inner house.

  Konglin is a special cemetery for the family of Confucius, the oldest andlargest family cemetery in the world. It covers an area of more than 3000 mu.The surrounding walls are 3 meters high, 1.5 meters thick and 14.5 Li long.There are more than 100000 trees and hundreds of plants in the forest. Among thetrees, there are many steles and statues, which are very spectacular.

  Now free activity for 3 hours, you can visit the "three holes" by yourself,you can also play games, picnics and other activities, but you must ensurehealth.

  This is the end of the visit to "three holes".

三孔导游词 篇26

  Shandong, one of the birthplaces of ancient Chinese culture, is a greatland with not only famous mountains and rivers, but also splendid civilizationin the long history of civilization. There are numerous places of interest andscenic spots in Shandong.

  Dear tourists, ladies and gentlemen, you have worked hard all the way.Welcome to the Confucius Temple.

  Dear tourist friends, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Qufu, Confucius'hometown, and thank you for choosing me as your guide. I'm Zhang, a tour guideof __ travel agency in Qufu. You can call me Xiao Zhang or Zhang Dao. Confuciushas a famous saying: "it's a pleasure to have friends from afar." Now let mefeel happy to meet new friends and provide you with tour guide service.

  Confucius Temple is a ritual temple for Confucius. Confucius is a famousthinker and educator at the end of the spring and Autumn Period in China, and isrespected as the founder of the Confucian school. According to records,Confucius was born on the top of the polder, like the shape of Niqiu mountain,so because of the name Qiu, the word Zhongni.

  In his life of hard exploration of social practice, Confucius deeplyunderstood and understood the society at that time, gradually established thebasic system of Confucianism, and became a famous political theorist, educatorand thinker at that time. The Confucianism he founded has a great influence inthe history of China and even the world. In the second year after Confucius died(478 BC), Duke AI of Lu changed the hall where Confucius lived to "longevityhall". There were three houses, which displayed "clothes, crowns, Qin, Che, Shu"used by Confucius, and "because they thought they were temples, they wereworshipped when they were old", that is, they offered sacrifices on time everyyear. Although Confucius was a well-known academic master at that time,Confucianism was only a school, and Confucius was not in a high position, so theoriginal Confucius Temple was only the former residence of Confucius. After theHan Dynasty, the status of Confucius and Confucianism gradually improved.

  According to records, from 220 A.D. to the time before liberation, theConfucius Temple was rebuilt and expanded for more than 70 times. After morethan 20__ years of reconstruction and expansion, the Confucius Temple in Qufuformed a large-scale ancient architectural complex. It covers an area of about140000 square meters, including 466 halls, pavilions, 54 gates and 17 stelepavilions. With its large scale, the Palace Museum and Chengde Mountain Resortare known as the three major ancient architectural complexes in China.

  The overall layout of Confucius Temple is a long-term development ofConfucius' former residence, which has a history of more than 2400 years. Thearchitectural effect pursued by the development of Confucius Temple is achievedthrough the environment created by the whole building complex to set off thegreat achievements of Confucius and the profound and extensive of Confucianismand Taoism. Therefore, the artistic expression of Confucius temple architectureis firstly the integrity of its overall layout and architectural sequence;secondly, the treatment of its individual buildings and the pattern of eachcourtyard, and each hall, hall, building, door and pavilion fully shows theirrespective important role; The third is the subtle aspects of individualarchitecture, which fully reflects the unparalleled artistic achievements ofChinese ancient architects in design and construction. In the aspect of overallarchitecture, Confucius Temple adopts the ancient traditional palace stylearchitecture. However, it has been rebuilt and expanded for many times inhistory. When it is rebuilt and expanded, it is bound to be limited by theshape, scale and other factors of the previous Confucian temple. However, thearchitectural group of the Confucian temple finally successfully utilized theheritage of the previous generation, which not only reflects the continuation ofthe historical heritage, but also maintains its overall integrity. This uniquearchitectural form is caused by many factors. First of all, the Confucius Templeis an extension of the former residence of Confucius, which preserves manyhistorical sites related to Confucius, such as the old house well, poetry hall,Lubi, Jinsi hall, and the apricot altar built to commemorate Confucius'lectures; second, the Royal ancestral temple factors, such as the halberdsystem, the front hall and the back bedroom system; third, the palace factors,such as the five gate system of the emperor, the turret system of the RoyalCity, the East and West Huamen, etc; The fourth is the factors of clan andfamily temples, such as Qisheng temple, Chongsheng temple, family temple, etc.;the fifth is the factors of sacrifice. In addition to Confucius, Sipei andtwelve philosophers, there are also sages, Confucians and ancestors, with atotal number of more than 200 people. In order to accommodate a large number ofworshippers, it is necessary to set up veranda, thus forming veranda courtyard.In addition to the above factors, it also highlights the sage status ofConfucius and the sanctity of Confucius and Mencius, such as panchi, Bishui,memorial archway and so on, and symbolizes Confucius' great academicachievements with the book building. Confucius Temple has successfully used thetraditional combination of courtyard and environment, and achieved the purposeof rendering Confucius' outstanding contribution in academic and education andhis lofty position in ancient society. It is a unique architectural form inancient Chinese architectural complex.

