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英语道歉信范文2023 篇1









  Directions: You were unable to attend Mr. Smith’s examination on International Business English Writing because you got sick that morning. Write a letter to express the reasons for not being able to attend it and apologize.

  Write the letter with no less than 100 words. Do not sign your own name at end of the letter. Use “Wang Hua” instead. Do not write the address.

  Dear Mr. Smith,

  I am indeed very sorry that I missed the examination on International Business English Writing you gave last Friday. I feel awful about it and want you to know what happened that day.

  I suddenly fell sick early that morning and my parents had to send me to the hospital. Please find enclosed a copy of the medical bill.

  I sincerely hope you can understand my situation and accept my apology. I would appreciate your allowing me to take a make-up examination. I will come to your office during your office hour on Monday to discuss this possibility with you. Once again, I apologize for any inconvenience caused.

  Sincerely yours,

  Wang Hua


  1、I am writing to apologize for ? /I am writing to say sorry for我写这封信是因向你致歉。

  2、I would like to give you my apology for?


  3、Please accept my sincere apology for?


  4、I am indeed very sorry for what I said/did, but believe I had noIntention to?


  5、Please forgive me for a stupid choice of words.


  6、I feel awfully sorry about it and want you to know what happened.为此我感到非常内疚,所以想告诉你实情。

  7、Please accept my apologies for my oversight.


  8、Please allow me to say sorry again.


  9、I sincerely hope you can understand my situation/think in my position and accept my apologies.


  10、Once again, I’m sorry for any inconvenience caused/you have sustained.对于造成的不便我再次表示歉意。

英语道歉信范文2023 篇2

  Because of losing a borrowed book

  Dear Frank:

  I am terribly sorry to tell you that I have lost the valuable book you were so kind to lend me last week. I read it everyday and intended to finish it next month. Last night when I came to my room, it was nowhere to be found. I will try to recover it as soon as possible. If I fail to find it, I will get a new book for you. But I am afraid it can never take the place of the old one. Old books are like old friends. Once lost, they can never be replaced. They are connected with cherished associations which the new ones can never have. And for this irrecoverable loss, I am to blame. I was so careless with my things. This is a warning to me to be more careful in the future.

  Yours truly,


英语道歉信范文2023 篇3

  Dear ______,

  I am writing this letter to apologize to you for my failing to .

  The reason is that ______ . I am sorry that I cannot finish in time, but is it possible that I make up the loss by ? If so, I will put everything else aside to .

  I do hope that you can understand my situation and accept my apology.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Ming

英语道歉信范文2023 篇4

  Dear bob,

  im writing to apologize for having forgotten to return the "the beatles" cd to you when i left canada,i was in such a hurry that i packed everything in my luggage without checking carefully.had i paid more attention then,i wouldnt have made such a stupid mistake.

  now something must be done to solve the problem because i understand you cherish the cd enormously.i can either send it to you by express mail or alternatively compensate you at a reasonable price.if you do not mind,i may bring it back to you next time i go to canada.

  please let me know which solution you prefer at your earliest convenience.i really hope you will accept my sincere apology.

  faithfully yours,

  li ming

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