  There are more than 1200 ancient trees in the Confucius Temple, whichreflect each other with the magnificent buildings. Especially in summer,thousands of egrets live on the ancient trees, forming another unique landscapeof the Confucius Temple. Egrets have been designated as city birds by QufuCity.

  Wanren palace wall

  Jin Sheng Yu Zhen Fang

  Jinshengyuzhen square was built in 1538, the 17th year of Jiajing reign ofMing Dynasty. The four characters of "jinshengyuzhen" are written by Huzuanzong, a scholar of Ming Dynasty. On the square, there is a light carvedcloud dragon playing with pearls. On the top of each column, there is a roundcarving "ward off evil spirits", commonly known as "chaotianhou". Behind thesquare, there is a single hole stone bridge, on which there is a dragon, named"Panshui bridge". Under the bridge, the upstream of panshuiyuan is connectedwith gupanchi, and the downstream flows through the South Gate of Ming CityXishuimen enters the moat. The bridge was built in the 16th year of the reign ofEmperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty (1677 AD).

  The four characters of "Jin Sheng Yu Zhen" come from "Mencius · Wan ZhangXia", Mencius said: "Confucius is called jidacheng. He who has achieved greatsuccess has a golden voice and a jade. The first is the sound of gold, and thelast is the sound of jade. " It means that Confucius is a master of sages andsages. The original meaning of "Jin Sheng" refers to the sound of "Zhong", anancient musical instrument in China. The original meaning of "Yu Zhen" refers tothe sound of "Qing", an ancient musical instrument in China. Mencius comparesConfucius' thought to a perfect music. Here, to borrow Mencius' meaning, itmeans that Confucius' thought is perfect and integrates the achievements ofancient sages to reach the top.

  Lattice star gate

  Lingxing gate was built in the 13th year of Yongle (AD 1415) of MingDynasty. It was originally made of wood. In the 19th year of Qianlong (AD 1754)of Qing Dynasty, it was replaced by stone pillars and iron beams when KongZhaohuan rebuilt the Confucius Temple. On the top of the four pillars are thefour generals, and on the middle beam are the fire pearls, which symbolizes thatthe gate is guarded by the generals and becomes a towering gate.

  Lingxing, namely Tiantian star, was first seen in the historical data ofthe Han Emperor Gaozu's order to worship Lingxing. The ancients believed thatLingxing was a star that "the LORD was honored by the scholars" and wasspecially in charge of officials. In the sixth year of emperor Renzong of SongDynasty (A.D. 1028), a Lingxing gate was built on the outer wall of theplatform, which was like a window lattice. There is a gate in the ConfuciusTemple, which means to worship Confucius as heaven. This can be seen in therecords of JINGDING Jiankang and Jinling Xinzhi of Song Dynasty. In addition,there is a inscription in the Confucius Temple: the Lingxing gate is set up to"dredge it to accommodate the corporal". Wherever there is a Lingxing gate, itsdoor leaf must be made of lattice structure, so it has the meaning of dredge.The Confucius temple takes this meaning to attract scholars from all over theworld to study here.

  In feudal society, all the officials who came to Qufu to offer sacrificesto Confucius, regardless of their positions, had to get off the sedan chair anddismount the military officials to show their respect for Confucius. Thismonument was first erected in the second year of the reign of emperor Mingchangof Jin Dynasty (1191 AD), and now only one is left in the East.

  Taihe Yuanqi square

  Taihe Yuanqi square was built in the 23rd year of Jiajing in the MingDynasty (1544 A.D.), which is of stone structure. "Taihe Yuanqi" was written bythe governor of Shandong at that time.

  "Taihe" refers to the combination of heaven and earth, sun and moon, andYin and Yang. "Yuanqi" originally means the original material that forms theworld. Later, some materialists called the five elements "Yuanqi" as "gold,wood, water, fire and earth". Everything in the world is composed of fiveelements. Here, "Yuanqi" is the combination of heaven and earth, sun and moon,and Yin and Yang, which is the basis for the growth of all things. "Taihe Qi"means that Confucius thought embodies the essence and the most noble aspect ofhuman thought. It can make human thought reach a supreme position as theuniverse produces everything.

  After Yuanqi square of Taihe, there was the "Zhisheng Temple" square,formerly known as the "Xuansheng Temple" square. There was no record of itsfounding date. There was a "Xuansheng Temple" square on the temple map in the16th year of Hongzhi of Ming Dynasty (AD 1503). In 1729 ad, Xuansheng temple waschanged to Zhisheng temple. This square is white marble. "Zhi" meanssupreme.

  "Demou heaven and earth, Daoguan ancient and modern" means that Confuciuscontributed as much to mankind as heaven and earth. Confucius thought isunprecedented, and is supreme in both ancient and modern times and in thefuture.

  Holy time gate

  Shengshimen, originally the main gate of Confucius Temple, was built in the13th year of Yongle (AD 1415) of Ming Dynasty, expanded in the 12th year ofHongzhi (AD 1499), and named "shengshimen" by Emperor Shizong of Qing Dynasty inthe 8th year of Yongzheng (AD 1730). The gate is built on a high platform, andthere are reliefs on the front and rear Royal Roads respectively. It is carvedin the Ming Dynasty. "Shengshimen" was written by Emperor Gaozong of QingDynasty.

  The word "Shengshi" comes from Mencius. After comparing four ancientChinese sages, Mencius pointed out: "Boyi is the sage of Qing Dynasty; Yiyin isthe sage of Ren Dynasty; liuxiahui is the sage of harmony; Confucius is the sageof time". Yi Yin helped Tang exterminate Xia Jie, assisted Wai Bing after Tangdied, and established Tang sun Tai Jia to ascend the throne after Zhong Rendied. Because Tai Jia destroyed Tang FA, he was banished by Yi Yin. Three yearslater, Tai Jia repented and Yi Yin took him back. Mencius called Yi Yin thesage; Liu Xiahui was a senior official of the state of Lu in the spring andAutumn period. He had been demoted three times and remained in office. Whenasked why he didn't leave, he replied, "how can we go straight and serve people?Why should we go to our parents' country if we do wrong?" later, when Qiattacked Lu, he sent people to Qi to persuade him to withdraw. Without a singlesoldier, he withdrew from Qi's army, so Mencius said that he was the Holy One.By comparison, Mencius believes that Confucius is the sage of the time, the sageof the whole time, is the most suitable sage of the times, no matter in anyperiod, any dynasty, Confucius thought should become orthodox thought.

  Bishui Bridge

  When you enter the Shengshi gate, it suddenly opens. In the large squarecourtyard, there are towering ancient trees, fragrant grass, symmetrical Eastand West, each with a waist gate. The three arch bridges on the opposite sidecover the Bishui, and half cover the Hongdao gate. In addition, the stone bonsaiis decorated on it. It makes people relaxed and happy, and they are all moved.They suddenly feel that they have entered the realm of "God". Those who worshipthe saints will look up to the top, and those who watch will see it first.Connected with this situation, the east side of the waist gate is called "quickview", and the west side of the waist gate is called "Yang Gao". "Kuai Kan"means seeing first, while "Yanggao" comes from the Analects of Confucius ·Zihan. It means that Confucius' way is high and unfathomable. Looking up, thehigher you look, the higher you study Confucius' thoughts and theories. Once youenter the door, you will feel that there is no end to what you learn. These twogates were built in the 12th year of Hongzhi in Ming Dynasty (1499 AD). In thepast, only the emperor could go through the main gate for sacrifice, and mostpeople could only enter the temple through the Yanggao gate.

  In front of a water across, three bridges longitudinal span, ring water hascarved stone column, because the water "around such as Bi" named "Bi water".There is Jinshui in front of Tiananmen Gate in Beijing, where Bishui meansConfucius Temple is the same as the Imperial Palace, so the third bridge isnamed Bishui bridge. It was first built in the 13th year of Yongle (AD 1415) ofMing Dynasty. In the 12th year of Hongzhi of Ming Dynasty (AD 1499), stonerailings were added. The river body was built with a river bottom. The originalriver was built with small walls. In the 16th year of Kangxi of Qing Dynasty (AD1677), the small walls were changed into stone railings.


  Hongdaomen was built in 1377, the 10th year of Hongwu in Ming Dynasty. Itwas the main gate of Confucius Temple at that time. When the Confucius Templewas rebuilt in Hongzhi period of Ming Dynasty, it was rebuilt into five rooms.In the eighth year of Yongzheng (1730 A.D.), Emperor Yongzheng designated it as"Hongdao gate". Later, Emperor Qianlong inscribed the word "Hongdao" and erecteda plaque on the gate.

  There are two stone steles under hongdaomen. The East stele is the "historyof Qufu county" carved in Yuan Dynasty, which records the history of Qufu beforeYuan Dynasty and has high historical value. Xibei is the epitaph of Mr. ChushiWang in Yuan Dynasty, which is of great calligraphy value. The two steles wereoriginally erected in Jiuxian village in the east of Qufu City and moved to theConfucius Temple in 1964.

  Da Zhong men

  Dazhongmen is the main gate of Confucius Temple in Song Dynasty. It wasbuilt in Song Dynasty and rebuilt in 1499. The three character plaque of"dazhongmen" was written by Emperor Gaozong of Qing Dynasty.

  There are three green tile corner buildings on both sides of the Dazhonggate. The two corner buildings are built on the square high platform in theshape of a curved ruler. The rectangular outline formed by the two cornerbuildings and the East and west corner buildings behind the Confucius Temple isthe outline of the Confucius Temple in the yuan Dynasty. The main buildings inthe Confucius Temple are within this outline. The turret was built in 1331 A.D.in the second year of the Yuan Dynasty. The corner tower of Confucius Temple ismodeled on the corner tower of Imperial City, which means that Confucius Templeis as majestic as imperial palace.

  Tongwenmen was built in Song Dynasty. It was originally three rooms, andexpanded to five rooms in Chenghua period of Ming Dynasty. It was called"shentongmen" in the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, and changed totongwenmen in the seventh year of Yongzheng of the Qing Dynasty (1729 AD). Thisdoor is a single door, no wall on the left and right. In the past, intraditional Chinese palace style architecture, small buildings were often usedas barriers before the main building to show solemnity. Tongwen gate acted as abarrier for Kuiwen Pavilion. "Tongwenmen" was written by Emperor Gaozong of QingDynasty.

  Kuiwen Pavilion

  Kuiwenge, formerly known as the library, was built in the Song Dynasty withfive double eaves. In the sixth year of jinmingchang (AD 1195), it was changedinto three eaves and was named "kuiwenge". In the 17th year of Hongzhi in MingDynasty (1504 AD), it was changed into seven rooms. Emperor Qianlong of Gaozongof Qing Dynasty inscribed a plaque on the pavilion.

  Kuiwen Pavilion is 30.1 meters wide from east to west, 17.62 meters deepfrom north to south, and 23.35 meters high. It has triple cornices, four layersof brackets, and eight octagonal stone columns under the eaves. The internalstructure is a laminated wooden frame, with two layers of Pavilion and a darklayer in the middle.

  Kui, the name of the star. One of the 28 sleepers. It is said that it isthe head of the white tiger in the west, with a total of 16 stars, "buckled andhooked, like a painting of words". In the book of filial piety, it is said that"the article of Kui master", and later generations further described Kui star as"the head of civil servants". Therefore, in order to praise Confucius as a civilservant, Jin Zhangzong named the original library Kuiwen Pavilion.

  Kuiwen pavilion has experienced hundreds of years of ups and downs andhundreds of earthquakes since it was expanded in 1504. In the West Pavilion,there is a tablet recording a major earthquake in the Kangxi period of QingDynasty, "nine houses in the world, one in the world". That is to say, 90% ofthe houses collapsed and Kuiwen pavilion was safe and sound. By the early 1980s,Kuiwen Pavilion had been in disrepair for many years. Some of the wood wasrotten and the top of the pavilion was twisted. Under the leadership of theState Administration of cultural relics, experts on ancient buildings wereorganized to work out a restoration plan. More than 1.2 million yuan wasallocated to renovate Kuiwen Pavilion one year ahead of the original schedule.The renovated Kuiwen pavilion has completely maintained its originalspecifications and style.

  There are two stone tablets in the East and west of kuiwenge corridor.Kuiwenge Fu in the East is written by Li Dongyang, a famous poet in MingDynasty, and Qiao Zong, a famous calligrapher. In the west is kuiwenge resetbooks record, which records that in 1511, Liu Liu and Liu Qi led the peasantuprising army to capture Qufu and occupy the Confucius Temple. After they burnedkuiwenge's books, the emperor ordered the Ministry of rites to issue imperialbooks. In the late Qing Dynasty, the collection of books in Kuiwen pavilion wasmoved to Confucius' residence for preservation.

  Kuiwen Pavilion is now on display with the pictures of Confucius' holyrelics

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